The PRE game fun...

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also, has anyone been to the AMD website, the page is right on the main page, however, i could not find it anywhere on the Intel website, why is this? is it possible AMD is going to be partnered with MS in the launch of Vista, after all, the new "4x4" quad FX series was specifically developed for Vista.

I am not sure on most of what i have posted, hoever, for some reason i have a gut feeling that something i have said is write, but who needs to be right? When sliding by can get you where u need to

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I've read almost all 114 pages and this is amazing. I followed along and even tried to figure out some of the problems. I had a few questions and observations though.

Questions and Observations:

1.How do you use the ciphers and ROTs?

2.So far i haven't seen anything saying that this game might continue on after the 8th, everything has lead up to that day. If i'm wrong please tell me.

3. A previous post made by someone stated that he was 99% sure that the prize would be a trip to space and i completely agree with him and his reasons,but also wanted to remind you that in the manifesto page it says " Remember, countdowns usually end with a launch, and this will be a lift-off like the world has never seen." Which is obviously talking about a space shuttel launch.

4.Correct if i'm wrong, but in absolutely none of the movies or directories does it mention that the girl shown is loki and in fact it doesn't even mention it's a girl. When i first started reading i assumed loki was a guy because that is usually how the norse god is depicted.(Note:Although he can be a girl, he is still the "Son" of Odin).

5.Also I think we still have to solve the riddle in the file directory.

6.On the one picross puzzle that gave the answer about the monk, did we ever figure out what that was for?

7.And last, i may be looking to deep, but in file for some reason where it says "Their name will be repeated as many times as there are stars in?

No. Let?s be more precise. That name will be repeated as many times as there are grains of sand on a beach." It really stood out to me as if that meant something.

Please let me know your opinion on my observations.

Well one part is wr:(g :( Loki is not a god, or the son of Odin.

he was the son of the giants F?rbauti and Laufey and foster-brother of Odin.

He is not a god, since he had no following.

Nor does the U.S. Space program allow Civies on shuttle flights since the big bang.

just my opinion though.

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Just for info, I have it direct from MS, that "there is a desk for someone that goes by the name of Loki, and they are known as the Enigma Director" (as per the letter).

(I was concerned to receive an unsolicted USB key through the post, and didn't want to plug it in to anything, or visit the url without verifying with MS security team, to make sure it was genuine).

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i don't see anything that has to do with vanishing point on there (the amd site)

any help?

On the main page, under advert slideshow, to the right:


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very good point. This does look very interesting... has details of vanishing point..

it seems to be a microsoft amd partnering around vista?

AMD search gives no result. Where do you see details?

But searching for loki on ATI you find a LINUX reference - ooops, I'm sure that was NOT intended :)

Loki at ATI says:

"We are working closely with ATI on ATI's VHA Software Development Kit to incorporate high-quality MPEG playback into our games using SMPEG, Loki's open source MPEG playback library," said Scott Draeker, President, Loki Entertainment Software. "Soon SMPEG and ATI hardware will allow Linux users, for the first time, to enjoy the exceptional visual quality and performance of hardware accelerated MPEG, including DVD playback, with third party drivers."

Yes, I filled out the "uber geek survey" on Connect.

I'm still in favor of Shadowrun (My guess)

But where are the 12 riddles? I received key no. 5, where's the rest? Wiki doesn't list more than 6. So the rest has to resolved at the locations?

Next guess: There are 12 locations, so there will be 1 new riddle at each event, making 12 in total?! BTW, did you notice that last event is a week after all the others and in "Microsoft city" Seattle, just the weekend before the Vista launch?

Edited by isniem
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But searching for loki on ATI you find a LINUX reference - ooops, I'm sure that was NOT intended :)

No probably not...

ANYWAY! I AM EXCITED! 1 Day, 11 Hours!

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AMD search gives no result. Where do you see details?

It's in rotation on the spot for ads. Refresh the amd page to see it if it's not there.

Not true "details", but the same image that popped up at the IE blog.


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Firstly, I am not a decoder, so I would like to know how to become one. (I have not have had any affiliation or membership in any of the Vista Preview Programs, nor am I in any position to fly to Vegas or anywhere else for that matter.)

Having said that, let me bring up an interesting point.

I read a few pages in the beginning of this forum and the last 5 as well. I attempted to change the clock and my clock slowed down at


and froze for about a minute or so then continued and stopped at


The timing at 6 and 7 may be a clue....

Also, does the browser that you use make a difference?

I may sound stupid but...

Why doesn't anyone contact the underground do just hack the whole game?!!

Did anyone try to read any of the scripts etc? They may reference to key files that would give away the whole game.

I'll be honest. I'm more interested in the code portion of this than than actually solving the riddles, nor do I care who Loki is, although as another possible clue, Loki may not just be a name. It may be a reference to the concept of Loci (the plural of Locus, a math concept {I'm taking Math A this year, my regents is on the 25th of Jan.}).


Oh, one more thing: When google was looking for prospective employees, (I dont know what year this was), they put up an ad on the billboards over the highway near L.A. with a mathamatical equation, and anyone who solved it &plugged into thier browser, got another puuzzle, after a few difficult puzzles, the prospect would be redirected to a job application.

I don't buy this thingy about a trip into space...

A job at microsoft seems much more plausible. But then again, I'm only a dumb HS student, what do I know?



Thanx 4 a speedy reply,


Edited by moshefromsinai
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Whatever became of "Cipher Key 3.jpg"? I've found Cipher Keys 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 now, and that "formula" thing from YouTube, but why isn't there a "Cipher Key 3.jpg"...?

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Firstly, I am not a decoder, so I would like to know how to become one. (I have not have had any affiliation or membership in any of the Vista Preview Programs, nor am I in any position to fly to Vegas or anywhere else for that matter.)

As far as I know, the decoders have already been chosen.. joining a forum like this, and looking at the wiki will let you try to solve some of the puzzles for yourself.

Having said that, let me bring up an interesting point.

I read a few pages in the beginning of this forum and the last 5 as well. I attempted to change the clock and my clock slowed down at


and froze for about a minute or so then continued and stopped at


The timing at 6 and 7 may be a clue....

I don't think so. This was brought up before, and it seems that it just stops right before 0, since there is no page to redirect to (yet). 6 or 7 milliseconds is quite negligible.

Also, does the browser that you use make a difference?

No, the same codes seem to work with all the browsers that have been tried.

I may sound stupid but...

Why doesn't anyone contact the underground do just hack the whole game?!!

Did anyone try to read any of the scripts etc? They may reference to key files that would give away the whole game.

I'll be honest. I'm more interested in the code portion of this than than actually solving the riddles, nor do I care who Loki is, although as another possible clue, Loki may not just be a name. It may be a reference to the concept of Loci (the plural of Locus, a math concept {I'm taking Math A this year, my regents is on the 25th of Jan.}).

Well, all the authentication is on the server-side so there's no hackable source code. At least one person was going to try brute-forcing the codes, but haven't seen anything from them. Someone else tried to decompile the flash, and the script to contact the server for authentication was the only interesting part. Aside from brute-forcing, or somehow being able to login to the server... I don't think it is hackable.


Oh, one more thing: When google was looking for prospective employees, (I dont know what year this was), they put up an ad on the billboards over the highway near L.A. with a mathamatical equation, and anyone who solved it &plugged into thier browser, got another puuzzle, after a few difficult puzzles, the prospect would be redirected to a job application.

I don't buy this thingy about a trip into space...

A job at microsoft seems much more plausible. But then again, I'm only a dumb HS student, what do I know?


And yes I agree with you there :p it's probably not anything to do with space. Some of the words that they used have double-meanings (vista, launch) which are very likely just referring to the software meaning. Nice thought about a job at Microsoft.. that would be fun :laugh:

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OK It is clear that Microsoft has Timetravel sorted, ties in with the mystry of this game well.

You see since the bloggers at CES in Las Vegas returned from the 7th January treat in the Microsoft Partnet Tent all the blog entries have been posted on 8th January, despite it being mid afternoon in Las Vegas on the 7th January

So Ultimate extras allow time travel / bending - cool.

Now if we can only download this and advance the vanishingpoint game a little we could scoop all the prizes before the game starts for those with XP,Linux or OSX.

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I still think this is a game launch and though I can't be certain I still think it is Shadowrun. The mere fact that AMD in involved shores that up even more. Talk about a cross company marketing blitz. AMD CPU, ATI Graphics, and Microsoft Vista. Add that with the fact you can also play it on another MS only device the Xbox360. The last time I have seen MS use 42Entertainment was on the ARG "I love bees" which even goes further to shore up that this is a game launch. It is also a game that is going to sell millions of copies so what better way for some fame than to name a main character after a person who solves the riddle or is just lucky.

We will know more tomorrow :)

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Please, oh please, let it be tomorrow soon...

All these speculations makes my stomach hurt from the laughing. :laugh:

spaceships, time travel, conspiration theorys... gosh!

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OK It is clear that Microsoft has Timetravel sorted, ties in with the mystry of this game well.


You might have a point :D, it all makes sense now:

I think the name of the guy who sorted it out is Herodotus Euler. One day he was bending some tiny metals at work and thought `if I can do this to metal, than I must be able to do this to time`. So he got a box of watches, got a blowtorch, melted the watches together and started bending the whole thing with a tiny red screwdriver (codename TaperTime). He was so busy on his time travel work, that he didn?t notice that his Japanese girlfriend was having a relationship with a magician of the Bellagio. By the time he got to the Bellagio, his girlfriend had already fled to a small wooden shed miles away. Herodotus didn?t mind, watching the great fountains of the Bellagio he thought of his dream. He knew it would be dangerous just to tell a bunch of people of his creation. So he created a website and spread some riddles, and got Microsoft and AMD interested. What he didn?t know was that his girlfriend was spreading some riddles of her own on YouTube and SoapBox. Gathering some of the smartest and brightest people so that they could try to unveal his big secret before he could.

Ah well.. maybe the Zune was a fake and now they launch the real ipod killer. Or its just a bunch of nice Vista Ultimate extras. Lets find out tomorrow...

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