ESA Wants to Blacklist Canada

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USA should be renamed to United States of Lawsuits USL..
USELESS - United States where Every Lawsuit is Simply Stupid
But do note, the Blank Media Levy here in Canada, only covers allowing people to make personal backups of music. Nothing else.

And uhh since when is it legal to videotape a movie in the theaters here? I'm quite positive is isn't, otherwise I don't see why a few of the theaters downtown had police with night vision googles to catch people doin it.

Microsoft Canada Co. and Symantec Corp. Welcome a Recent Court Decision in the Fight against Software Piracy a news article right on Microsoft's website.

Also I heard about a "flea market" in Ontario that gets busted occasionaly because people sell pirated stuff there.

Also again, I do believe mod-chips aren't allowed here either. And I know hacked Staellite dishs aren't (although those weren't mentioned).

See quote below about the "flea market"
Maybe we should hand over the keys to the Pacific Mall to the ESA :rofl:
I was thinking the same thought. Since I moved here in June, 2006, I've seen between 10-12 video stores open, and close with in weeks. Always selling "cheap" DVD's - mostly of new stuff not on DVD Yet, and sometimes, still in theaters!. ESA would have a field day in Toronto.
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Umm the U.S. want's everyone to abide by the WTO laws when it suits them and they themselves squeeze other nations by not following those laws.

hypocracy isn't ?

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Here's my answer: WHO CARES?

They can blacklist us all they want, won't harm me, won't harm no one. It'll only harm them because we're just going to download more.

@brgnewman -- at least they were nice enough to let you know about it, without actually accusing anyone. I don't think you should worry, but you should get PeerGuardian to keep your arse safe.

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i hope ESA didnt suffer too much of Canada... BLOODY CANADA.......


Glassed Silver:mac

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@brgnewman -- at least they were nice enough to let you know about it, without actually accusing anyone. I don't think you should worry, but you should get PeerGuardian to keep your arse safe.

Haha, I have to look into that. I kinda uninstalled Limewire & BitTorrent for now :laugh:

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