VideoLan 0.8.6 rc1

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ACME.nfo ? + Keygen? + Battlefield2142.iso? + Fireworks 8.iso? + Vista_6000.iso? + Agent 4 Newsreader + ZNES + VisualBoy + Nero 7.57? = JACKPOT !!!!

Now I don't get quite the CensorNet part

haha whoops :p

Battlefield 2142 is a program icon and links to a legal version of the game :p Vista_6000.img is the WAIK download from Microsoft

Nero is an update, and the emulators are just emulators :p

Agent is a newsgroup reader

Censornet is a prebuilt linux proxy distrubtion

/me tidies Desktop :shiftyninja:

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Well, I don't know if this will help anyone here.

I got grey video in VLC because my taskbar was transparent. Turning off transparency on my taskbar fixed the issue.

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