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Happy Holidays

Filed under: Personal, Tech/Entertainment, ARG ? Steve @ 2:25 pm

Pardon me wLb>e I vanish for the holiday weekend. I hope to just spend time with myAb>mily and enjoy the coUb>rs of the seaNb>, maybe do a littlCb>aroling, pHb>aps.

Happy Holidays, everyone! Enjoy your present(s).

He does mention the LAUNCH, right?

Nice catch, but all he was doing was officially launching the Vanishing Point game, which is why it was filed as ARG.

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lol - slightly OT, but thought I would share it:

It will be the early hours of next Tuesday morning here in the UK when the countdown expires, and I will be in a hotel room.. Rang the hotel to double check web access, they have wifi, but it's "not been working for months".

I sent a mail to their head office to see if it could be sorted, and got a call this morning saying that they had got an engineer in, and all is now fixed - all in the name of this great mystery!

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[*]The clock of the flash-script is now on server-side, because changing the local time of my computer did not change anything (correct me if I'm wrong).

This bugged me too. From the moment it was mentioned that changing your local clock did something.

What webmaster in the world would set a countdown that relied on the end user's clock?

I never would. Always the server clock.

But the train image was immediately discarded by others as useless. I'm thinking maybe not so useless.

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[*]The clock of the flash-script is now on server-side, because changing the local time of my computer did not change anything (correct me if I'm wrong).

It still changes for me if I change my clock. From what I've seen, it looks like it calls that webservice only when it starts as the base for getting the time. If you change your clock while it's running, it should change the countdown -- at least it does for me. I wonder if it also calls the webservice just before it hits 0, which is why it stops just short of finishing for most people?

Looking forward to an interesting game!

BTW -- I have key #2


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Hahaha... no worries. :) What info were you looking for? I worked thru the first 2 puzzles (cipher 1 and the 9x9 grid) before I figured out that there was such a complete thread. I got to the Bio page, and that's where I sit. I'm trying to figure out the relationship of the golden ratio (spiral) to Pi. Aside from that, I'm chilling until the 8th, unless something else comes before then.

A page or two back in this thread someone mentioned that anyone who got a box with the key and everything who comes to this thread should post the contents of it and pictures also if possible.

Their theory is that each person has something slighty different in their content that might be another clue when it's all put together.

I do apologize for earlier. I was dead tired and after reading what I said earlier I did come off as an ass and I honestly didn't mean that :laugh:

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i was looking at the ignition video and the very last scene seemed interesting. She seems to be pointing towards the house in the background. Anybody can recognise the location of the scene? Maybe some Seattle residents?

Anybody else think the fact she is pointing to some home at the very end is important?

after reading your post, i re-watched the video, and, you are absolutly right!

She is definitely pointing to something...... maybe shes pointing to a direction? Left (or right, depends which POV you use), or East (or west)

Hmmm.... ill enter them into the thingy.......

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Guys, after discussing things in the IRC we thought that it'd be a good idea for atleast one, (or all) of the people who are going to the different meets to bring a video camera and record everything there, so we all know what people look like, the surrounding environment and so on.

I'm planning to do it in Sydney.

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dude guy you looking at the smalest thing "pointong her finger" comon look at the other puzles the puzzles are like right there they not like pointing fonger somewere to the house :punk:

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The reason <!--PIN 5813--!> pops up everywhere is because this is one flash page it has all the same coding, the flash is just embedded but its all locate don one page.

The reason the thing changes to a cursor is once again because it is all one flash , the cursor appears in the place of the field where you enter you codes on the first page

The clock is server sided but you can change it with system time, guessing it updates every time u refresh

the order of the videos was probably messed up and the ignition video was supposed to come first, that why they have the\youranswerhere instructions on the manifesto page

as for the sound file no idea....

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Guys, after discussing things in the IRC we thought that it'd be a good idea for atleast one, (or all) of the people who are going to the different meets to bring a video camera and record everything there, so we all know what people look like, the surrounding environment and so on.

I'm planning to do it in Sydney.

It was probably mentioned in this thread sometime but I cant find it.. Where do you go in sydney once the countdown reaches zero?

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Just wanted to post that I received the note & usb key (5th Jan) which contained Cipher Key 2 - wh3r3t0g0

Very intrigued as to where this is leading and very tempted to travel to London on the 20th Jan to find out what this is all about, by then we should have a much better idea.

Thanks to everyone who "cracked" a code and posted their findings, its been interesting reading.


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It was probably mentioned in this thread sometime but I cant find it.. Where do you go in sydney once the countdown reaches zero?

No one knows of any location except the Bellagio Fountains in Las Vegas.

It is speculated that after the "Launch" on Monday night, the next set of puzzles (or perhaps another video) will lead to the next set of locations.

I will be at the fountains, but I do not have a vid cam. konashark will take digital pictures, though. I will also be on the phone with an unFiction member who will be in the chat room #vanishing, on IRC chat-foshizzle.

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Hey, I think it would be a good idea (and kinda cool) for everyone from the neowin forums who are going to the fountains to meet up beforehand and/or get some coffee after, anyone in?

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Ok after some digging on 42 Entertainment's last ARG with Microsoft I came apon this snippit of info

"The game culminated by inviting "crew members" (players) to visit one of 4 cinemas where they could get a chance to play Halo 2 before its release, as well as collect many items of memorabilia, including a DVD summarizing the events of the game."

Wanna guess as to what those places and dates mean?

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ok - I'll get off the train idea. It does appear to just be a hint of the great prize in the end. I believe the train image is the Galaxy Express 999.


The Galaxy Express 999, she explains, is a train that can take him from the Milky Way to the Andromeda Galaxy, in which there is a planet that will give him a mechanized body for free. Her only condition for giving him this pass is that he allow her to accompany him. Though mystified, Tetsuro sees that this pass is his single chance to get off Earth, see the universe, and get a mechanized body and thus live forever.

While the site above is OOG - it is informative as to why that train image may have appeared.

More pointing to something relating to space and being immortalized. And while Loki has the correct answers:

Their name will be repeated as many times as there are stars in—
(s)he doesn't always have to give them:
That name will be repeated as many times as there are grains of sand on a beach.

Now - if anyone else has a theory they need de-bunked, let me know, I seem to be good at that.


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