Customizing Windows Vista Media Center

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Library name: ehres.dll

File location: %WinDir%\ehome

File size: 9.62 MB (10,093,568 bytes)

File owner: Trusted Installer

Be sure to change the ownership settings and backup before messing with it.

Also this resource file is 5 times bigger (more PNGs) than a .msstyle itself.


That's all I can tell you, if you are a themer get your booties to work.

Here is proof:

I only changed the backgrounds on "Now Playing" in TV mode when you press the "Home" button, plus the "Now Playing" in Music mode.

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Yeah, though there is lotz of work in that file... a lot of resouces to change if you want to get something nice looking. For example when I changed the backgrounds to green, the other buttons and fonts and stuff like that still have the blueish look which makes it look awful. But you can change pretty much EVERY SINGLE THING.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Unlike the MCE2005 ehres.dll that contained EVERYTHING, Vista Media Center only stores the images and waves in that file. I found the colors file, cant seem to find the strings file used.

Im currently coding a themer for VMC, Im also the author of MyThemesMCE.



Edited by Shadefly
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no seriously, whens this going to be available, the red menace looks cool :)

Im still working on it, I need to get the basics down before I release it. I want to make sure people can start sharing skins from the get go.

Currently I can edit all images, waves, fonts and font colors. Im still trying to find the strings....

Im aiming for a May/June release.


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  • 2 months later...

-_- id wish people would link to the full image so that were not bombarded with popup's.

Anyway coool :) i knew this about mc2005 but not vista's

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With what program can i edit the ehres.dll? I tried Reshacker but the file is empty and PE Explorer won't give me a view of the files. Any suggestions?

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All images are kept in the ehres.dll. ResHacker wont display png files.

I use PE Explorer, that lets you view/work on the ehres.cll file.

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