The PRE game fun...

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i think i got the answer ....

This means ya'll need to get a life seriously ... some buch of letters and numbers which any1 of us can make up and call it a ridle

Houston, we have a party pooper.

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hehehehe, one of my friends told me "I betchya it'll be a reality tv show"

heh I've been looking at the server that the vanishingpoint website is on, who is was registered through all that, nothing came up as especially important though.

as for the GM7 chord, if we look at the guitar, maby with how the strings and frets are placed, it works like one of the keys?

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hehehehe, one of my friends told me "I betchya it'll be a reality tv show"

heh I've been looking at the server that the vanishingpoint website is on, who is was registered through all that, nothing came up as especially important though.

as for the GM7 chord, if we look at the guitar, maby with how the strings and frets are placed, it works like one of the keys?

the name is not GM7 anymore .. it changed to steve

Maybe this "steve" is this ( guy.

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No one (except those administering the game, probably) knows exactly what this game is about yet. However, if you look at the countdown on, we will probably find out on January 8th :)

It's probably a viral marketing thing from Microsoft. Something big, supposedly. We'll just have to wait and see.

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...I didn't feel like counting and didn't realize it was going to Jan. 8th. This kinda dashes my hopes in terms of how big this might actually be, since it just coincides with CES. I guess we'll have to wait and see though.


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People need to look PAST the LA event and stop saying "It's just CES".

CES is only in Vegas. What about the other cities?

If it were 'just CES', then why all the other cities?

It's definately something bigger than CES.

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People need to look PAST the LA event and stop saying "It's just CES".

CES is only in Vegas. What about the other cities?

If it were 'just CES', then why all the other cities?

It's definately something bigger than CES.

Yes, but say it starts at CES and gets bigger. It's still starting at a tradeshow event, which for the most part are all hype. Sometimes companies do deliver on that, but with what this is promising, it doesn't seem like it'll deliver, starting at an event like CES. It would be better if it were to start off as a separate entity other than the tradeshow.

Also, you seem to be setting your hopes really high, and that rarely turns out well. I set them lower and I'm pleased more often.


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Perhaps it's not associated, but was made to coincide with CES on purpose to give more people an opportunity to be there. That is to say, if the day was today only people who live in Vegas or were coincidentally there would be able to show up - anyone else who wanted to would have to travel to Las Vegas specifically for this. Having it around CES means there will be more people from all over the country/world in Vegas, especially the type who might have been sent some of the original packages (bloggers and people in the tech community).

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Anybody else think the fact she is pointing to some home at the very end is important?

It could be. At first I thought of it as her just being Loki but now that I have re-watched it several times she might be pointing at the house. Things I notice are a sprinkler and a rope.

Could it be?




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yes maybe - Bill Gates home in seattle is where the winner will end up finally?

The ultimate Vista?

Fewer than 1000 people have seen it? - Bill Gates seattle home?

could be?

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I'm just wondering if we are missing some very simple things. Such as the stamps on the envelope have dates that coincide with the release of XP, Office XP and Vista? I know the stamp says 2006 but I got vista in 2006. :)

Also after reading the letter I got over again, one part keep sticking in my mind.

"There are only a few like you, but thousands more are looking for you. Find the others decoders before Zero Hour."

So in a way, isn't this forum exactly what it is saying to do before Zero Hour? "Find the other decoders" NOT "Find and solve the other puzzles"

It is saying to me that each of us has a part of the answer, and it will take many of us to answer it.

Now I find myself wanting to drive to Austin in 8 days :rolleyes:

Next time I should spell check BEFORE hitting post :p

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Man... I feel like an idiot. I've been referring to the first event as 'the LA event' until someone pointed out today that it's actually Vegas. I did know this, it was a silly mistake :s And I couldn't edit my post up there ^^^

Anyway, what Evil Dragon said is probably right. They wanted to kick things off when a lot of people already were going to be in Vegas.

And the location is no-where near where CES will be held. Someone told me today on IRC that it would take hours to get from wherever CES is being held to the Bellagio Fountains. It's not a tradeshow.

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"There are only a few like you, but thousands more are looking for you. Find the others decoders before Zero Hour."

*looks left*

*looks right*

Hellloooooo thousands! Pleasure to meet ya!

Know what I mean? I hadn't noticed it mentioned - but the thousands looking FOR you, may very well be everyone trying to figure this thang out. As only a few have received the package. The thousands aren't searching to find the decoders - simply, looking for the answers for them ;)

Just thought I'd mention it.

Oy and the pointing in the 2nd video. I don't quite buy into that. I think it just appears that way as she released the trigger on the propane torch. Then attempted a cutsie lil move - which was misread as a point. *shrugs*

And I've been stuck on that damn video! I'm having a hard time believing they let that logo on her glasses slip in. As for it beinging a lighting trick? I have a problem believing that light only hits it properly to be seen for that little bit at various angles! If it were lights - it would disappear at some point during the little clip where it's visible yeah?

Anyhow - I did some photoshopping to it: "O & G" perhaps?



Edited by The_Devil_Inside
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May be I've missed something...

I'm about this ignition video.

It plays forward and backward (or backward then forward?)

What if it means "something" & ReverseString ("something")

I've tryed ignitionnoitingi, ignitionoitingi, their l33tl3 h4x0r derivatives as codes, but not all, of course.

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Yes, I'm pretty sure that the reason it says "Find the other decoders" is because the people who received letters only received a single key each and because there is a total of six, to find out all about this thing they are going to need the other keys, and therefore the other decoders. Also, they would say this so as that they post, like they ahve, on forums and such, to spread this thing around. It wouldn't be much of a promotional marketing ploy if nobody knew about it.

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About that second video.

The song in the background is nice and it says:

Right Brain is insane I'm going to use my Left Brain ...

And what Left Brain does is:






Looks at parts


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Has anyone taken note of the word "formula" flashing on several frames at the start of the video.

The video then demonstrates a common trick using an alloy like Austenite sometimes refered to as "memory metal"

the formula of Austenite refered to on wikipedia is:


but then I get the feeling I may be clutching at straws here.

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Hi People,

I stumbled on this site yesterday and have been reading the backlog on entries, yeah all 107 sides, to find out where I can help out, you people are incredible.. who needs Server clusters :p

Ok the reason for my quick note is this. has anyone noticed the word that flashes at the beginning of the ignition video???

It is not very long but there " Formula" I put it in as password and BINGO! ... Eureka... Gold... sorry no gold but a new puzzle.

I am working on it now seems simple enough but probably has some kind of trick to it.


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Hi People,

I stumbled on this site yesterday and have been reading the backlog on entries, yeah all 107 sides, to find out where I can help out, you people are incredible.. who needs Server clusters :p

Ok the reason for my quick note is this. has anyone noticed the word that flashes at the beginning of the ignition video???

It is not very long but there " Formula" I put it in as password and BINGO! ... Eureka... Gold... sorry no gold but a new puzzle.

I am working on it now seems simple enough but probably has some kind of trick to it.


Somebody has already mentioned this! Read through again and you'll find the answer to the puzzle!

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