iPlay - Apple's gaming console

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I'm not sure how you could know exactly how much functionality the iTV has, since as yet very little information has actually been released.

For all I know you might be right, but I wouldn't jump to any conclusions about what functionality the iTV will or won't have.

he was talking about gaming as well, the 360 will dump a iTV any day... i agree you cant play HD games and what not with iTV,

i get HD DVD , HD games , arcade games, movie and tv downloads and who knows in the future

Microsoft has and can have the money again

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hence why i put probably

so you admit that you're bashing apple for doing things which it's not doing?

WTF? Besides, everything Spielo said is true. You're comparing apples and oranges.

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The iPlay controller would probably only have 1 button... I mean, who needs more than one button anyway?

What button would that be?:blink::

And, c'mon you guys, this is slowly becoming a flamewar around MS and Apple (WTF?) This is meant to be about what an Apple console would be like, not why it would suck:no::

This post was good:

Here is what I think it might be like


The controllers would work alotlike nintendos but they are also handheld gaming devices and mp3 players

Interesting. So you're saying the iPod would work as a controller? Click wheel, eh...screen, eh...very nice idea. One thing though is the iPod is a very one-handed device, and it doesn't have rumble, something which is basically standard in all good consoles:pp J?K
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This post was good:Interesting. So you're saying the iPod would work as a controller? Click wheel, eh...screen, eh...very nice idea. One thing though is the iPod is a very one-handed device, and it doesn't have rumble, something which is basically standard in all good consoles :p J?K

well it would be like the ipod in design but with more functionality possible have a touch screen and of course it would have rumble features :)

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Speaking of the iPod, the iPod should seamlessly integrate with the iPlay. You could plug the iPod to the iPlay (via USB or WiFi) and iPlay will detect everything in the iPod (music, videos [in HD too], contacts, calendar, etc.) and it will display it.

There should also be a feature where you can record your gameplay and save that video your iPod for playback.

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Speaking of the iPod, the iPod should seamlessly integrate with the iPlay. You could plug the iPod to the iPlay (via USB or WiFi) and iPlay will detect everything in the iPod (music, videos [in HD too], contacts, calendar, etc.) and it will display it.

There should also be a feature where you can record your gameplay and save that video your iPod for playback.

That would be good. It would also probably come pre-loaded with iTunes, unless it'll use it's own OS. I wonder what that would look like...

It's online service would probably link up to .Mac, for connectivity. Or would it? It seems Apple aren't ones for a full linking together of products, so I dunno.

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you know what ****es me off? thw mac fans who say that microsoft coppied apple, ok lets look at this:

  • *microsoft releases MCE, Apple decides to design iTv
    *Microsoft have been making phones and such for years, Apple probably deisgn iphone (we know its in the works)
    *Microsoft release Xbox 360 (2nd consile) Apple probably design iPlay

but apple release the iPod and micorsoft release the zune, but c'mon 1:3 ration is quite bad

also im no microsoft fan boy and nither am i saying that anyone in this thread is, but im just pointing this out.



1. Fair enough. But this isn't apple's first foray into the living room market. Apple designed a set top box long before MCE.

2. Show me a MS phone. Oh wait, they've never made a phone. Only the OS on it.

3. Apple tried this before MS with the Pippin. They failed.

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The iPlay controller would probably only have 1 button... I mean, who needs more than one button anyway?

Not me, the clever trackpad on my MacBook can detect when I tap two fingers on it simultaneously and recognises it as a right click.:))

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Not me, the clever trackpad on my MacBook can detect when I tap two fingers on it simultaneously and recognises it as a right click. :)

actually apple is working on multitouch touch pads...such as where you could put your ingures on the corners of a window and drag them and the window would get bigger :) so really who needs buttons :)

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actually apple is working on multitouch touch pads...such as where you could put your ingures on the corners of a window and drag them and the window would get bigger :) so really who needs buttons :)

That's not apple. That's some reasearcher at NYU (http://cs.nyu.edu/~jhan/).


I dunno. Maybe it sucked. It's only been recently that Apple products have been very successful (possibly due to Steves return to the company). The Newton, Pippin, Interactive Television, Penlite, etc. These are all Apple products that didn't make it for whatever the reason.

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it was big and bulky (bigger than the original X-BOX); badly designed (didn't even look like an Apple product; was expensive ($599 at launch, like the PS3 :p); it was underpowered when compared to other consoles; and Apple never really manufactured them - they just licensed the technology (and the only company to produce some units was Bandai in Japan).

summing it up? it kinda sucked bad :p

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Oh sorry about that I must have gotten materials confused thanks for the correction though :)

No worries. :) You're not the only one that confuses the two. Nearly everyone else does. It's because Apple filed a patent on different input methods using a touch screen around the time when the multi-touch video became popular. Somehow, people (incorrectly) equated the two. Anywho, this is off topic so I'm gonna stop now.

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I m a macbook user, but an apple console would not be a sony/ms or like a nintendo, prolly more like an atari, pricey and lack of games ^^

Which Atari system are you talking about that was pricy and had a lack of games? Certainly not the 2600. Maybe the Jaguar?

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whats wrong about copying?

the consumers having choices is bad?

ppl complain about ms being a monopol, but if theres no copying theres no competition.

who cares who did what first? compare the products itself, not the companies making it when, why, bla...

mmh... iPlay mmh? might put a spot on Mac OS X as an attractive OS for games :) :p

we actually just can profit :)


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YEA..may be using iX 10 (opposing the direcX 10)..always apple uses "i" before there product(Except some old products(quicktime)..gonna going to be funny after an year...where every apple product has "i" in it...

iTunes,iPhoto,iMac,iPod,if***K etc..

iQuicktime sounds like a borat quote for beating the meat :rofl:

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Well, heh, this is unexpected...


Apple to Enter Video Game Industry?

By: C?sar A. Berardini - "Cesar"

Dec. 7th, 2006 7:21 am>

Prudential analyst Jesse Tortora told the company?s clients that Apple may be considering entering the video game market taking advantage of its brand name and leadership in the digital music market.

Over the last few months, Apple has hired engineers with experience in both game software and console hardware. Back in September, the Cupertino-based company announced a bunch of games for fifth generation iPods, including Tetris, Texas Hold 'Em and Pac-Man.

Tortora sees a scenario in which Apple could have both a home video game system and a handheld console.

"The game console device could be morphed out of some combination of the MacMini and iTV, while the handheld player could be developed as an enhancement to a future version of the widescreen iPod."

Even Sony is taken Apple?s entrance in the video game market into consideration for that reason a Sony Computer Entertainment executive said:

"We have known for some time of Apple's interest in the games market however it will be tough for them up against Sony and Microsoft and of late Nintendo. We believe that they will come into the games market late in 2007 but not with a pure gaming console. We are told that they are looking at a pretty powerful media centre with a big gaming capability. This is one of the reasons that we are looking at significant firmware upgrades between now and then to deliver a better media centre capability via the PS3."

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I don't understand why anyone would buy an iTV when you could buy a 360 for the same price with way more functionality. I guess if they added gaming support maybe that would justify the price more - but I just don't see any practical way for them to accomplish that (other than working with Nintendo or something?)

just a couple of questions- is the itv the same price as a 360? i dont think it will be. Dont you also need an addon for the 360 to play media from your pc? something called a media extender?

Also, why do people jump to conclusions, Apple is looking for game devs to make games for their new ipods that now have small games in them, it is as simple as that. Regardless of Apple's new momentum in gaining market share (what little it is), they arent in the position financially to lose billions trying to enter the console market the way M$ did.

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