Internet Explorer 6.0 Dilemma

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I've had this problem for maybe a month or so. Any time I click on a link that has "target=_new" or "target=_blank" (which opens up the link in a new window), only part of the new window opens up. I.e., There isn't actually any content in the new window, simply the frame, and it almost takes on the appearence of a see-through window, in which the content of the window behind it is seen. Not even a 404 error, or anything. I can press the stop button, stopping the page but giving the link at the top, and press "Go", and that works, but in some instances that does not work. For example, listening to a radio show online.

My aunt, who is a computer technician, told me to run McAfee (whereas my uncle told me to run PC-Cillin) to look for any viruses, and there were none. When I told her this, she said that the other problem might be Registry corruption.

"The other potential cause of the problem may be registry corruption. In that

case the best fix is to rebuild the PC with a fresh Operating System

install. That can get complicated because you need to backup data on the

hard drive that you want to keep and usually you have to reinstall your

applications." ~Excerpt from E-Mail

Can anyone help me with this problem? Considering the fact that I'm only 12, I'm no skilled computer technician, nor do I have any idea what the statistics of my computer are.

JZollo2X said that reinstalling windows might help, and he told me it doesn't delete any files. Which is probably true, considering that when reinstalling games, all saved data still exists. But there may be an easier solution. Anyone?

Thank you.

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I have the same exact problem on my Windows 98 system....Reinstalling windows wont erase your hard drive, it will only reinstall certain windows files, including Internet Explorer.

If you reinstall, your IE problem will most likely be fixed.

Hope that Helps!

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