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im thinkin' of installin' a firewall...rite now it's either betwn zone alarm pro or norton internet security 2003...i don't like any of the freeware crappy firewalls or blackice

thnx in advance


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Neither of them in my opinion are worth it. Trust me, a free one can do a better job :woot: Norton plain isnt sensitive enough and ZA has too many problems. Kerio and Outpost have served me well.

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I use to use NIS 2003, but it was like a time bomb. Seems like after a few months, it just goes crazy and stops working. I've turned to Zone Alarm Pro now. I've never liked ZA in the past, being so annoying, but the new one, I like it.

Main reason why I ditched Norton was the ping I would get in some games. When a friend and I would play C&C: Red Alert 2, Yuri's Revenge, it would show my ping 1000ms+. I was unpingable, 100% packet loss. Even after I disabled the firewall, it didn't change.

Zone Alarm Pro is great IMO.

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I use Norton Internet Security 2003, and it works great :) ....

I've used Zone Alarm but has'nt worked very well in my experience :( ....


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I use Norton Internet Security 2003, and it works great :) ....

I've used Zone Alarm but has'nt worked very well in my experience :( ....


How do you mean? What differences get you to say that?

I use Kerio Personal Firewall. It is free. It does a really great job of blocking incoming and outgoing traffic. It is just as feature packed as NAV. And I believe it takes up fewer resources than NAV.

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I use Norton Internet Security 2003, and it works great :) ....

I've used Zone Alarm but has'nt worked very well in my experience :( ....


How do you mean? What differences get you to say that?

I use Kerio Personal Firewall. It is free. It does a really great job of blocking incoming and outgoing traffic. It is just as feature packed as NAV. And I believe it takes up fewer resources than NAV.

I mean it was'nt really configured after it was installed m8, you had to mess around with settings to get things right, and I didnt like the visual aspect of it :) ....


Edited by Radish
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i'm using sygate firewall, i tried za before and didn't really like it..and changed to norton and didn't like it too because i've to disable them first if i want to go some webpages..with sygate it's nice...that's just my opinion tho ;)

i think there's a review on pcworld about some several firewalls..check it out.

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I have used alot of different firewalls, free and not free. I currently use norton though. It seems to work best for me, but kerio is great also. What i dont understand is why people are saying you dont need a firewall. Why not? The windows firewall only stops incoming traffic. What about outgoing? Thats no concern to you?

Some say that the more popular firewalls arent quite as useful because people can get around them easier being that they are well known. Its up to you though, i recommend trying a few out before settling for one.

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