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It is hard not to think too much here I found this place yesterday and the Vanishingpoint as well and have been burning my brain since... Kudos to the creator!!

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Oh!! You have missed a letter!


Hidden letter is: N

Spoiler 2:

Word is: Manifesto

Edited by nexus450
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Hello everybody,

Can someone confirm those Long Lat coordinates, please? Where do you have them from, moroz r ?

If they are correct, then the Berlin coordinates are somehow around the corner from where I live. If they aren't, do they represent the center of each of the cities? In that case, the Berlin coordinates would be wrong again, because the coordinates for Berlin are 52? 31' N, 13? 25' O according to the Wikipedia. So please help out in telling us, where you got those coordinates from :-)



Don't you see the white cross on the meadow? I don't think it's there just by accident. According to the Berlin Countdown ends in 15 days. Meet you there in 15 days? I'm from Germany as well and I think I'm gonna be there if we don't get any further instructions;);)

But I'm a little bit wondering because that cross is in front of a government building (Marie Elisabeth L?sers Haus) and I really can't imagine that they would grant permission for that.

Edited by habonator
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i think i got the answer ....

This means ya'll need to get a life seriously ... some buch of letters and numbers which any1 of us can make up and call it a ridle

Hmmm you're right...

I used your name on here as an example and here's the code I got:


i use vista and i didnt get anything :( mabe because i am 17?

Like me and many others have said in many other threads on this forum:

Just because you were selected to test Vista or any other beta product from Microsoft, it doesn't mean you'll all get gifts at the end. If you were a tester for Vista and you filed one single bug you got a copy of Vista Ultimate Edition for free. Be happy you got that, OK? Nowhere, in any Microsoft beta, does it say you'll recieve a gift at the end of the products beta period.

Some testers really need to get over it already

After the RTM...there's basically no chance of anything new.

Edit: As for those extras...Maybe a nice $39.99 Vista Plus! would be released..

At least i hope not!

From the sound of what you said above, that I put in bold, you don't even know what the extras that were mentioned are.

Vista Ultimate Edition has what's called Ultimate Extras. This will be kind of like the stuff you'd get from a Plus! pack except instead of going out and buying a Plus! pack for that one thing you want and getting stuck with all the crap you don't want, you can simply download only what you want and it's free. I don't think Microsoft has any plans at all of doing a Plus! pack for Vista seeing how the Plus! pack for XP wasn't all that great and barely sold. Most people who even have the pack for XP have it because it most likely came pre-installed on a computer they bought. I've never seen anyone who has actually bought those things. Everytime I've seen them in stores they're sitting there all alone, collecting dust.


To everyone else...keep up the great work on solving this thing

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So, anyone got a feel for how many of us official "decoders" there are?

If small, perhaps we should generate a list in case we are needed collectively for any further part..

I get the feeling there may be several hundred of each, but I've only noticed 2 other posts that received the same key as me....


(I got key 5: ROT + 13)

Edited by servermanninja
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manifesto. its been posteda bunch of times already. read the pages.

edit: oops, the forum seems to have gotten cached or something. i hit referesh a bunchof times, and that post was the last one, now it shows a bunch more. do i delete posts here?

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Well, now I've read through all the pages of this thread and a heap of questions arose.

First of all what we got so far:

Now the questions:

  • Why is the "<!-- PIN=5813 -->" on all pages and not only on the iw4nttwinyou or iw4nttowinyou page?
  • Why is there a short instruction below the picture at the manifesto page? Perhaps that puzzle was planned to be solved first and then the other puzzels. However, we solved these puzzels in parallel.
  • Somebody mentioned he heard "preawareness" on the telephone. Someone else got from the flash the following URL:
    Could there be any relation?
  • The steam names of the video are not in chronological order. Perhaps this is just because of the used encoding program?
    Loki.wmv - Steam Name: video 2
    ignition.wmv - Steam Name: video 1
  • Why is the sound file called 1234.mp3?

And some notes i collected:

  • Some letters from LOKI got a postscriptum, others not!
  • The clock of the flash-script is now on server-side, because changing the local time of my computer did not change anything (correct me if I'm wrong).
  • The textcursor only appears on certain pictures. But this happens only because of the text field in the background of the picture (error of the flash-script).
  • The NIAC thing is certainly the wrong path. When we found the four spelling mistakes in the text and tried to construct some relations with it, it got corrected on the site. So I think "they" wanted to keep us on the right path.

My final thought is that we need more input from "them" in order to get the whole thing solved :)



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Checking in here to let you know I've been lurking.

I received Key 1 a few days ago.

Then you would know that everyone is trying to find the people with the keys and have them post the contents.

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The Bellagio Fountains are on Las Vegas Blvd, just a little bit south of Flamingo.

The CES Expo will be in the Las Vegas Convention Center (LVCC), about 1/2 mile by road from the Bellagio, the Sands Convention Center (at the Venetian, just a few blocks north of the Bellagio), and in the Hilton (just a block north of the LVCC).

Hotels booked for CES include Bellagio (where some companies will have host rooms - parties for invited guests), Venetian (also the headquarters hotel for the Adult Video Awards and Convention, by the way), Treasure Island, Mirage, Hilton, Ballys, etc.

Every place will have buses going back and forth from the hotels to the LVCC. And the monorail also will be busy. There is a monorail stop behind the Ballys (which is across the street from Bellagio) and at the LVCC.

So, the fountains are NOT too far away from CES. The time consuming part will be the traffic. In some cases it is faster to walk the mile than to drive, taxi, or bus it. If you are at the LVCC and trying to get to the fountains, take the monorail to the Bally's station, walk through the Bally's casino and across the bridge to get to the fountain side of the street.

We're planning to try to park in the Bally's (or maybe even the Venetian, I have an employees parking pass there) and walk over to the fountains to be there around 5:30 or 6p.

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Then you would know that everyone is trying to find the people with the keys and have them post the contents.

Well... since I'm at work and my key is at home, that's just not going to happen right now. However, I'll edit my original post later and attach the info. But since it's nothing new, I don't think it will be of much help.

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Man... I feel like an idiot. I've been referring to the first event as 'the LA event' until someone pointed out today that it's actually Vegas. I did know this, it was a silly mistake :s And I couldn't edit my post up there ^^^

Anyway, what Evil Dragon said is probably right. They wanted to kick things off when a lot of people already were going to be in Vegas.

And the location is no-where near where CES will be held. Someone told me today on IRC that it would take hours to get from wherever CES is being held to the Bellagio Fountains. It's not a tradeshow.

If it is in Vegas, than there is no where that takes "hours" to get to. The Convention Center is only about 10 minutes away from the Bellagio via Taxis. and less via the tram.

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the name is not GM7 anymore .. it changed to steve

Maybe this "steve" is this ( guy.

Happy Holidays

Filed under: Personal, Tech/Entertainment, ARG ? Steve @ 2:25 pm

Pardon me wLb>e I vanish for the holiday weekend. I hope to just spend time with myAb>mily and enjoy the coUb>rs of the seaNb>, maybe do a littlCb>aroling, pHb>aps.

Happy Holidays, everyone! Enjoy your present(s).

He does mention the LAUNCH, right?

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Well... since I'm at work and my key is at home, that's just not going to happen right now. However, I'll edit my original post later and attach the info. But since it's nothing new, I don't think it will be of much help.

I didn't mean that you had to post the info at this very moment.

Your post just didn't contain very much info is all I was getting at.

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I didn't mean that you had to post the info at this very moment.

Your post just didn't contain very much info is all I was getting at.

Hahaha... no worries. :) What info were you looking for? I worked thru the first 2 puzzles (cipher 1 and the 9x9 grid) before I figured out that there was such a complete thread. I got to the Bio page, and that's where I sit. I'm trying to figure out the relationship of the golden ratio (spiral) to Pi. Aside from that, I'm chilling until the 8th, unless something else comes before then.

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