Penny Arcade Cartoon this week..Hilarious

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Hehe, pretty good.. but the original article about Jack Tretton making this offer was actually if you spotted one being there for "X" amount of time. I forget what that time was. :shiftyninja:

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The article was in the new EGM. They asked him pretty tough questions and the answers are less than stellar. This is just one example. The article even makes sure to point out the interview was done at the end of January, when PS3s where pretty much available everywhere. Another doozy was how proud he was of people making "thousands" on eBay selling PS3s. Does real news get filtered when reaching the upper floors of the Sony building?

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Wow. I was reading the comic and I was thinking to myself, "There's no way he actually said that." Then I read the rest of this thread and it made it many times more hilarious :rofl:


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Man, how I wish this "Bounty" was for real, as I would be rolling in the dough for real.

The Best Buy by me when I was last there about two weeks ago easily had over 20. Easily. There was just a huge pile on the sales floor in the middle of the Gaming section.

I will and have to state that in all fairness, this was the first time I had seen any available, but once I did see them there was plenty. That same day...

Target's shelf was "full" (they use the bottom shelf in their locked cabinets underneath the games) with 6.

Possibly I was at both places on a delivery day, you never know...

However flash forward two weeks later, and my soon to be brother in law called me from Best Buy this past Thursday and said he was about to pick it up, my initial reply was "well do they even have it" and he just said "yeah bro, there is plenty." This was this past Thursday. I then told him to hold off and save some more money, as Resistance was not worth it (which is all he was buying it for at this point.)

Finally just this past thursday at EB Games while PreOrdering Crackdown, they had at least 6 I could see, and I do not even want to go into the less than kind words the saleskid had to say about the PS3.

For the record, I have still yet to see an actual Wii Retail box.

So yeah, this comic is just so right on. The truth of the matter is the price, although I will argue it is worth it for what you get and I still eventually want one, just seems to be a lot of money to put down all at once.

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this Jack Tretton guys is just as big of an idiot as Kutaragi, is it a prerequiset that you must have an IQ of a fish to be in a senior position at sony?

Actually dude I have some fish that are pretty smart. Don't insult them by comparing thier intelligence to Tretton and Kutaragi's :laugh: .

Oh, and for the record I've seen tons of PS3's in stores since before Christmas. They couldn't even sell out the small number they were manufacturing during Christmas!! So Jack Tretton owes me oooh, about $300,000 :yes:

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it is not difficult to find out around here because no one wants one. you cannot find a Wii or a 360 anywhere though

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I think is the **** that is causing problems for Sony more than anything else, being straight with consumer is almost always the best course of action (maybe not the most pleasent), saying things that even are the farest stretch of the imagination can only be seen as lies. Hell the very next poing raised by EGM was about how half the stores they polled before the interview had them in stock and he still managed to try and spin that.

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That was pretty funny. I just read that interview yesterday in EGM.

Makes me want to go around town this morning with a digital camera and start taking my own pictures. Maybe we should make a thread that is a spin off?

Edited by Shadrack
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I think is the **** that is causing problems for Sony more than anything else, being straight with consumer is almost always the best course of action (maybe not the most pleasent), saying things that even are the farest stretch of the imagination can only be seen as lies. Hell the very next poing raised by EGM was about how half the stores they polled before the interview had them in stock and he still managed to try and spin that.


If Sony admitted they had a rocky launch and their direction wasn't the smartest they can start talking about what they will do to fix it and they can win the hearts and minds of consumers. Unfortunately most boardrooms are chock full of egos and admitting a mistake is akin to suicide. His comments in that interview just accentuate how far from the average consumers their thinking is.

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I read the interview in EGM yesterday. I'm sure the guy at Sony who made this offer looks like a complete idiot. He made a statement that was completely wrong that makes him look like a fool. Doesn't help Sony either when one of their higher ranking employees makes a fool of himself and the company in a national magazine. Only making the PS3 look worse...

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Makes me want to go around town this morning with a digital camera and start taking my own pictures. Maybe we should make a thread that is a spin off?

Funny you mentioned possibly doing that, as I was thinking the same thing walking around today since I was shopping with my fiance, as once again I saw them in stock at every store they could be in stock. So I was thinking of taking pictures, especially since with a cell phone with a digital camera it would really be easy.

So if others are down, I do think it would be really interesting to see just how many PS3's Neowin members can find in stock.

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Penny Arcade posted their article on the strip which I think is worthwhile to post here:

We put Monday's strip up early, so you might have seen it already - but you might not be familiar with the EGM interview it is based on, an excerpt of which appears here. I sometimes worry about appearing partisan in these communiques, but it is not my job to be fair. I'm not a journalist, I'm a consumer. I don't buy one product from each company in the interests of some karmic ideal, and I don't need to purge my posts of wrongthink because I haven't produced something suitable for use as a press release. Sony is grinding down their goodwill with every smug, psychotic interview, and someone needs to tell them so in clear terms.

This is an intervention.

You may wonder about the methodology we employed in our ultrascientific enquiry, and there's really nothing to say. We went to the stores that were closest to us. We did not call ahead and thus craft some optimal route that would generate maximum shame - to say nothing of maximum profits! There are many regions of the city that we were unable to scour, but the answer to the question "can a PS3 be purchased without difficulty" is definitive. Jack Tretton had to know this, and yet he persisted in his fairy tale. I'm surprised he didn't ask EGM to verify the stock numbers with a giant caterpillar. Certainly he would know.

It is not difficult to lie to people. It may be better (i.e., more polite) if we call it "information management." It is not difficult to manage information. But the information you are "managing" needs to conform, at least superficially, to reality. It is as though they don't realize that every gamer is attached constantly to one another in an absolutely unbroken stream of communication. In this case, it's as though he wasn't even aware of the telephone.

If there is stock, you don't say that there isn't stock. You don't say this ever. You can say there isn't as much stock "as people are saying," which isn't strong but creates doubt. You could say that the stock is primarily the 20GB model, because the response to the "consumer proposition" on the "premium model" was "stronger than they expected." I feel kind of dirty now. But the right response, the one that makes a "ding ding ding" sound, is that the stock exists not because it hasn't sold, but because they are being bought and swiftly replaced by new stock. Also, if there's more time in the interview? Say that you're "leveraging synergies." Synergies are basically awesome, and they're even better when you leverage them.

I would not go so far as to say that (what is known as) the hardcore sustain the entire industry, but what Sony is learning is that they do catalyze it - they make livable the period between when a platform is released and when it becomes a mainstream proposition. These are the people that they are taking for granted. Let's see how far it gets them.

(CW)TB out.


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The last comic was better

seeing that after reading and watching the "Molesters can now write messages to your childrens Nintendo DS's using their penises" had me laughing for a damn long time.

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