3D flip using middle mouse button

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Not sure if this has been posted, i just found an easy way of making windows Flip 3D work with the middle mouse button when the intellipoint software is enabled. The default for that software is "instant view" and its not very smooth. So i found that if you choose in themouse settings for the middle button:

Start... (Custom) and for the execution path type in

"C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe dwmapi #105" --no quotes

This will make your middle button use Flid 3D. :)


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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
What would be really great is if someone could write a small program that would do the same thing but have an exception for when IE is running.

Try UltiMouse Task Controller,.. it turns the Mouse into a Task Controller without losing the default functionality of the Mouse Buttons. :)

Double Click Middle Mouse Button -> Window Switcher (Flip3D)

Back Button + Scroll Up/Down -> Cycle through programs on the Taskbar

Middle Mouse Button + Scroll Up/Down -> Cycle through Sidebar Gadgets

Back Button + Middle Mouse Button -> Up One Level (emulates the Up Button)

Forward Button + Scroll Up/Down -> Maximize/Restore selected program/window

Forward Button + Middle Mouse Button -> Close selected program/window

Middle Mouse Button + Back Button -> Minimize selected program/window

Middle Mouse Button + Forward Button -> Restore last Minimized program/window

Double Click Back Button -> Minimize All

Double Click Forward Button -> UnMinimize All

More info and download @ Vista - Tips, Tricks & Tweaks

Different type of mouse / mouse software and drivers?

What version of vista you use Ultimate?

Probably option in control panel somewere for this... lol

Vista Ultimate x64 with a Microsoft Optical Desktop Elite for Bluetooth keyboard and mouse set.

  • 1 year later...

i made a small program in hotkeys

which you just put in the startup programs

so whenever you click the middle mouse button it opens flip 3d

It shows up in the system tray so you can right click it and press suspend if you don't want it to run

download link:


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