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The reason they have no Crossfire support or OpenGL support is because they are not final drivers, they just happen to work on Windows Vista. If you Go to the AMD/ATI site and navigate through the links and read them, you would have seen "Catalyst Beta Driver for Windows Vista RTM" as the link you get before choosing the 32bit or 64bit version, which means these are incomplete drivers! Probably be another month or so at least before we see drivers that are near final quality.

With the default Windows drivers, I could set my external monitor as my primary monitor (with my taskbar on the external monitor), and when I unplugged my external monitor, the display would automatically set my laptop screen to primary. If I plugged in the external, the external would once again take over, and even the position of my monitors was saved.

With these new drivers, the screen will go black when I try to do that, and I have to restart to get it working again. =[ Does anyone know a way around this?

The reason they have no Crossfire support or OpenGL support is because they are not final drivers, they just happen to work on Windows Vista. If you Go to the AMD/ATI site and navigate through the links and read them, you would have seen "Catalyst Beta Driver for Windows Vista RTM" as the link you get before choosing the 32bit or 64bit version, which means these are incomplete drivers! Probably be another month or so at least before we see drivers that are near final quality.

Vista does not support Crossfire or SLI. These are ATI's final drivers for Vista, there are absolutely no driver subsystem changes between RC2 & RTM.

Vista does not support Crossfire or SLI. These are ATI's final drivers for Vista, there are absolutely no driver subsystem changes between RC2 & RTM.

They are not their final drivers, they are still beta.

What do you do if a game wants to install directX9? do you cancel it? do you install it? some of them require it and don't see DirectX10 as a viable option, they just request X9.

The ATI driver for RC2 still gives me weird artifacts in games, generally scrambled screens in games (including the windows games like solitaire) Why do they call it RTM? it is obviously an RC2 driver, not RTM, I mean, are we still understanding RTM to mean release to Market? or has it change? If I buy a Vista PC with an ATI card and this shite of a driver comes with it...what a ripoff!

I am really thinking of going Nvidia... :cry:

I hope they someday offer Drivers/software for the All-in-Wonder series, so that i can use my ATI 9800 pro as a Tv tuner/pvr. I'm not gonna download the RTM drivers cuz i'm only on build 5728. I couldnt get RC2 in time, i was not near a computer :(

my screen goes black at the log-in screen.. when i enter my password (invisibly) my desktop shows up with a message that the R300 Driver has stopped working.. so, me is going back to the original rc2 drivers.

btw: i have an ati x1300 mobility

Same here on my x1600 mobility (though it took a few days for this to start happening). If I go to sleep and then wake the computer up on the bootscreen, it works fine.

But yeah, I'm back to the built-in drivers.

These work fine for me :cool: (Vista RC2 x64)

Good job for a beta driver.

To those who complain about Ati being late: not so, most others don't even have Vista drivers out yet (e.g. Logitech), and nVidia's beta drivers are just a bad joke. (I was stupid enough to get a nForce mobo, and the driver support for it sucks badly, already before Vista :x)

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