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To put the brand you like do the following:

1) Get a Bitmap Image file 128 x 128 pixels of your preference. (May work with other sizes, not sure)

2) Change the filename to Brand.bmp. (You can change the name, but need to remember what you use)

3) Copy the Bitmap to "C:\Windows\System32\oobe"

4) Make a registry file with this info:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



"Manufacturer"="My Brand"

5) Substitute "My Brand" with what you like and remember to use the same name you used to create the bitmap image in the logo line.

6) Execute the registry file by double click.

7) Right-Click over "Computer" and select properties to see your work. (look screenshot).


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hi all

how do this Make a registry file with this info

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



"Manufacturer"="My Brand"

the easy way copy it into notepad save it as filename.reg and run that file

thanks B26354


i need registry file and Bitmap Image 128 x 128 pixels

The Attachment has a logo for dell and an updated registry with:

"Model"="Your model"

"SupportHours"="Your hours"

"SupportPhone"="0800000000" (keep the format)


this info was updated from Arteekay at other forum..

thanks, Arteekay


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