AVN 2007: No Porn on Blu-ray?

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I think I'm the only one on the planet who does NOT want porn in Hi Def.

I'm just afraid that HD is going to be revealing just a bit too much detail in the world of porn and it's going to ruin the who sha-bang!

Believe me... It's uhhh... Nice... :shiftyninja:

This is like history repeating itself, Back in the day we had Sony Betamax and JVC VHS format.

The one who won that battle supported Porn out of the box. Two different reasons this time though.

Back then Betamax was only good for 1 hour where as VHS was good for 2 hours. Full length Pron went via VHS and thats the rest of the story.

That's very debatable. The porn industry is one of the largest when it comes to distributed media and can easily have an impact on the choice of format the consumer makes. I think you're being naive if you don't think it's a major deciding factor in the success of VHS and a considerable strike against Blu-ray.

IMO I don't think pr0n is gonna have that big of an impact this time. Unlike in the 80's, alot of the pr0n is the net and cable tv and in the next few years, maybe most of the distribution will be over the net. Movies on demand, bittorrent, etc.

Yet another very good reason why BluRay is crap! :x

I hope it croaks really, really soon!

I don't think you can waive the technical merits of the format simply because the content doesn't feature pornography. That's a bit short sighted, too.

Wow, censorship over what goes on the media?! Lame. Even though many people are using the internet for porn, I think most will not like seeing "Sony Not Allowing Porn On Blu-Ray" and think that Sony will censor more than just that.

What's that phrase they try to teach you in school... Without learning your history you will be doomed to repeat it.

I guess Sony never "learned" or remembered the VHS vs BetaMax war.

Or the majority of all the other failed proprietary formats they've introduced or had a hand in developing.

Well, if that's the case, Blu-Ray is dead, this form of censorship is bad, no matter what your stance on Porn is (if/when Sony decides they don't like a TV show, will they block a Blu-Ray release of it?)

Kinda a shame though, Blu-Ray is the better format (although HD-DVD is cheaper)

For those of you that think this isn't that big of a deal, think of porn as any other genre... Say Sony decided they didn't want any foreign films on Blu-Ray... That's censorship, no matter which genre it is, and it's wrong. People aren't going to like that at all.

The whole VHS Betamax porn issue was more to do with the fact that to put porn on VHS was more costly as betamax required you to pay Sony for the licencing another article I read on this once again said porn had chosen the HDDVD format because it was cheaper to produce HDDVD's.

The cost of making and therefore selling disks and players is going to be a very big issue in this format war.

Blue ray disks are more expensive to make and have more wastage in production this means lower profit margin on sales. Companies want to maximise profit.

HD players are cheaper so people are more likely to buy them.

It looks bad for blueray.

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