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Syntax I must apologise I thought you were full of it but I was wrong. Here is the anserw to your key.


It looks to be the same puzzle as escapegravity though. The anserw goes back to zenith.


The previous codes have made a word or sentence, however I cannot make one from your answer?

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The previous codes have made a word or sentence, however I cannot make one from your answer?

That is why I didn't belive you but if you type it in at the site you get a puzzle. I gave you the bennfit of the doubt so please try the same for me.


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That is why I didn't belive you but if you type it in at the site you get a puzzle. I gave you the bennfit of the doubt so please try the same for me.


That's cool and it works. It's just weird that that it's the only key that the answer is different to the rest.

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Maby a clue in its self. Or maby I have been searching and racking my brain so much I am way over thinking it all. Thank you for trusting me, and you are welcome.


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Maby a clue in its self. Or maby I have been searching and racking my brain so much I am way over thinking it all. Thank you for trusting me, and you are welcome.


It could just be that they accidently sent out some keys with + instead of -, then realized they'd made a mistake so they kept both results valid.

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Although if you change the numbers in to leters and then treat it as an anagram


anagrams to

Oxidized a bike

Not that it means anything but, now you know and knowing is half the battle.

Man I am tired.


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Syntax I must apologise I thought you were full of it but I was wrong. Here is the anserw to your key.


It looks to be the same puzzle as escapegravity though. The anserw goes back to zenith.


I said this before, but I'll say it again. That code is the same one as "EscapeGravity", which is a code that was ONLY posted here. My theory is that the code was misprinted as ROT+4 instead of ROT-4 (or vice versa, I forget) on the keys that were sent out, and then Loki came here to post the "real" code. That's the reason why you get the same directory for both of them. There is no other significance, so while there are technically six cipher keys, there were only intended to be five for this cipher.

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I said this before, but I'll say it again. That code is the same one as "EscapeGravity", which is a code that was ONLY posted here. My theory is that the code was misprinted as ROT+4 instead of ROT-4 (or vice versa, I forget) on the keys that were sent out, and then Loki came here to post the "real" code. That's the reason why you get the same directory for both of them. There is no other significance, so while there are technically six cipher keys, there were only intended to be five for this cipher.

Syntax posted it and asked for help, and I said that it was the same or more acuratly I said it looked the same as the escapegravity puzzle. I never said this was an exceptional thing. I just posted and anserw for Syntax. I agree that it is most likly the result of a mistype in a pervious key. I was trying to be polte and admit that I was wrong for thinking that Syntax was full of it due to the decifer not makeing since and as an apology posting the decifer. I am sorry this has some how vexed you.


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I said this before, but I'll say it again. That code is the same one as "EscapeGravity", which is a code that was ONLY posted here. My theory is that the code was misprinted as ROT+4 instead of ROT-4 (or vice versa, I forget) on the keys that were sent out, and then Loki came here to post the "real" code. That's the reason why you get the same directory for both of them. There is no other significance, so while there are technically six cipher keys, there were only intended to be five for this cipher.

Technically seven keys but Six keys have now been found.

1 wh0isl0ki 9x9 letter grid

4 iw4nttwinyou phone number

3? 3scap3grav1ty 20x20 letter grid

5 imm0rtaliz3m3 audio file

2 wh3r3t0g0 HTML code

6 formula colored connect the dots

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Ah sorry yes it is Rot+4 and is also cipher key 6.


And what's your answer if you do Rot+4? Is it the same one that leads you zenith? I couldn't get that answer..

Maybe I was just doing it wrong? What does everyone else think?

I'm not sure it is a misprint - they've been too clever so far.. And they only posted them out four days ago, after the puzzle had been solved, why bother?

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Just received a USB key through the post with video, image, and text file. Looks like you guys have the info already though... (ROT+13).

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I said this before, but I'll say it again. That code is the same one as "EscapeGravity", which is a code that was ONLY posted here. My theory is that the code was misprinted as ROT+4 instead of ROT-4 (or vice versa, I forget) on the keys that were sent out, and then Loki came here to post the "real" code. That's the reason why you get the same directory for both of them. There is no other significance, so while there are technically six cipher keys, there were only intended to be five for this cipher.

I had the ROT+4 that I just recieved today. Took my wife and I about 3 hours to figure it all out, in the end we just ended up at a website anyhow, not sure what's supposed to happen next. Seems pretty cool either way. Oh it also says something about 'the ultimate vista'....seems that would be Vista Ultimate... ;)

I also noticed others seemed to recieve a box with the USB key and whatnot in, I just got a silver painted envelope with a letter and a silver painted smaller envelope with the USB key inside....seems it was still the same information as others I've seen on the net have recieved, just in different packaging.

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some people are recieving their keys with the same information just in case one of the original people (i.e. people who received laptops from Microsoft) did not put them up on the website. In other words, it's just a backup. Nothing to worry about. :)

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Technically seven keys but Six keys have now been found.

I was talking about the cipher keys, of which there are five, plus one bad one. "Manifesto" is the answer to a different puzzle unrelated to the original code graphic that was posted on several sites.

I think we need to standardize our language for things like this. Something like "EscapeGravity" or "Manifesto" should be referred to as answers, solutions. The keys are what the decoders had that told you which parts of the code were relevant, and what decoding mechanism to use.

By the way, for anyone still confused about this whole "decoder" thing, that's all this was for. In theory, someone who stumbled across the code graphic on a website (what they call a "trailhead" in ARGs) was supposed to seek out a "decoder", who would provide them with the cipher key they had (one of five). Of course, this particular code was very easy to brute force if you wanted to go that way, but that's the way this was supposed to work. It's all to bring people into the game, which still hasn't really started yet. Even the "Ignition" video is just a trailhead ... ignition meaning to start, of course. As far as I can tell, the decoders really don't have any special role to play outside of this one puzzle, which is now over.

Oh, and no sweat, Shade. I actually keep confusing this forum with the one at UnFiction, so I was unnecessarily snarky with you, and I apologize for that. :)

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Read my Sig its updated every time something is found I have been here from the start.

I'm still confused about how 3akix3ozidd1b was worked it, was it using rot+4? I cannot work it out and couldn't work it out from the other posts either?

I got rot+4 in the post today and couldn't get it to give me this answer, and the one I got didn't work - maybe I just did it wrong though..

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I am not sure if anyone knows this but if you search Lokivanishes on google there are lots of forums with a member called Lokivanishes and they all joined the forum on 20 december 2006 but all of them dont have any posts!

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I am not sure if anyone knows this but if you search Lokivanishes on google there are lots of forums with a member called Lokivanishes and they all joined the forum on 20 december 2006 but all of them dont have any posts!

He's got a post here :rolleyes:

He gave a clue earlier :whistle:

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I'm still confused about how 3akix3ozidd1b was worked it, was it using rot+4? I cannot work it out and couldn't work it out from the other posts either?

I got rot+4 in the post today and couldn't get it to give me this answer, and the one I got didn't work - maybe I just did it wrong though..

Yes when I did it I used Rot+4 so








You then over lay the key and pick only the highlighted lettters and numbers, and you have your answer. I hope this hleps.


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