iPlay - Apple's gaming console

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1. Fair enough. But this isn't apple's first foray into the living room market. Apple designed a set top box long before MCE.

2. Show me a MS phone. Oh wait, they've never made a phone. Only the OS on it.

3. Apple tried this before MS with the Pippin. They failed.

dude, im sorry but u just hurt yourself with your points...

1. yeah and MCE is still around and thriving. M$ has a long term plan for the living room, trying to ensure success. Apple may have designed the sttop box before M$ (link?), but where is it now?

2. Show me an apple phone. :p (one that isnt designed loosely around itunes by someone else). M$ has been designing their OS for portable products for YEARS, and it isnt just restricted to cell phones, there are also PDAs and portable media players. Apple has never made a phone or an OS for a phone. 0/2

3. Please refer to point number one. Just because apple failed, doesnt mean M$ will.

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just a couple of questions- is the itv the same price as a 360? i dont think it will be. Dont you also need an addon for the 360 to play media from your pc? something called a media extender?

Also, why do people jump to conclusions, Apple is looking for game devs to make games for their new ipods that now have small games in them, it is as simple as that. Regardless of Apple's new momentum in gaining market share (what little it is), they arent in the position financially to lose billions trying to enter the console market the way M$ did.

The 360 is a media extender. You just have to download and install free software on your PC to share media with your 360.

I don't think it's wise for Apple to worry about competing directly with MS, Sony, and Nintendo, either. Even if they had the cash, it's probably not worth it. However, I'll have a front row seat watching how things turn out if Apple decides to go that route. :)

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The 360 is a media extender. You just have to download and install free software on your PC to share media with your 360.

I don't think it's wise for Apple to worry about competing directly with MS, Sony, and Nintendo, either. Even if they had the cash, it's probably not worth it. However, I'll have a front row seat watching how things turn out if Apple decides to go that route. :)

Do you know if Divx files work? also do i have to buy the wireless thingy for the 360 or can i use ethernet cord to my router to share files?

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I think I'd prefer to just have them back Nintendo a bit. I don't know how to explain it, just, Nintendo is kind of viewed as the Apple of gaming to me. And there's some obvious inspiration going on from a design point of view.

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I think I'd prefer to just have them back Nintendo a bit. I don't know how to explain it, just, Nintendo is kind of viewed as the Apple of gaming to me. And there's some obvious inspiration going on from a design point of view.

your right. i did read somewhere where nintendo said their inspiration for the design of wii came from apple.

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^ We'll never know. He got banned a couple of weeks ago. :laugh:

Edit: Oops. I didn't see your post, Iconboy. You need a program called TVersity (I think that's what it's called) to be able to play divx if your PC doesn't have WinXP MCE on it. If you do have MCE there are more options. Yes, you can use an ethernet cable to connect your 360 to a router. :)

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dude, im sorry but u just hurt yourself with your points...

1. yeah and MCE is still around and thriving. M$ has a long term plan for the living room, trying to ensure success. Apple may have designed the sttop box before M$ (link?), but where is it now?

2. Show me an apple phone. :p (one that isnt designed loosely around itunes by someone else). M$ has been designing their OS for portable products for YEARS, and it isnt just restricted to cell phones, there are also PDAs and portable media players. Apple has never made a phone or an OS for a phone. 0/2

3. Please refer to point number one. Just because apple failed, doesnt mean M$ will.

I think you misunderstood me. I was just responding to s-t-e's incorrect comments about Apple copying MS in these particular areas since Apple has had their own versions out before MS. I never said that Apple has a phone, or that MS will fail in the gaming market.

Anywho, it's interesting to see someone who's defending Microsoft in the manner you are using M$.

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/random infomation:

I know a PC Cafe in NZ called "iPlay" :shiftyninja:

/More Random Information

Name of my Penis is Swahili is iDick


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An Apple console... yum... I suppose it'll be the best thing since individually wrapped cheese... It'll be $900, but think about all the support you'll get, at least until 6 months for now when they release new consoles and the software doesn't work with them anymore... And don't forget the anal controllers, it is Apple, after all... :)

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