AVN 2007: No Porn on Blu-ray?

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HD-DVD has porn.. ive already see the video cover for it..

i guess all those porn addicts won't be switching to blu-ray

I believe Sony is thinking that they will win this war if they don't allow Porn on blu-ray.. from all the worried parents will then buy a PS3 / Blu-ray player.

Well let me tell you Sony.. VERY FEW worried parents will be buying a blu-ray player, just because it doesn't allow porn.

yeah, the reason VHS beat BetaMAX was because the porn industry offered their videos on VHS instead of BetaMAX it was in a show i watched the other day (no it wasn't porn :shiftyninja: ) about the history of the porn business (no Ron Jeremy wasn't in it. LOL :D) It was either some BBC show or Discovery/History channel show.

But there are more (important) deciding factors in this race apart from porn.

That's very debatable. The porn industry is one of the largest when it comes to distributed media and can easily have an impact on the choice of format the consumer makes. I think you're being naive if you don't think it's a major deciding factor in the success of VHS and a considerable strike against Blu-ray.


( BetaMax/Blu Ray ) Sony 0, (VHS / HD DVD) Competitors 2

That a bit of a foolish statement to make. HD-DVD hasn't won the current battle anymore than Blu-ray has. Saying it's already over is definitely premature.

That a bit of a foolish statement to make. HD-DVD hasn't won the current battle anymore than Blu-ray has. Saying it's already over is definitely premature.

Try telling that to the Blu-ray camp, they've already cracked open the champagne.

My penis votes HD-DVD.

But really (and I must say this) is it just me, or is porn becoming more and more mainstream? :x Or is it just me growing up? :p

LOL, you're just at the age when you even notice porn! (if your profile is accurate). Trust me, it's been "mainstream" for at least the last 30 years.

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