The PRE game fun...

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I dont think so.

I ask because my Starfield was "close enough" to recognize Washington and my Hourglass procedure was as sloppy as that late hour allowed. I should have wrote down the steps that got me to GR AI NS.

In the meantime, just twiddling my thumbs waiting for more clues.

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I just called Microsoft and there was no obvious option on the phone tree to enter an's all voice activated. Anyone else get to a point where they can enter an extension number?

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just figured I would mention, it was no longer free to call from skype to a phone, as of Jan 1st this year. (just since people mentioned using skype for free earlier)

also I'd just like to add that I think you guys are actually going BACKWARDS. I'm fairly sure we had it right with the @vanishingpointgame email. which is why the email returned with the "try harder" message. she said she would ask us questions heh

Edited by TalonSilverclaw
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Here goes...I worked it out on paper & tested it online (as opposed to doing it all in my head like the first time!)

1. Start with - 12/0 7/0 4/0

2. Run & get - 8/4 3/4 0/4

3. Flip 2 & 3 - 8/4 4/3 4/0

4. Run & get - 4/8 0/7 0/4

5. Flip 2 & 3 - 4/8 7/0 4/0

6. Run & get - 0/12 3/4 0/4

7. Flip 1 & 2 - 12/0 3/4 4/0

8. Run & get - 9/3 0/7 1/3

9. Flip 2 & 3 - 9/3 7/0 3/1

10. Run & get - 6/6 4/3 0/4

11. Flip 2 & 3 - 6/6 3/4 4/0

12. Run & get - 3/9 0/7 1/3

13. Flip 2 & 3 - 3/9 7/0 3/1

14. Run & get - 0/12 4/3 0/4

15. Flip 1 & 3 - 12/0 4/3 4/0

16. Run & get - 8/4 0/7 0/4

17. Flip 2 & 3 - 8/4 7/0 4/0

18. Run & get - 4/8 3/4 0/4

19. Flip 2 & 3 - 4/8 4/3 4/0

20. Run & see the message...

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Following that... If you email her from a different email address, you get the usual response right away.

I'm thinking that since, as TalonSilverclaw just mentioned, she said she would ask us questions, our initial email signed us up for a newsletter from her and subsequent emails are /dev/nulled. And eventually, we'll all get an email again from her. The "try harder" seems like there is in fact something else we are to be doing in the meantime.

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Obviously there's something with sound involved. Phone, IM, or audio on a webpage is all I can come up with. I've added both loki and v-loki to my MSN messenger list. I've attempted to call m-soft but only end up at the operator (and I don't have the balls to ask her for Loki - since there is still legitimate business being conducted there). Obviously email is "not what she had in mind" so I think phone or IM are the two best options.

I've also tried contacting "me" at microsoft, but no response...trying all the angles here.

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My feeling on the "try harder" and "play" vs "work" thing is, if you email her "work" address you get the "try harder" message, but when you email her "play" email address it acknowledges that you have the "play" on.

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So its was on CNN, interesting comment on the meta puzzle though, whoever finds out the identity of loki ?

OK so we know the answer to the question is a word, that word is going to be here identity then ?

Try Harder, yes well MS is a bit too easy to be work yes ?

Try Harder then listen closely - so before we listen we must try harder to find work ?

BUt loki@ w o r k is not the email we need - name@work is whet we need maybe ?

Any unique out of the box email ideas ?

D&G ?

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OK, I've been thinking about this... and with some clues, here's some thoughts. This is at least worth putting on the table.

"The faster you work, the faster the sand runs out on me."

"At the end of this challenge I will cease to exist. Every puzzle you solve takes me closer to my own vanishing point."

In other words. Loki isn't a real person, it's an alias. When you find who Loki really is, they (Loki as an alias) ceases to exist.
"How'd I get this gig... I graduated with a quadruple major... My GPA was Pi"

Translates into I'm an actor. I'm playing the character Loki because I'm trained to do it. Let me throw in some stuff to throw you off and I'm doing my job.

Again, just some thoughts... maybe from far left field, I dunno. But I have an idea of who Loki really is now ;)

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I just did a little bit of number crunching, based on her GPA. In order to get that GPA she would need:

This is based on being able to get anywhere from 0-4 points with 1/3 divisions for + and -. IE A+ = 4, A = 3.666 A- = 3.333, B+ = 3 and on down.

Numbers are Credits : cummulative points

153:480.6667 = 3.141612~

193:606.3333 = 3.141623~

233:732 = 3.141631~

266:835.6667 = 3.141604~

These provide 3.1416[0-4]

146:458.6667 = 3.141553~

186:584.3333 = 3.141577~

219:688 = 3.141553~

226:710 = 3.141593~

259:813.6667 = 3.141570

These provide 3.1415[5-9]

I only did for credits 120-270. This is probably wasted time, but it does show how hard it would be to get that GPA.

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If I get another piece of evidence to support it, I will. ;)

It's better be some damned good evidence, since everything else contradicts it. I think you're really barking up the wrong tree. Sure, she's an actress, but within the context of the game she's not.

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can't find the connection, the underscores are prevalent to past...

Edited by dmholt57
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?? ?? lost i am

Any way some observations from the puzzles, I was hoping to get some white boxes to play with on my partners laptop but they are just not there this morning, they were on timeglasses last night and the one I saw did not look much like the ones we have - but i was tired and messed up the screenshot somehow - hope it comes back later. Nothing today though.


Current Events.

Numbers 14 838 6 are highlighted on the calander bellow if you notice 6 is half highlighted


prob nothing but why install a printer twice is Vista that bad ?

Oh well still searching for L O K I misiing some letters ??

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I called Microsoft and asked an operator to be transferred to Loki. Sure enough, I was connected, and got the following message:

"Awesome work. All knowledge eventually needs effective diagnosis."

You're given another phone number. When you call it, you have to provide a fax number. When you do, you get a fax document ...

Itinerary for: L Kitsune

Date Flight Depart Arrive

Jan 4 AW 291 12:05p 2:22p

Jan 11 SW 608 7:00p 8:05p

Jan 18 AA 1308 1:45p 6:40p

Jan 24 UA 373/339 9:15a 1:07p

Jan 28 AK 394 9:55a 12:08p

That last number, 12:08p is circled, and handwritten under it is the following:

Former AT&T Bldg.


The dates correspond with the dates of the events (the first is because she got to Vegas early). Luckily, I live in Seattle, and I think I know which AT&T building this refers to, because I used to work there. :)

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SuperRob you could at least say where/who did all the finding :p it was actually all found by Maximus in the unFiction IRC.

and i was the first perosn to record the phone call :D lol

anyways you can find both the fax and voicemessage below:

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