What do you think of EB Games/Gamestop?

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I stopped buying from them because I got tired of paying full price for opened games. It doesn't matter if the game was removed from the box and placed in a CD envelope because the CD is scratched when I get it either way. If I buy it and scratch it, they sure as hell aren't going to pay me full price for it. At one point, I started asking for sealed copies and they treated me like I was overly picky or something. Anyway, got tired of it. Used to preorder games all the time till I figured out that CC and BB usually had plenty to go around on release day. The amount of money being asked for used games vs what was paid was ridiculous as well.

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I always use EBGames when Im buying a new game - they are usually the ones with releaseparties and the first to get the games.

What I hate is their website in my country - EBGames Denmark

Basically what it says is; We're working hard to get the new site up - so return soon again

but it has been like that for over 2 years now! nothing has changed :s

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Hey, everybody. I work at EB Games (just on the retail level), and am thinking about drafting a letter to the higher-ups to voice some complaints I have about how the company is run.

I enjoy selling games to people, but I know that EB Games/Gamestop does not have a good reputation online. I want to know what sorts of things bug you about the chain, and what sorts of things you'd like to see happen in the store.

Although I believe that there are a number of problems with the way things work on the floor level, I think the worst has got to be the focus on numbers rather than customer service. I want to see what I can do to make people feel good about their experiences shopping at EB Games/Gamestop.


I really am discouraged by the format churn.

I have the following consoles: A FC Twin (SNES/NES clone), a Genesis, a N64, and a Gamecube. Of them, only one is stocked at all at the local Gamestop. And that poorly. Way to muscle in the Wii stuff when nobody actually has one yet. ;D

The competition (to me) is a large used bookshop/record shop/game shop, and they will sell for everything back to Atari 2600 and Intellivision-- they have two bookshelf size cabinets for NES/SNES/N64 stuff, and another of PS1 stuff.

They also sell used PC games at half the rate of new ones. My local Gamestop doesn't sell them at all, and their PC offerings are a tiny stand; the DVD section is larger. I bought a wide range of expensive hardware which needs games to justify it.

Honestly, I would not mind to buy NES/SNES cartridges from a place which would stand behind them. (the competition lets you take it back for money back, and hope another one shows up eventually, but I'd love a place where, if the battery goes, they'll fix it for you instead of ripping CR2032s off of old PC mainboards and trying to pinch them to circuit boards).

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There is a GameStop near where I live (In the UK - I never knew GameStop even existed over here until I saw that store).

I wasn't impressed with their pricing, or their stock. They seemed to have a lack of everything, and the trade-in rates are horrible. I brought in 10 GameCube games (Since I don't have one anymore), and they offered me ?6 for them. I asked why, and they just said "Because it's not popular".

So I went next door, to GAME (Which isthe> game store in the UK), and they offered me ?60 for the same bunch of games.

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