The PRE game fun...

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I just deciphered the whole thing from the screen shown during the CES MS Keynote.

I'm working on the rest.

"An audience of general spectators and key players arrive at the Bellagio Hotel on Monday night around 6pm and wait alongside the [something] in anticipation of something significant to take place. The general public will not be aware that something unusual is about to take place but the community will have deciphered the countdown and the precise time and showing location for this spectacular event. The famous Bellagio Fountains (Lake Bellagio), are renouned as the [something] [something] of Las Vegas are about to reveal the global challenge and deliver the first set of visual clues in a way no-one has seen before. Of course, there is still one big suprise they won't see coming. Countdown hits zero at exactly 6:30pm. I look left to right, scanning the audience.

Lights and music turn off (fountains stay on). Two more water curtains rise on the left and right side of the original curtains. As these curtains rise, they fill with multiple clocks and the sound of the original clock multiplies by hundreds revealing... (view full production notes)."

After that is the LOKI heading, followed by the text that had already been transcribed.

You should also note that the folder these documents are stored in (in the video) is called "Windows Vista Game".

You can find full text (without [somethings] )here:

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Ouch... it will be 03:30 here. And I have to work tomorrow.

Could someone please record what is happening on the website/at Las Vegas?

it'll be 7:30 my time, so i'll definitely try to get some screenshots :p

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You can find full text (without [somethings] )here:

Also look at for the full Loki part as a higher res image. It looks like everyone decoded that part right :blink:... it's hard to believe that the grand prize REALLY IS a trip to space

In that photo you can also see a file called "participant roster.xls". I wonder if that's related, and they're keeping track of the participants in the forums.

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In that photo you can also see a file called "participant roster.xls". I wonder if that's related, and they're keeping track of the participants in the forums.

I doubt they are keeping track of participants in the forums. They DO know the names of the people they mailed the letters to.

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I doubt they are keeping track of participants in the forums. They DO know the names of the people they mailed the letters to.

Good point, those could just be the decoders. Lokivanishes has visited the forum more than once though.

just looked him/her up and (s)he hasn't been here since Dec. 29.. you're probably right

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I suppose that those bloggers who received keys from MSFT, are not the only ones allowed to take part in the game when coundown reaches zero. So, before anyone take part in that, (s)he should register first.

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I suppose that those bloggers who received keys from MSFT, are not the only ones allowed to take part in the game when coundown reaches zero. So, before anyone take part in that, (s)he should register first.

How would someone register? :s

Oh, and like Zyphrax said, it would be really great if someone could bring a video camera and record the Belagio event.. it's a bit far for some of us :p...

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Just wanted to post that I received the note & usb key (5th Jan) which contained Cipher Key 2 - wh3r3t0g0

Me Again, hope this is new?? I took said cypher key2 and used it as a password key on the Main Page, got alot of nbsp entries??

Looks like what ever it is there is 3 paragraphs of it.


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is anyone traveling to Sydney for this? i'm thinking of flying up for the day?

Yeh, I'll go. Sounds interesting. I wonder where abouts in Sydney it happens?

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Yea ill be at the Sydney one, when i find out where it is :p If there are a couple of us going we should meet up. PM me if your interested.

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In front of the Sidney Opera, maybe. It's near the water (similat to Bellagio and the fountains). I am from Serbia and just guessing...someone from Sidney should have a better guess, I suppose.

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In front of the Sidney Opera, maybe. It's near the water (similat to Bellagio and the fountains). I am from Serbia and just guessing...someone from Sidney should have a better guess, I suppose.

According to, the Sydney event won't be for another 5 days. I think the only event that happens tomorrow is in Las Vegas in front of the Bellagio fountain.

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I'm going to the Sydney one, I guess we will see how many people are going to be there before we work out if we should have a meet or whatever. Anyway I predict there to be atleast 200-300 people there anyway.

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I hate to disappoint you... but the countdowns show that no other events will happen for at least 5 days... :p so I'm guessing the actual locations will be somehow made available before then.

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Someone mentioned something about registering with Microsoft to become a decoder before the countdown reaches 0... does anyone have any thoughts about how to do that? I'm registered with Microsoft to be able to participate in events, but that's about it.

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Yea ill be at the Sydney one, when i find out where it is :p If there are a couple of us going we should meet up. PM me if your interested.

I am planning to go to Sydney, if you guys are going up - I guess I'll see you there? Anyone else leaving from Melbourne?

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Someone mentioned something about registering with Microsoft to become a decoder before the countdown reaches 0... does anyone have any thoughts about how to do that? I'm registered with Microsoft to be able to participate in events, but that's about it.

I mentioned that, but didn't say that you should register before countdown reaches zero. I meant that, when the game (real one, for prizes) begin, I suppose there would be some kind of registration, so that They know, when someone find a solution, how to contact him/her.

Edited by Englez
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