Network Connections Error

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Okay, I went to a lan party friday, which lasted through saturday (24+ hours)....

anyways, i left my house with the computer completely fine, and such... when i got there and such, after awhile, when we were all configuring everything, i started to get this error (never has happened to me before):


not sure what to do, startup services says that it is running. i've tried restarting the service and such.

internet works and such fine for me, because i am home now, i just can't set my ip to static.... which i would like to again, heh.

i have tried that new microsoft update posted at the home page, which is this:

i am opened up to suggestions, i'll let you know if i've tried what you say.

thanks for any help.

[edit] i also have 2 network cards in my computer now, i uninstalled the drivers, then reinstalled the drivers for it and everything, updated them. still doesn't do anything to show up anything in network connections.... ya[/edit]

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Is it related to the topic on the main front page?

EDIT: Whoops didn't see this posted above.

Nah, it's not related to that. I did that update like I said, but it did nothing for me.

And uniacid: I did uninstall the network adapters from there, then restarted, then installed them and then continued to get that message still :( But that was after awhile of trying to do other stuff.

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