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And i agree on the shoes part they flip to them for some reason... trying to figure of if the marks on the floor mean anything or just a dirty floor and what is that hanging on the wall behind her one white think and one closer to the wall color.

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It was for use on the site...the video contained clues for the twelve puzzles from the first box.


i mean which ones specificaly have to do with the upside down solve picture

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Male Voice: venus

Female Voice: 4, 2, 1, 7


Male Voice: vru

Female Voice: 8, 2


Male Voice: quart <<< Thought it was port.

Female Voice: 4, 2

With that, maybe a I.P address? like say 42.178.2:42

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I don't buy the cup of tea thing.

If you look at the whole picture - it's a taken apart watch. That's probably the inside of the case backing.

But I could be very wrong because I still don't see a cat in that cat clue. Still looks like a bunny or kangaroo to me :)

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i think the solve picture on the water show is a puzzle to get a phone number

I don't buy the cup of tea thing.

If you look at the whole picture - it's a taken apart watch. That's probably the inside of the case backing.

But I could be very wrong because I still don't see a cat in that cat clue. Still looks like a bunny or kangaroo to me :)

amen to that

i completely agree

I don't buy the cup of tea thing.

If you look at the whole picture - it's a taken apart watch. That's probably the inside of the case backing.

But I could be very wrong because I still don't see a cat in that cat clue. Still looks like a bunny or kangaroo to me :)

amen to that

i completely agree

I don't buy the cup of tea thing.

If you look at the whole picture - it's a taken apart watch. That's probably the inside of the case backing.

But I could be very wrong because I still don't see a cat in that cat clue. Still looks like a bunny or kangaroo to me :)

amen to that

i completely agree

srry about that post i don't know what happened

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Male Voice: venus

Female Voice: 4, 2, 1, 7


Male Voice: vru

Female Voice: 8, 2


Male Voice: quart <<< Thought it was port.

Female Voice: 4, 2

With that, maybe a I.P address? like say 42.178.2:42

If it is port 42, that is usually an exploited port for worms.

See: TCP Port 42

Edited by agentleman
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Not that it means anything, but I've been thinking back to the 'Enigma Director' thing on the bottom of the letters some of us originally recieved. I've tried som emails pertaining to this, but no luck.

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Yeh that was my brain fart. I was thinking with the numbers instead of real I.P

More like

I'm just shooting out ideas and drawing blanks in the meantime.

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We're pretty sure the answerphone message was just a fluke, basically we got the number by changing the last 4 digits in the 866 number for those that corresponded to "PLAY" on a phones keypad.

its DNIS not venus and port. its just the info that a PBX system uses to route calls

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On the assumption that there is a White Box in every puzzle, we have what, 9 already? And need the ones for Current Events, Pocket Watches, and the Sundial.

Anyone have any luck? I've gone back and poked around but come up with squat so far.

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Before I start speculating about the numbers and the apparent abbreviations in the message, I need to know where this message came from.

Phone number is (+1) 866-xxxx-7529, like I said, its from the one that gives you the answer horizon, but with the last numbers switched to 7529 ie PLAY on a phone keypad. the numbers it reads back are completely irrelevant, because they change each time you call. I blanked the middle numbers out so people that read this dont just ignorantly call the number which isnt part of the game.

Ps just to save anyone the hastle, dont bother changing the last numbers to WORK - 9615 - the number isnt in use

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On the assumption that there is a White Box in every puzzle, we have what, 9 already? And need the ones for Current Events, Pocket Watches, and the Sundial.

Anyone have any luck? I've gone back and poked around but come up with squat so far.

Had you clicked them previously? Or any at all?

Once clicked they go away for good. And I find it odd that nobody has these. So I'm thinking there actually might not be one per puzzle...

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On the assumption that there is a White Box in every puzzle, we have what, 9 already? And need the ones for Current Events, Pocket Watches, and the Sundial.

Anyone have any luck? I've gone back and poked around but come up with squat so far.

i tried to find the white boxes for those ones everywhere... i tried it logged in, logged out and using a different browser (in case of cookies or something) but i found nothing... i hadn't click them before either.
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