The Coolest Icons....

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All I'm doing is trying to stop someone who doesn't understand a law that is extremely important to my livelihood from spreading misinformation and claiming it as fact. Of course I'm going to take it slightly personally, just as you would if someone was spreading lies about something you felt was important.

Sometimes I say things that are a little too personal, and sometimes I'll pick fault at the smallest of things, but on the whole my intentions are good. I may not have many posts here, but that says more about my surfing preferences than it does about my experience.

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damn stupid in the digital era everything is illegal, you make the tech then u cant control it lets make it illegal.......since late 70's and 80's i was making copies of friends LP's and NOBODY complain.......then VHS came and I make copies of tv's shows and movies and nobody complain.....then came cd's and I make copies of them to tape and still nobody we have cdrw and suddenly everything is illegal??? go and drink a damn beer please............why everytime someone make a copy of something that first of all is over price, etc your corrupt minds think that i'm gonna profit of it??? thats the only thing here that concern all your filthy greedy humans beings (hope thats the correct word, sorry i do not speak english) the only thing u concern is about $$$........i still buy cd's, go to the movies,rent dvd's etc.......i have pay and over pay every damn mp3 song game or whatever thing i have downloaded.....and you are telling me a thief??? this is nonsense.......

i have no steal if my neighbor borrow me a cd listen to it and copy if u like now i;m a thief, yeah right!!! :angry:

if u dont like it dont buy a damn pc

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We live in a world in which the top selling PC video game of 2000 was a deer hunting video game -- and it cost twice as much.

Different people value different things. For me, personally, having cool icons has greater value than being able to play a deer hunting simulation. Others disagree apparently.

The Orion icon set was done by arguably the most prolific PC icon artist. Few graphics designers have contributed more free content to the community than Mormegil (Paul Boyer).

Consider his freely given works already:

We're talking tens of thousands of hours he's donated to creating icons, themes, and wallpaper that he's shared, free of charge.

Why is it the ones who make rash charges of "greed" tend to be the ones who have never contributed anything back? I mean really, who's being greedy? The guy who's given tens of thousands of hours of his time to the community or the guy who just puts things down and downloads stuff as if he has some sort of god given entitlement to it.

What's nice about the premium content concept is that people who have already proven their talent by giving a lot away for free over the years can actually find a way to focus on creating something truly magnificient and be compensated for it.

As anyone who has created a skin or an icon or a theme can tell you, it's very time consuming. Being able to occasionally get compensated allows talented people to invest more time into their creations and we all benefit. Obviously, those people who think $10 is a lot of money won't like that but for the rest of us who value having a cool looking desktop and don't think $10 is a big deal it's a no brainer.

And thankfully, the Orion icons are selling well. Extremely well (in fact they outsell most of our software now). This opens the door for "starving artists" to be able to spend more time doing what they do best. History has already shown with Pixtudio that people who are able to focus full time on this sort of thing not only can make a living but are still able to create tons of freely available themes, icons, skins, etc.

As for the legality of someone using a screenshot to make their own personal set, I'm not even going to bother on that. Someone making $20,000 per year makes $10 per hour. I suspect it would take many many many hours to rip even one of the several sets of icons from images.

Ones amount of free time really changes ones perspective. In a world where shooting deer on the computer has generated tens of millions of dollars for its makers, it's hard to see how anyone can find premium quality icons to be of no value. Heck, to me, paying $15 for music seems a lot sillier than buying icons. ;)

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2) That's something of a gray area. Just because you are storing a file on your own equipment doesn't make that file your 'property'. Hence piracy laws, and all the examples I gave previously.

you're confusing copyright law and fair use law.

i never said i owned the copyright, in fact i said i didn't. i

but i do own the file (or else there would be no way to charge anyone for piracy cause no one would own the files) and can do what i want with it. it may not be what it was meant for but that is my choice. was the computer invented to be used to bitch about things like this, nope. to be a door stop, nope. but we are legally allowed to do it.

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and now if you really want to get into it. the only law that has acctually been broken here is how he used various compaines logo's in his icons (unless he got permission from adobe, macromedia, windows, opera, corel, netscape, etc.) and is now selling them. but hey. why would you acctaully want to deal with the facts.

I'm curious why this was never commented on :)

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I have no confusion over copyright and Faux is free too do what he wants with his Icons. If he wants too charge for them fine he has all the right in the world. I just have a problem with hypocracy that surounds Wincustomize. It's okay for them too charge subscriptions on thier website because they blame it on bandwidth. When in reality a ton of there content may have been art or skins donated and uploaded freely by artists knowing that stardock can charge for the download of these goods, but the NFL, Microsoft, Apple and a slew of others whos logos and trademarks are "included" in these works have no clue that Stardocks entire business model in the skinning world revolves around offering their logos in exchange for goods. Buy our product or subcribe. It's like Stardock knows not too **** off the little guy cause that wouldn't go over well within the community, but is still within the law? Were arguing over someone making a screenshot into icons. The real thievery is in stardocks openeded manipulation of the system. Now brad will throw some flowery words out about me giving a specious, straw mans argument. I'm not saying any of this out of anger, it's just the fact that stardock manipulates. They know the worst that will happen is they will get asked to remove a product or trademark too which they will comply, until then they'll use every thing and every idea of whats hot too push thier own products. Including trolling these boards for hot icons, ideas and skins. Too me thats just lame.

Again, just my opinion. Just the minute something comes out here a week or two later it pops up on wincustomize as an Iconpackage or a windowblinds skin, whats really bad is when treetog or allexandrie did corona then Brad bashes the one that was released here on his site. Thats just pants.

Also, I don't really mean too bash brad. There are a lot of things about him I like and he is pleasent enough. Yet, there are people who frequent this community who belive it should be as open source as possible. There should be no profit made by coprporations off of artists. I know Dokt, myself and few others who totally disagree with Starock and there principles. We feel the rest that stay there are gutter trash. All they do is feed the monster cause it's nice too them. Well screw that.

Edited by Jafo
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okay after reading 4 pages of usless information i've decided to sum it all up for people just checking out the thread.

Translated into much simpler terms.

Brian says: Check out these icons. Fo Sheezie they off the Heezie.

Twist says: pay for icons. Bitch please!

Brian says: My homie put tons of work into betta recognize.

Twist says: Yo patna...i'm a right click and save this shiznit and make my own shizzle.

Brian says: yo dats wack. copyright playa...copyright.

Twist says: ain't no thang but a chicken wang dogg...aint' no prollem with saving a pic and makin my own icon...namean.

Dayle (jumps in): blah blah blah. Brian you da man, asl?

Brian says: you dont' undastand coppin them poops...that aint' right.

Twist says: i aint' sellin dem though....

Brian says: you crazy dogg....i'ma tell the po po on you.

Dayle (once again) blah blah blah. Naw for real brian, you over 18?

Twist says: i'ma make these fatty icons fo myself namean..can't nobody hold me down...yeah...badboy...ughh

***Brian has yet to reply...the crowd waits in anticipation.***

[story was edited to fit your monitor. Edited were such things as paper ass wiping, the word money, and the constant laughter from other neowinians.]

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i feel ya dogg...but what's crackalackin....ya know...i mean what's really cripalatin for real. I know we be keepin it real like it ain't no thang, ya'll be playa hatin on me and the twizzle...ya'll dont' want none of real. That's on my mama...word.

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lol, that cracked me up, bubbabyte. but i too wouldn't buy the icons, not cuz they are not worth it, simply cuz i'm poor. :)

i think they are great icons, keep the author should keep up the good work

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Okay let me get this straight GrayHaze.....

If I go and open photoshop and select a background color to be, say, plain blue, save that file and open a website and attempt to sell that blue background, it's illegal for someone to right click and hit "set as background"?

Hrrm.... seems rather weak..

That's like saying if I go into IKEA tomorrow and take a polaroid of a desk, and then go home and build it according to that polaroid- it's illegal.. Sure the DESIGN is copyrighted, but the picture taken of it (for personal use) isn't.

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the coolest icons ive seen so far.wish i had them but 9.95$ is too much and whos gonna download 45mb of icons alone

The Icons

I paid for them, and I downloaded all 45mb of them over a 56k connection. Why? Because I like to support good work by good people, that's why. :blink:

Why would you pay for them when there are so many free on the net? Because this is an all but comprehensive package of icons that all match and are very well designed. If you can't see your self clear to spending a messily $10 on quality of this magnitude then don't. It's not going to bother me or anyone else. Go and try to find something of this quality for free elsewhere. Happy hunting! :D

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Go and try to find something of this quality for free elsewhere. Happy hunting! :DD

you really need to take a look at dazzla, iconman, marvilla, foo, DeathLace and several other neowinians' work!!!

p.s: twist's icons are great as well :punk::

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