Autosave Spam?

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I was wondering, could pornographic email spam automatically save something, like a picture, to your hard drive in someplace other than your cache without you knowing? My dad reported being spammed by porn email in his work account, and they came and took his computer then fired him for haveing pornographic something saved on his hard drive :( :crazy: :( . I know he didn't save the stuff himself, they just wanted an excuse to fire him.

I think he was using outlook for email if that helps.

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He lost his job after one incident?

There's been some huge court cases in Canada where a Judge had kiddie porn and got away w/ it for years. And there's always stories of US and Can military personnel w/ porn on their work computers and only getting repremanded. I wonder how many other people at his place of work have porn on their computers.

I'd consult a lawyer. Get the company's policies about porn in writing. If it was discussed in a metting it won't hold. I'd supoena the computer tech during the trial. Has you dad complained about the spam coming into his computer and did the company do anything about it? Did they block out SPAM and Porn sites on their networks? How much "porn" was on the HD and what was the source (ie. does it have adverts etc, which would indicate it would be from SPAM).

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I believe he is talking to a lawyer, but i dont think there is much we can do, he had to click an agreement every time he logged on to their systems. The most we can do is try to prove that the spam was put there by someone/something and try to get severance pay. Apparently they accually fired him because they thought the jokes he was sending back and forth were inappropriate (i dont understand this one because he was sending and recieving them from other people in the company and nobody else got fired). They didn't give him severance pay because he broke company policy(the pornography).

Has you dad complained about the spam coming into his computer and did the company do anything about it? Did they block out SPAM and Porn sites on their networks?
Yes, he complained about 2 weeks or more before they came to take his computer, I dont believe they did anything about the spam though
How much "porn" was on the HD and what was the source (ie. does it have adverts etc, which would indicate it would be from SPAM).

I don't know exactly what was on his HD that they considered porn, it couldnt have been more than one or two things. I dont think they even told him what exactly it was that was pornographic on his HD

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