The Coolest Icons....

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They wouldn't have them made if people wouldn't pay for them... You'd be suprised at how many people will wind up paying for those icons, as I'm sure Brad will come in here and let you know at some point....

Maybe if we had a Neowin discount I'd consider it, just like the OD discount.....

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i would never pay for icons. and i won't pay for these since you can just remake them from that pic ;)

That would be theft and if you are going to steal from people don't do it on a forum they frequent.....

Also I doubt your "remakes" from that picture will be as good as the originals, especially in 128 size....

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i would never pay for icons. and i won't pay for these since you can just remake them from that pic ;)

That would be theft and if you are going to steal from people don't do it on a forum they frequent.....

no its not unless i redistribute them, which i'm not going to. its like drawing a copy of the mona lissa and putting it on you're wall. hardly illegal.

and i'm weel aware they frequent this forum, thanks.

1) i would never pay for them, they aren't gonna lose anything from me making my own.

2) if i really wanted them i'm sure i could aquire them like anything else ppl try to sell

3) if they want hunt me down for a measly $10 they can be my guest.

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So you think if it's for yourself it's not stealing but if it's for someone else it is ?


well since the image is openly available and once i get it i can do whatever i want with it for my personal use. if i wanted to print it out and wipe my ass with it i could.

and as for quality at 128 you should learn to read since theirs only go upto 72.

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Heh, your theories are ludicrous, however I won't argue with you......

The idea of selling icons, themes, etc is nothing new, infact quite some time ago there was a similar discussion about a Window Blinds theme that was for sale... Either way I will say these are great icons and props to the author, and like I said before I'll consider buying them, they would look nice on my ObjectDock......

Also knowing Brad maybe he would consider giving them away to a few Neowin visitors, just the same as the Neowin Birthday Giveaway, however seeing posts about stealing icons from them won't exactly encourage that....

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So you think if it's for yourself it's not stealing but if it's for someone else it is ?


well since the image is openly available and once i get it i can do whatever i want with it for my personal use. if i wanted to print it out and wipe my ass with it i could.

and as for quality at 128 you should learn to read since theirs only go upto 72.

what if id printed out one of your works and wiped my ass with it would you like it.

start appreciating others work twist .may be you gotta twist your head and think straight :angry:

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Heh, your theories are ludicrous, however I won't argue with you......

The idea of selling icons, themes, etc is nothing new, infact quite some time ago there was a similar discussion about a Window Blinds theme that was for sale... Either way I will say these are great icons and props to the author, and like I said before I'll consider buying them, they would look nice on my ObjectDock......

Also knowing Brad maybe he would consider giving them away to a few Neowin visitors, just the same as the Neowin Birthday Giveaway, however seeing posts about stealing icons from them won't exactly encourage that....

lol, you just don't get it do you.

i can do whatever i want to that picture for my own personl use and no-one can do anything about it. lemme know if you ever take you're nose outta brad's ass. personally i don't care if he wants me dead, i don't use his software. and there is not a thing they can do about me making my own icons from that pic.

and dayle if you want to do that, be my guest, watch the paper cuts though. this has nothing to do with respect, no matter how good the icons where i'd never pay for them.

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and dayle if you want to do that, be my guest, watch the paper cuts though. this has nothing to do with respect, no matter how good the icons where i'd never pay for them.

why are your works so lethal you dip them in your damn attitude

dont worry bout my ass will surely make it out un hurt

not im off to look for a printer and some of your lethal art :laugh:

Edited by dayle
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I guess you missed the little c with a circle around it, or maybe you just don't know what it means...

It's one thing to be a thief, but it's another to be a thief and an idiot...

By the way I don't have my nose in Brads ass, I just have respect for the author Paul, he does excellent work with icons, themes, and wallpapers.... He was featured on Call For Help a few months back due to some of his great wallpapers among other things.... And his FauxS-X icons are fantastic....

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I guess you missed the little c with a circle around it, or maybe you just don't know what it means...

It's one thing to be a thief, but it's another to be a thief and an idiot...

By the way I don't have my nose in Brads ass, I just have respect for the author Paul, he does excellent work with icons, themes, and wallpapers.... He was featured on Call For Help a few months back due to some of his great wallpapers among other things.... And his FauxS-X icons are fantastic....

i do know what copyrights are, but i also know what i can do for my own personal use (did you see it this time?)

and as for being an idiot, you should be careful what you say since you have NO idea what you're talking about.

and dayle, could be worse, i could dip it in whatever you've been dipping your's in. :unsure:

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(e) Infringing Article Defined. -

As used in this section, an ''infringing article'' is any article the design of which has been copied from a design protected under this chapter, without the consent of the owner of the protected design. An infringing article is not an illustration or picture of a protected design in an advertisement, book, periodical, newspaper, photograph, broadcast, motion picture, or similar medium. A design shall not be deemed to have been copied from a protected design if it is original and not substantially similar in appearance to a protected design.

i'm not sure but i think the guys at cornell law know more about it they you morons.

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It seems like you've somehow confused the unwritten rules of icon makers, which state that you can convert icons for your own personal use, however they cannot be distributed without permission, which doesn't apply in this situation because these are for sale...

You can't steal something for your own "personal use", it's still stealing.....

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It seems like you've somehow confused the unwritten rules of icon makers, which state that you can convert icons for your own personal use, however they cannot be distributed without permission, which doesn't apply in this situation because these are for sale...

You can't steal something for your own "personal use", it's still stealing.....

i didn't "steal" anything, unless downloading that pic from their site is stealing, then i'm guilty. if i downloaded the icons without paying, thats steal. remaking them from a picture is not.

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I am afraid twist is right here.

What you are trying to say I can understand yes but look at it this way

If I (as an artist on a sunny day) sat down with a pencil and paper and drew a picture of a field which cost me 10$ to get into as it was private land etc then drawing or "re creating" a picture of it for my own personal use isn't illegal and I can hardly see the grass complaining :blink:

Twist may or may not re create these icons for his own use but he has already stated he has the respect to do this ONLY for his own personal use. Some may call this stealing but at the end of the day its for his own use and won't affect anyone else.

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