Grand Theft Auto IV

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On the website you could get pics of all 10 pages of the game informer preview, but I think it's been taken off. I managed to get it in time, if you're interested just PM me your e-mail. ;)

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Nice find!

Hmm, how to interpret that? :s

and besides, how many bicycles do you see in New York? :p (assuming you meant bicycles and not motorbikes)

I don't care, I want my bicycle. That to me, was insanely fun. :p

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Yeah, jumping over fences and doing tricks was pretty sweet..

Instead of trying the handle to see if the car is unlocked, Bellic smashes in the window with his elbow. The glass tumbles on the street and seat as Bellic unlocks the door from the inside. A master of hotwiring, he has the car roaring in a second flat.

I hope that feature is in the game!

Not like in the old GTA where all cars are magically open :D

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Yeah, jumping over fences and doing tricks was pretty sweet..

I hope that feature is in the game!

Not like in the old GTA where all cars are magically open :D

Yea!!, Even if it was just an animation, it would be pretty sweet. But It would cool if "hot wiring" a car was set up like a puzzle.

I remember, before San Andreas was release, they said that stealing was going to be more involving and it wouldn't always be easy, I wonder if there going to put that GTA4.

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Yea!!, Even if it was just an animation, it would be pretty sweet. But It would cool if "hot wiring" a car was set up like a puzzle.

I remember, before San Andreas was release, they said that stealing was going to be more involving and it wouldn't always be easy, I wonder if there going to put that GTA4.

The Warriors for the PS2 had this cool feature. When stealing radios from cars you had to unscrew them - you did that by rotating the screws with the analog sticks..

They also used them for other stuff

Thats friggin brilliant

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In one of the old PS1 games of GTA, there was a London 1969 (I believe that's what it was called) I still can't wait to get a copy of it on my 360.

I've read somewhere they prolly should have planes since you could run them into buildings like 9/11 which people didn't think was a good thing to have in a game, but I loved to fly because it was quick way to get to places.

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In one of the old PS1 games of GTA, there was a London 1969 (I believe that's what it was called) I still can't wait to get a copy of it on my 360.

I've read somewhere they prolly should have planes since you could run them into buildings like 9/11 which people didn't think was a good thing to have in a game, but I loved to fly because it was quick way to get to places.

The old GTA games are coming for X360? as arcade games?

Now THATS an arcade I would want to buy..

This is New York city, its tight - where would you take-off and land? :p

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I really wish you could walk into any building... would be awesome just to walk into random peoples houses and steal from them, also go into random office blocks and just cause terror... and 1 other thing, use shops for like food and meds so you have to buy it.

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The Warriors for the PS2 had this cool feature. When stealing radios from cars you had to unscrew them - you did that by rotating the screws with the analog sticks..

They also used them for other stuff

Thats friggin brilliant

The Warriors was the only 2 player game on the PS2 that I loved playing with my brother. We just loved getting into fights, bashing others faces in and how you could help each other.

After that it was Gears of War. :cool:

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I really wish you could walk into any building... would be awesome just to walk into random peoples houses and steal from them, also go into random office blocks and just cause terror... and 1 other thing, use shops for like food and meds so you have to buy it.

Ever played GTA San Andreas? :p

You could steal from peoples house - well, some of them

You had to buy food to regenerate health

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I hope they have sorted a few things out in this version. It would be nice to be able to park a vehicle somewhere and not come back 30 seconds later to find its vanished.

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You know, I wish rockstar would make it so that the police act accordingly to your violation or wanted. I remember all the time in gta 3 and SA if you bump into a cop he rips you out of the car and hits you etc, it would be nice if they approached the car in a more normal way. Remember in GTA 3 if you try to stop your vehicle when being chased by the police, all they did was RAM the car over and over till it blew up, not very practical.

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You know, I wish rockstar would make it so that the police act accordingly to your violation or wanted. I remember all the time in gta 3 and SA if you bump into a cop he rips you out of the car and hits you etc, it would be nice if they approached the car in a more normal way. Remember in GTA 3 if you try to stop your vehicle when being chased by the police, all they did was RAM the car over and over till it blew up, not very practical.

Well, they did not shoot you if you did not have a gun in your hand.

If you did, they would shoot you..

so, they are a _bit_ intelligent :D

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You know, I wish rockstar would make it so that the police act accordingly to your violation or wanted. I remember all the time in gta 3 and SA if you bump into a cop he rips you out of the car and hits you etc, it would be nice if they approached the car in a more normal way. Remember in GTA 3 if you try to stop your vehicle when being chased by the police, all they did was RAM the car over and over till it blew up, not very practical.

yeah, i haven't really thought about it but it is true. :p

hope they manage to get something like that in the game.

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Why is that? (I'm not being sarcastic or anything)

well Godfather and Scarface are on the Wii, what makes this an exception

and the level of graphics power fits "Hollywood" very well.

btw black hand edition is a decent performer with the wiimote

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well Godfather and Scarface are on the Wii, what makes this an exception

and the level of graphics power fits "Hollywood" very well.

btw black hand edition is a decent performer with the wiimote

Yes but it is being developed for PS3 and xbox360, they would have change quite a bit to make it work with the wii.

Any way there making Manhunt2 for the Wii

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perhaps have a very tall building or two or three in which you'd be able to go to every single floor, every room. all the way to the ceiling.. even climb the antenna thingy on top. it would be fun to be able to throw people out of a 135 story window or something...

speaking of such.. how about better interactivity with the environment? such as being able to pick up objects & throw them, use them as weapons, etc etc...

how about the ability to climb? not just over fences & junk. things like radio towers. LADDERS. trees. stuff like that. if it looks like i could climb it, i want to be able to...

maybe a change in the weapon system? instead of only being able to have one weapon type in 3 "stages", i.e. one melee, one pistol, one shotgun, give us the ability to be like "hey... i want to use a sword AND a bat AND brass knuckles. i want to use 3 different shotguns! i want a flamethrower AND whatever the hell takes its place." damnit.

better clothing selection? styles ranging from hot topic to abercrombie to barneys.

bring back that long line of orange-wearing parade-sounding people to run over...


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A fresh set of Grand Theft Auto: IV rumours have been spilled across the internet suggesting that the recently revealed lead character dies early on in the game and you assume the role of his Russian cousin.

Via way of various forums and discussions comes what many are claiming to be new GTA: IV details. Rockstar obviously won't comment either way on what rumours are doing the rounds this week, but if these turn out to be true, it looks like the NYC-based publisher tried to lead us up the garden path with what it revealed in the debut trailer (which you can see here, just in case you missed it).

Spoiler Warning: Just in case the following turns out to be true and you don't want to know anything about the story, look away now.

Apparently the lead character Nikko Bellic (the bloke from the trailer) is murdered early on in the game during a dodgy drug deal that goes horribly wrong.

Nikko is said to have fled Estonia to escape some dodgy Mafioso types and the rumours suggest that the story centres on a turf war between Italian and Russian families. Once this news reaches Bellic's mother land his cousin, Roman Petronov, takes the news very badly and sets sail for the US of A.

Petronov is said to be disturbed by the news of the murder and wants his revenge. But he doesn't just wade in there with sideways-pointing pistols and a bad attitude. He decides to do a bit of a Tony Montana, and work his way up the gangsta food chain first, before confronting those responsible for his cousin's untimely end.

Word is that playing as Roman Petronov you have to choose which gang to join to rise to the top of. You could be mugged, begged or jumped on to join the warring factions of Liberty City.

That rumour alone suggests that the game could turn out to be pretty open and non-linear, if you get to choose between three gangs. Presumably you'll have the chances to jump from gang to gang if things weren't going your way - with a bit of bloodshed thrown in along the way, of course.

Details that six motorcycles vehicles and three helicopters would make the final cut, though there will be no planes, were also hinted at.

Don't expect Rockstar to comment on the above at all. We'll just have to wait and see.

Source: CVG

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@iMoth: Yea interacting with things would be cool, picking up all sorts of things. I also agree about the weapons, and perhaps you could buy special clothes to hold more weapons too. Freerunning would be a cool addition also, jumping from buildings and such.

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