The PRE game fun...

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I think we missed the last paragraph of that document:

Production Notes from location:

Bellagio test, very good. Projections system check out. Picture can dissolve on edges but [something]in [something]. Space reserved.



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I can hardly believe I was right about the grand prize. Too bad I don't get a prize for guessing it right. I'm pretty jazzed now.

That really was a great guess :D... I should have believed you but I thought there'd be no way they would ACTUALLY send someone to space... :p but you were right, and this is really really cool.. I can't wait to see how this all turns out

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I just tried to check on several of the pages on and I am getting a 404 message, have these been removed already?

Now the home page is blank all I get is the vanishingpoint logo

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Clue from starfield:

> Every hour effects the stars. Will they guide your journey? Only time will tell.

Isn't this grammatically incorrect? I'm pretty sure 'effects' should be 'affects', right? Affect is the verb, effect the noun.

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Lokibots -- THEM -- the puppetmasters or whatever the title is of the people who work at 42.

Ok, what do I do after I am done answering all of them?

Help with putting the meta squares together or figure out how to contact Loki. We can't give her the meta game answer if we can't contact her.

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Lokibots -- THEM -- the puppetmasters or whatever the title is of the people who work at 42.

now im confused :s you saying you saw a bot in the members list, or are ya just guessing? We already know that loki is a member of the forum with the username lokivanishes

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You're joking, right? You do realize that the contest is to PROMOTE WINDOWS VISTA, right? And that it's not a contest, it's a sweepstakes, so by "ruining" the puzzles, we're just ruining our own chances? And that we don't care, because the community is the best part of the game?

Seriously, 42 took the "community" into account when designing the contest. I guarantee it.

Oh my god, calm down! I'm here for you :laugh:

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now im confused :s you saying you saw a bot in the members list, or are ya just guessing? We already know that loki is a member of the forum with the username lokivanishes

Sorry. We need to think like the creators of the game was my point.

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to be honest i don't think those little squares are to do with the meta prize, at least not yet. Why? because of this:

"When the time is right, I?ll ask you a question. For now, follow this trail to get the word it leads to."

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to be honest i don't think those little squares are to do with the meta prize, at least not yet. Why? because of this:

"When the time is right, I?ll ask you a question. For now, follow this trail to get the word it leads to."

They have to mean something. It's the closest we have to game in a game right? Maybe the 'other' word that pops up sometimes means there are other solutions to the puzzles?

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This is the stupidest game ever.... I cant believe how many people are falling over for this marketing plot.... BLA BLA BLA... Vanishing Brain . COM


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Yeah I know :) I just thought it was going to be something huge with all this hipe going on behind it...

Lol I guess I pressed fatherthespis's wrong button since he registered to Neowin just to participate in this game thread.

Sorry chaps, didnt mean to hurt your feelings



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found this in the Official Rules:

Meta Puzzle Bonus: The first individual to correctly solve the Meta Puzzle will automatically receive the AMD Signature Chip Bonus, which means their name will be inscribed on each AMD Athlon 64 FX chip manufactured from the time of the award through March 31, 2007. If you are deemed the recipient of this Meta Puzzle Bonus, follow the instructions presented at time of notification or receipt. This Bonus has no cash value.

verifies the thought of meta puzzle

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ok seriously - sorry if I missed the answer....

but is there a way to download the new video of Loki in the studio?

complete all the puzzles form week one and it becomes available to you

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Yeah I know :) I just thought it was going to be something huge with all this hipe going on behind it...

Lol I guess I pressed fatherthespis's wrong button since he registered to Neowin just to participate in this game thread.

Sorry chaps, didnt mean to hurt your feelings



so a trip into space isn't huge?

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