The PRE game fun...

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Ok, now here is a different take on the soduku puzzle. Take the numbers in the bottom right and connect them in order without crossing or reusing those numbers. There is only one route to take and I come up with the letters SASIUNRCG I don't have them re-ordered yet using all letters...

Why are you working on something where the solution has already been found?

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Its not that I am working on, it is that I was reading the wiki and subconsciously recognized the pattern. There may or may not be anything to it. But, with the series of puzzles that we have had, there is no reason to assume that the puzzles do not contain additional clues...

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Who is LaughingSquid (Scott) - no he has a box too, does his contain different video or clues ?

#or is it the same box/256mb card already shown ??

Ok now I know, but the new list of locations and timers just proves my point fro before and that is What or (When ) is the Vanishing Point, for zero now has many options and if things continue from there onwards the vanishing point must move or be movable ? (Hmm) is there a mathematical point that would appear infinite but always moving ??

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This kinda looks like the whole world is going to get to play this game and the prize(if it is place based may be available at different times to tr and solve and win all over the world).

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I think this might have been mentioned before but read anyways...

-circumnambulation is mispelled I think, should be no "n", I think this means the mispelled cities are very important in solving the puzzle

-the word itself seems to have a religious context, which I think means that this places "walk around" the answer to the puzzle

-later I am going to try looking at the map locations indexed in some way be the times

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Ok, so funny things about the page are:

#1. - Title of the page = Circumnambulation - an extra n.

#2. - Austrailia - I don't know about everyone else but when I spell this country's name it only has one i.

#3. - Singpore - should be Singapore. odd. another error.

#4. - San Franciso - missing a c, San Francisco


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i was looking around web pages for some more info on the game and i found this web i dont know mabe its nothing

the mising leters spel this NIAC wich is

NIAC seeks proposals for revolutionary aeronautics and space concepts that could dramatically impact how NASA develops and conducts its missions. It provides a highly visible, recognizable, and high-level entry point for outside thinkers and researchers. NIAC encourages proposers to think decades into the future in pursuit of concepts that will "leapfrog" the evolution of current aerospace systems. While NIAC seeks advance concept proposals that stretch the imagination, these concepts should be based on sound scientific principles and attainable within a 10 to 40-year time frame.

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"The Ritual of Circumnambulation (Hashiri no Gyoho) is an attempt to catch up with time in heaven." Found that somewhat interesting...

I'm assuming each location has a different computer/game related event taking place at that time? I'm trying to figure out where to be in Austin - I was hoping for a game conference or film festival, but no such luck.

I guess the "vanishing point" will be revealed for each location in the coming weeks...

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Ok, so funny things about the page are:

#1. - Title of the page = Circumnambulation - an extra n.

#2. - Austrailia - I don't know about everyone else but when I spell this country's name it only has one i.

#3. - Singpore - should be Singapore. odd. another error.

#4. - San Franciso - missing a c, San Francisco


thats strange, all the incorrect letters spell cain... the guy who killed his brother abel in that bible story. it might be a coincidence though.

also, circumambulation means walking around something. maybe it means that we'll have to go to all of these events to get all the clues required to finish it?

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One more thing all other cities have states or countrys associated with them, except Singapore

Totally good point. Nothing odd about this though, as Singapore is just Singapore.

Singapore is such a small country/island that it in itself is a city.

Born and raised there, :).

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i donno why? but i get this feeling that this is all linked to a meteor or something that goes around the sun or earth and these counters represent the timing that when they hit ZERO .. this thing will be visible from the location or city related to each counter ...

and the whole thing .. that they will call this object / meteor by the name of the guy who figures it out.. so that might explain why they said his name will be said many times...etc

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robertcassanova (from the NIAC video) does not give an a wrong key message. It doesn't do anything else either though. =)

So do all other 15-letter words ;)

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i donno why? but i get this feeling that this is all linked to a meteor or something that goes around the sun or earth and these counters represent the timing that when they hit ZERO .. this thing will be visible from the location or city related to each counter ...

and the whole thing .. that they will call this object / meteor by the name of the guy who figures it out.. so that might explain why they said his name will be said many times...etc

Please don't scare me :blink:

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Maybe it is the moon.

such as...someone finding that there are intelligent creature living on the moon, and MS propagating its software to them? wouldnt work, they're (supposebly) intelligent ... :p

How did the original clue on the ie blog actually help us solve this puzzle?

It contained the leters on which different operations(ROT's and key shifting) were performed(accoridng to the keys) and then specific letters were selected (again, according to the keys)

EDIT: edited for spelling and typos :|

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Verb 1. circumambulate - walk around something

walk around

circle - travel around something; "circle the globe"

The quote above is from a theosaurus...

All those cities and 'circumabulate' implies to circle the globe, and the sketches from the video might hint to this as well.

As for the moon, that's also a possibility, because Euler and Herodotus are craters on the moon

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2007 Phases of the Moon

Universal Time


d h m d h m d h m d h m

JAN. 3 13 57 JAN. 11 12 45

JAN. 19 4 01 JAN. 25 23 01 FEB. 2 5 45 FEB. 10 9 51

2007 Phases of the Moon

Universal Time


d h m d h m d h m d h m

JAN. 3 13 57 JAN. 11 12 45

JAN. 19 4 01 JAN. 25 23 01 FEB. 2 5 45 FEB. 10 9 51

sorry didn't come up right :blush:


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