ESA Wants to Blacklist Canada

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Thank you very much - I'll be forwarding your user info to the RCMP.



what a RAT... Here I have some Cheese for ya.. but be carfull because I might have added Rat Poison to it..

BTW Nothing the RCMP could do since its called "Internet Protesting"

Only of you sell stuff in the span is when the RCMP can do somthing...

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what a RAT... BTW Nothing the RCMP could do since its called "Internet Protesting"

Only of you sell stuff in the span is when the RCMP can do somthing...

You really think so? What is your legal basis of fact that "Internet Protesting" via sending Unsolicited Volume Email under Canadian Law is perfectly legal? Please provide references in Canadian Law - most people call my request a "CFR" - Call For References.

Last time I checked, Canada was a signatory to the UN's WIPA (World Intellectual Property Association) - and if you (country, not personally) are a signatory to the WIPA you *must* protect Intellectual Propery and your Copyright Laws must include Digital content. If I did contact the RCMP, they would forward the information to the appropriate Canadian agency. Been There, Did That.



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You really think so? What is your legal basis of fact that "Internet Protesting" via sending Unsolicited Volume Email under Canadian Law is perfectly legal? Please provide references in Canadian Law - most people call my request a "CFR" - Call For References.

So I guess if i was to Unsolicited myself to there office and protest that would be illegal aswell??? NO...\

Last time I checked, Canada was a signatory to the UN's WIPA (World Intellectual Property Association) - and if you (country, not personally) are a signatory to the WIPA you *must* protect Intellectual Propery and your Copyright Laws must include Digital content. If I did contact the RCMP, they would forward the information to the appropriate Canadian agency. Been There, Did That.



They have thats what the "Copyright Levy" is for.. why do you think the "Copyright" word is in "Copyright Levy" is there for??

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US anal-fetishists want to blacklist Canada because they're envious of their bigger cocks :laugh:

Nothing new there, moving on...

Oh, and Harper should get sodomized with a cactus at least three times a day. He really deserves it.

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Jealous? Ah! :)

Actually no, while I have never resided in Canada, I happen to possess Canadian citizenship ;)

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One thing Michael Moore didnt cover was piracy laws.

Seems like the piracy laws in Canada are a lot more lax than in the US. Eureka! ...thats it. Stricter piracy laws equate to more violence and gun deaths.

I think the US needs to lighten up on piracy laws...

So, you feel that if the US had more lenient piracy / copyright laws, Columbine would not have occured?

And this was when we depended so much on the Internet for our daily lives, right?

I'm glad we have gotten past that part and don't use the Internet so much now.

And your sarcasm is duly noted.

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Ever see Bowling for Columbine? (For those who didnt see it, Michael Moore explored the motive behind why the two kids from Columbine shot up their school by exploring different facets of America...trying in one part to compare them to Canada.)

At one point he compared USA and Canada. USA has tons of gun-related deaths a year, while Canada has enough for the US to consider as being "none" (11,000+ vs 100+). He tried to figure out the discrepancy.

Racial diversity? Nope...just as much diversity in Canada as in the US.

Gun ownership? Nope...gun ownership is just as high in Canada as in the US.

Violent video game exposure? Nope...Canadians have access to the same violent games as Americans.

Violent movie exposure? Nope...Canadians have the ability to see the same movies as Americans see.

One thing Michael Moore didnt cover was piracy laws.

Seems like the piracy laws in Canada are a lot more lax than in the US. Eureka! ...thats it. Stricter piracy laws equate to more violence and gun deaths.

I think the US needs to lighten up on piracy laws...

Haha. What a great conclusion!

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Of course, someone with the tagline mentioning "LeechFTP" doesn't give a rat's ass about Copyrights and would want the US to "lighten up on piracy laws.

As someone who has had a personal hand in having at least 20 Warez & Software Piracy Websites over the last 10 years closed by turning the info over to Microsoft via, I'm not suprised that you support Software Piracy.


Haha, a goody-two-shoes on the internet. Now I've seen it all.

Oh man, I hope you don't report me to the RCMP!

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Thank you very much - I'll be forwarding your user info to the RCMP.



Report me as well, i have over 15,000 mp3's and 3000 movies i have not paid for. OH wait its LEGAL HERE MUHAHAHAHA

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god i hope you are kidding.

Of course! couldnt tell by the "Eureka!" comment?

Of course, someone with the tagline mentioning "LeechFTP" doesn't give a rat's ass about Copyrights and would want the US to "lighten up on piracy laws.

As someone who has had a personal hand in having at least 20 Warez & Software Piracy Websites over the last 10 years closed by turning the info over to Microsoft via, I'm not suprised that you support Software Piracy.


How does LeechFTP in my signature indicate that I dont give a rat's ass about Copyrights? Because I can use it free of charge? Hey man, Im not the one who made the program, the one who made it free, or the one who let it be available on a host of downloads sites for them to store on their servers.

You think its right that the RIAA charges $15 per CD? MPAA $20 for a DVD? The ESA charge $50 for a computer game?

You buy a CD to support the artist, not the RIAA (who takes almost all of that $15 for themselves). Id rather goto a concert and support the artist personally.

I see movies in theaters...and considering I pay $6-$10 to see it, and in 1-2 years its On Demand or TBS, why should I pay $20 for it when I never watch the DVD anyway? (I have like 20 DVDs...I havent opened them up within the last year...except to fool around with some DVD related software on the computer)

I believe Snood is a more successful game than CounterStrike if you ask of my opinion...more than half the price of normal $50 computer games. These $50 games get a 1 year shelf life and thats it. My $80 sneakers still look brand new even after 2 years of use.

And in general, all of these things are forms of entertainment. How has entertainment ever helped cure cancer? or do something useful on this planet?

So you mean to tell me you never took part in Floppy Disk piracy? Ya know...goto school one day, find out your friend has Wolfenstein 3D full version on a floppy, and borrow the floppy?

You do know that there was a time when companies put out demo disks of their games in CompUSA for the taking...and sometimes these demo disks included the full version should you unlock it. Case in point: Quake from iD. You NEVER took one of those CD's know...tried to get the full game off the CD? about goody two shoes.

So, you feel that if the US had more lenient piracy / copyright laws, Columbine would not have occured?

And this was when we depended so much on the Internet for our daily lives, right?

I'm glad we have gotten past that part and don't use the Internet so much now.

And your sarcasm is duly noted.


Haha. What a great conclusion!

Indeed! Haha.

Haha, a goody-two-shoes on the internet. Now I've seen it all.

Oh man, I hope you don't report me to the RCMP!

hahahaha...put him in the BBT group. The extra B is for Boycott...(boycott bittorrent).

Eh what am I saying? I bet you he has 10 torrents running right now...none of them legal.

Edited by Tokar
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Who freeken cares ?

I couldn't care less if they want to blacklist Canada, why ? Do you see Russia and China suffering because of being blacklisted ? No.

And this has nothing to do with the Prime Minister of Canada, so those Harper Bashers are just copying the Bush Bashers, where as the Bush bashers have a legitamte reason too hate him.

It's Jean Chretein, who should of done something about Canadian copyright laws but never did, as him and his liberal party cronies were busy stealing taxpayers money and giving lucrative gov't contracts to their friends.

Anyhow Blacklisting will only result in them punishing themselves, Canada is connected to the USA and if people want music cd's or DVD movies then they can just get it online for free via piracy, Canada's piracy rate will be 95%.

Besides the majority of those pirating music and movies in Canada are from a province that really isn't apart of Canada to begin with.

So Boycott France while your at it !

And to the idiot who said he was going to report somebody to the RCMP, go ahead , I'm sure the RCMP will take a great interest. The fact is the mounties have bigger fish to fry that somebody downloading an mp3.

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Erm, I'm not sure why people are getting all ****y over this. All this "blacklist" means is that these copyright issues will be brought up with the WTO... Which means that if the WTO finds that Canada/China/whoever is in violation of the WTO policies then they'll get sanctions. If there's no violation, then everyone is happy and goes on with their lives. Some of you are acting like no more music or movies from the USA will be sold in Canada anymore because of this :p (which, of course, would get the USA in trouble with the WTO).

I don't agree with the RIAA or its cronies, and I think that how artists get paid needs reform, but on the other hand I don't think piracy is a good thing either.

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LOL!!!! i laughed so hard after reading this :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


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I just read in the paper today that apparently there will be a $75 tax on iPod's and such coming up soon in Canada... sounds like a crazy idea to me.

Nice to hear that Stephan Harper is being open to talks, I like the man ;)

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With our current PM (Stephen Harper), I am doubtful. He may insert that Canadian finger inside his own posterior orifice and ask Mr. Bush how many times he should rotate on it.

so true...

but sad. :blink:

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But do note, the Blank Media Levy here in Canada, only covers allowing people to make personal backups of music. Nothing else.

And uhh since when is it legal to videotape a movie in the theaters here? I'm quite positive is isn't, otherwise I don't see why a few of the theaters downtown had police with night vision googles to catch people doin it.

Microsoft Canada Co. and Symantec Corp. Welcome a Recent Court Decision in the Fight against Software Piracy a news article right on Microsoft's website.

Also I heard about a "flea market" in Ontario that gets busted occasionaly because people sell pirated stuff there.

Also again, I do believe mod-chips aren't allowed here either. And I know hacked Staellite dishs aren't (although those weren't mentioned).

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But do note, the Blank Media Levy here in Canada, only covers allowing people to make personal backups of music. Nothing else.

if true its not right.. why should we pay to back up our already paid for (with hard earned money) Music CD?. if we pay for it we have the right to make a back up copy just incase the the real copy gets scratched and is unreadable anymore.

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if true its not right.. why should we pay to back up our already paid for (with hard earned money) Music CD?. if we pay for it we have the right to make a back up copy just incase the the real copy gets scratched and is unreadable anymore.

It only covers music. It allows you to make a copy of any cd... borrow one from a friend, get it from the library, whatnot. Then take it home and make a personal copy. Meaning, it doesn't allow you to burn of 50 copies of a cd and sell them.

I wish it covered other stuff.

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I can confirm this is happening on Telus; here is the email I got last week :whistle: :

We are writing to inform you that TELUS has received a complaint that alleges that your TELUS Internet Service account has been involved in copyright infringement. This complaint was traced back to your account based on the IP address used at the time of this activity.

Please note that TELUS has not provided any of your personal account information to the complainant. It is TELUS' policy to disclose such information to a complainant only if ordered to do so by a court of law, which has not happened to date.

We do, however, want you to be aware that this complaint was received by us and offer you the following information that may be of help to you:

If you are unaware of this type of activity originating from your account, you may wish to inquire with others who have access to your account.

If you are using a dial-up account, change the account password to ensure that only authorized users have access to it.

You may also want to check your system for viruses, which may explain why this sort of activity is originating from your account.

If the ADSL modem is connected to a wireless router, please make sure that only your authorized computers can connect to it and access the internet. For help in securing the wireless router, please contact the router vendor.

If you are not aware of our Acceptable Use Policy, which strictly prohibits use of our Service to infringe the copyrights of others, you may review at Please be aware that violation of this policy could result in disconnection of your Service.

Below is an excerpt from the complaint that we received regarding your account. We include it in this notice in an effort to help you identify the activity that is in question.


*name removed*

Internet Abuse Team Member

Consumer Customer Operations

TELUS Communications

Email: - Internet Abuse FAQ - TELUS Internet Services Account Agreement - Acceptable Use Policy

And then at the bottom of the email they have info on the file you downloaded; including Protocol used to download, file name, file size, timestamp, ip address, etc.

I'm not going to lie; I freaked out when I got this. Like my heart started to race when i got this email and I started to flip out. But, here's the thing; this is the first email I've ever gotten and there was only one thing on the list of downloads I was caught on and I'm always under the Monthly Bandwidth Limit so I highly doubt they would come after me; they would go after someone who is always downloading and uploading crap.

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Ever see Bowling for Columbine? (For those who didnt see it, Michael Moore explored the motive behind why the two kids from Columbine shot up their school by exploring different facets of America...trying in one part to compare them to Canada.)

At one point he compared USA and Canada. USA has tons of gun-related deaths a year, while Canada has enough for the US to consider as being "none" (11,000+ vs 100+). He tried to figure out the discrepancy.

Racial diversity? Nope...just as much diversity in Canada as in the US.

Gun ownership? Nope...gun ownership is just as high in Canada as in the US.

Violent video game exposure? Nope...Canadians have access to the same violent games as Americans.

Violent movie exposure? Nope...Canadians have the ability to see the same movies as Americans see.

One thing Michael Moore didnt cover was piracy laws.

Seems like the piracy laws in Canada are a lot more lax than in the US. Eureka! ...thats it. Stricter piracy laws equate to more violence and gun deaths.

I think the US needs to lighten up on piracy laws...

correlation does not imply causation

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Ever see Bowling for Columbine? (For those who didnt see it, Michael Moore explored the motive behind why the two kids from Columbine shot up their school by exploring different facets of America...trying in one part to compare them to Canada.)

At one point he compared USA and Canada. USA has tons of gun-related deaths a year, while Canada has enough for the US to consider as being "none" (11,000+ vs 100+). He tried to figure out the discrepancy.

Racial diversity? Nope...just as much diversity in Canada as in the US.

Gun ownership? Nope...gun ownership is just as high in Canada as in the US.

Violent video game exposure? Nope...Canadians have access to the same violent games as Americans.

Violent movie exposure? Nope...Canadians have the ability to see the same movies as Americans see.

One thing Michael Moore didnt cover was piracy laws.

Seems like the piracy laws in Canada are a lot more lax than in the US. Eureka! ...thats it. Stricter piracy laws equate to more violence and gun deaths.

I think the US needs to lighten up on piracy laws...

lol nice conspiracry theory there... :yes:

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