Make invisible folders

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create a new folder somewhere on your hard drive

when you name it hold down “Alt” and press “0160″ this will create an invisible space so it will apper as if it has no name.Then right click and select “Properties”. Select the tab “coustimize” and select “change icon”. Scroll along and you should see a few blank spaces. Click on any one and click ok.

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Desktop Icons without Text -> Nameless CLSID Shortcuts

? No Alt+255 or Alt+0160 -> No Text selection box when you select an Icon

? Enhanced Context Menu's -> You can run several commands with one Icon

? You can add them to the Start Menu (Pinned Programs List)

? You can use them in a dock with working Context Menu's

? No exta application running in the background

? Easy Installation & UninCreate a folder or shortcut without a nameme[/url] (rena:)ng trick) :)

The attached zip file contains a nameless Scf (Windows Explorer Command), Url (Internet Shortcut) & Lnk (Shortcut).

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Create a text file or anything inside the unnamed folder, so you can identify the unnamed folder. Now open a command prompt, navigate to the directory where the unnamed folder is and type: "Dir /x" without the quotes. You are going to get about 6 columns of output. Look at the 5th colum, it will probably have a bunch of names followed by ~1. Look for a name like: 0A00~1 or something like that. now do a cd to that folder and see if the file you created earlier is there, if it is, then it's the right folder, so get out of the file by typing "cd.." Now type: "RD /s/q unnamed folder goes here". For example, in my case: "RD /s/q 0A00~1" No command should have the quotes on them...That should get rid of the unnamed folder.

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how do you get this to work, if i create a folder it automatically gets called new folder, and if i delete that and press ALT + 0160 then press enter it reverts back to new folder. What am i doing wrong ?

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how do you get this to work, if i create a folder it automatically gets called new folder, and if i delete that and press ALT + 0160 then press enter it reverts back to new folder. What am i doing wrong ?

I figured it out you have to type the numbers in using the keypad rather than the keys at the top of your keyboard. :huh:

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