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dude guys i got all the cordinates to the locations and mabe someone can see something in them so here they are


Lat. 36.174

Long. -115.135


Lat. 34.052

Long. -118.243


Lat. -33.869

Long. 151.210


Lat. 25.774

Long. -80.193


Lat. 30.266



Lat. 33.447

Long. -112.073


Lat. 1.34

Long. 103.835


Lat. 52.52

Long. 13.38


Lat. 51.52

Long. -0.1


Lat. 43.670

Long. -79.386

San francisco

Lat. 37.774

Long. -122.417


Lat. 47.605

Long. -122.329

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Anything out of the ordinary? Was strikes me as weird is the fact that she uses a blowtorch.... hint? Also anything that people can see in the background?

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Allright, video decipher, someone mind finding out the background score. She uses a blow torch to make vanishingpoint. I am guessing its a reverse video. Does the formation makes sense before she makes it to Are Neowinian's getting tired.

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And it's solved in uF's chat room.

Video = "formula" flashing.

Input formula into the keybox on the main game page. Get a picture with lots of numbers.

Connect the dots (same color, in order) and you get letters.



Group effort in the chat room!

Builders build. Writers write. Dancers dance.

I disappear.

In a few weeks, I will vanish. In the meantime, my job is to find?and reward?some of the cleverest people on the planet. Every week I will leave you twelve puzzles, ranging from easy to.....well, not so easy. Solving them earns you the chance to win some unbelievable prizes.

Impress me. This has been but a small taste of what I have in store for you. The real challenge starts both online and off when the countdown hits zero and the game begins.

Remember, countdowns usually end with a launch, and this will be a lift-off like the world has never seen.

dude guys i got all the cordinates to the locations and mabe someone can see something in them so here they are

Where did you come up with these particular coordinates?

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I don't really partake in ARG's much, but all I have to say is they (or he/she/it/whatever) better deliver on the hype they're stirring with some of the things they are saying about theirselves and what's going to happen - they're making some pretty big promises.


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I don't really partake in ARG's much, but all I have to say is they (or he/she/it/whatever) better deliver on the hype they're stirring with some of the things they are saying about theirselves and what's going to happen - they're making some pretty big promises.


No kidding. How much publicity is this actually raising I wonder?

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I don't know about publicity but Loki with propane and memory metal is sure raising something :p

lol. So there is supposed to be 12 puzzles a week? How many this week so far?

Wonder if they'll all be posted to You-tube?

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About time another puzzle was solved =P!

The dots form letters, the letters form an anagram... so it would seem...


Ok... I got it, then saw that somone else had already worked it out at vanishingpointwiki. The answer is:


Edited by mrmckeb
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Does anyone have a site where you can download the video ?

Also the video goes forward and backward so I am trying to get a good drawing ( wich sucks since even my stick figures suck) or screen capture. So I can reverse the image. Maby it will work maby not. But any help for a copy of the vid would be nice, and yes I am searching for one my self not just asking you guys to do the work for me.


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the blowtorch video is reversed BTW :p it goes from the text to being rubbish, thats how it works.

and "Remember, countdowns usually end with a launch, and this will be a lift-off like the world has never seen." so this has something to do with the space station ? maybe the rocket blasts off without crashing, maybe it actually leaves earth and they dont fake being on the moon ?

and now for some reason i cannot click the submit button on the flash part of the site! the button doesnt work :s?

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Hi. I'm new here, but I've been following this topic all the way :)

I've entered the co-ordinates for Sydney that were a few pages back in Google Earth and the place is about a block away from Sydney Tower and right near a skyscraper. It's on George Street.


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Hi. I'm new here, but I've been following this topic all the way :)

I've entered the co-ordinates for Sydney that were a few pages back in Google Earth and the place is about a block away from Sydney Tower and right near a skyscraper. It's on George Street.


Nice :) thanks for registering to post an informative post :) Welcome

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No problem :)

Been meaning to register for a while.

Hey x9, I am from Geelong and thinking about making the trip up there... I hope they give us a confirmed location and some idea of what we should be doing there before I go!

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