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Yeah, I'm sure.

What is that packet sniffer that is open source and the name starts with an "e"? This has been killing me trying to find it. It's a good sniffer :p

Maybe I'm wrong about the "e" thing. Or the open-source thing. But it definitely does not run the native Windows GUI. Uses an "overlay" (much like Java, GTK, etc)

I think you're refering to Ethereal

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I think these different puzzles will get the same key...

if they give the same answer.. then shouldnt we analyze the letter that are fixed and forget the changing ones ?[

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Even though it had two errors, I managed to solve the Picross puzzle. When you follow the "path" from the right border to the top one, you get this quote:

"it was cearly over his head the monk who screwed up the transliteration samt ar-ras"

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Even though it had two errors, I managed to solve the Picross puzzle. When you follow the "path" from the right border to the top one, you get this quote:

"it was cearly over his head the monk who screwed up the transliteration samt ar-ras"

It Was Clearly Over His Head The Monk Who Screwed Up The Tranliterationsamt? AR-RAS

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^ Thats an interesting quote lol. I have been following along with this thread (read all 23 pages) good work guys I would never have figured any of this out lol.

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Even though it had two errors, I managed to solve the Picross puzzle. When you follow the "path" from the right border to the top one, you get this quote:

"it was cearly over his head the monk who screwed up the transliteration samt ar-ras"

I got that too, I just spend a while scanning it in from the paper I did it on and discussing it with rob, so you beat me to posting :p confirms its the right answer though :D

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samt ar-ras thats from arabian which translates to (literally) "way or path over the head". however, it was originally translated as sanit arr-as by some dude. i think we need the name of this guy. (i guess he was a monk)

edited for spelling

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The most famous mistake of a monk was that one made an error in translating the name of "god" from Hebrew. He translated the Hebrew into Jehovah, when the closest would have been YHWH (Yahweh)

I don't know if this is whats being referred to, though.

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Even though it had two errors, I managed to solve the Picross puzzle. When you follow the "path" from the right border to the top one, you get this quote:

"it was cearly over his head the monk who screwed up the transliteration samt ar-ras"

From wiki:

Transliteration is the practice of transcribing a word or text written in one writing system into another writing system. It is also the system of rules for that practice.

Technically, from a linguistic point of view, it is a mapping from one system of writing into another. Transliteration attempts to be lossless, so that an informed reader should be able to reconstruct the original spelling of unknown transliterated words.

Look for stuff that sounds like "samt ar-ras". I stumbled upon

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It is also possible the quote is supposed to be "it was clearly over his head the monk who screwed up the transliterations amt ar-ras" - so the last part is "amt ar-ras" without the first S.

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Has anyone placed any time in figuring out the numbers at the bottom? I tried ordering them and got an interesting result. I'm sure it's somehow related.

215936162 turns into 112235669

142966259 turns into 122456699

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