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Hey folks,

Thought you might be interested in being the first to get hold of a small tool I whipped up - Vista Boot Logo Generator! It basically takes the hard work out of generating the new high res 800x600 & 1024x768 24-bit colour boot screens, so you can spend more time creating your works of art :-)

You can get it here:

Vista Boot Logo Generator v1.1

It is still very much a beta, so use at your own risk. Have fun :-)



UPDATE: v1.1 is now out which fixes a blank screen bug that some people were experiencing.

Edited by no1
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Thank you to all those who sent in bug reports! I've updated the tool to v1.1 (the updated link is in the original post).

For all those who are using an x64 version of Vista, I'm afraid I don't have an x64 capable machine so I've no way of testing at the moment! If someone could send me the winload.exe.mui file in their Windows\System64\en-US directory, I'll certainly take a look and see if I can patch it.



Very nice application. I'm using this very simplistic bootscreen:


  Angel Blue01 said:
Is there any harm in using the NOGUIBOOT option? I love the ability make and change bootscreens easily!

No, but if any boot time process such as CHKDSK were to run a task before booting into Windows, you won't be able to see its progress.

  FR1908 said:
I also really would like to see a x64 version of this!. I attached the requested file. Let me know if its not the right file or if you need another file.

Vista Version 6.0 (Build 6000)

I renaimed the file to txt. Otherwise i couldn't upload it.

THANK YOU! You're the only person who has actually taken the time to send in the file :rofl: I'll take a look and see what I can do.

Has anyone actually been able to manually patch their 64bit boot screens so far??? I assume it's a similar process?

  Godsmack said:
can i get your boot screen please rm20010 :D ?

Open the attachment with Paint and save as BMP. ;)

Here's another one with just the Vista orb (extracted from authui.dll)


  Angel Blue01 said:
Is there any harm in using the NOGUIBOOT option? I love the ability make and change bootscreens easily!

No - it probably would have been the default except that some systems (either vid card or BIOS) messes things up and displays the image in low-color, making it look like crap. Also multi-mon or multi-card systems tend to display an uglified version on secondary screens, in my personal experience. But for most modern systems it looks fine - and in the cases where it looks uglier, it doesn't cause any actual problems other that looking ugly.

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