Take-Two Sues Jack Thompson

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Take-Two Sues Jack Thompson

Shoe, meet other foot.

GamePolitics sends word that Take-Two, in an effort to preemptively stop Jack Thompson's insane and completely baseless attacks on the company and their games, is sueing the attorney.

In the complaint Take-Two says that Thompson has a history of making threats of legal action and has done so again with Manhunt 2 and Grand Theft Auto IV.

The suit alleges that Thompson's public nuisance tactic essentially violates Take Two's First Amendment rights. Lawyers for the game publisher argue that the Florida statute under which Thompson is seeking to have the games declared as nuisances essentially makes the controversial lawyer "a private attorney general on behalf of the State of Florida."


It's about time :p

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Take Two sues Jack Thompson over "nuisance" lawsuits

By Nate Anderson | Published: March 16, 2007 - 11:56AM CT

Despite his failure to win a restraining order against the T-rated game Bully, Jack Thompson has not stopped pursuing Take Two, the game's distributor. This week, Take Two took a proactive step to stave off Thompson's prerelease assaults on their titles by filing a federal court case against him in the state of Florida.

Take Two plans to release Manhunt 2 and Grand Theft Auto IV later this year, and they would love nothing more than to avoid another Thompson lawsuit. After Thompson made public statements about his intent to block both games from being released, the company asked a judge to "enjoin him from bringing suit on behalf of the State of Florida to enjoin the sale of GTA IV or Manhunt 2."

Take Two claims that Thompson is misusing Florida's "nuisance" law, and they point out that attempts to regulate the sale of violent video games have repeatedly faltered, including cases in which the law was drafted by Thompson himself.

According to a copy of the complaint seen by Ars Technica, Take Two has just about had it with Thompson's threats, lawsuits, retractions, and dismissals. Thompson has, in the past, "brought suit on behalf of the State of Florida, dismissed it, filed again, sought a temporary restraining order, and then failed to pursue that motion," says the complaint. Such lawsuits come at "unpredictable times and under unpredictable circumstances" and can disrupt Take Two's relationships with retailers, who can also get dragged into these battles (Thompson at one point sued Best Buy, Wal-Mart, Target, GameStop, and others in the battle over Bully).

Take Two argues that the lawsuits violate its First Amendment rights to free expression, but it also claims that the suits are so vague as to be unconstitutional. "This unconstitutional vagueness will have a chilling effect on Plaintiff as well as Plaintiff's customers," says the company. "Plaintiff's distributors likely will respond to the uncertainty and fear of penalties by withholding Plaintiff's video games from the public."

Take Two asks that Thompson be prevented from bringing a "nuisance" lawsuit against either of the games in question, and they want attorneys' fees from him.

Source: Ars Technica

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as much as everyone hates jack thompson lets remember that he has the right to pull the bull crap he does. just because you don't like what he says doesn't mean that he doen't have the right to say it.

as much as everyone hates jack thompson lets remember that he has the right to pull the bull crap he does. just because you don't like what he says doesn't mean that he doen't have the right to say it.

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as much as everyone hates jack thompson lets remember that he has the right to pull the bull crap he does. just because you don't like what he says doesn't mean that he doen't have the right to say it.

as much as everyone hates jack thompson lets remember that he has the right to pull the bull crap he does. just because you don't like what he says doesn't mean that he doen't have the right to say it.

and we have the right to hate him, and see him screwed :p

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as much as everyone hates jack thompson lets remember that he has the right to pull the bull crap he does. just because you don't like what he says doesn't mean that he doen't have the right to say it.

as much as everyone hates jack thompson lets remember that he has the right to pull the bull crap he does. just because you don't like what he says doesn't mean that he doen't have the right to say it.

Actually, he doesn't. If it starts to defame the company on false grounds it goes into a grey area that can be illegal, which is why take-two is suing him.

It is comparable to if Pepsi started saying very nasty and harmful things about Coca Cola that would ruin their reputation. Jack Thompson does gain by suing game companies because in some of his constituents eyes he is doing the "right thing" and he can potentially get votes for it, which is exactly why he is doing it. He personally probly never plays games, he just made this his baby the jerk.

Edited by RGSPro
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... which is exactly why he is doing it. He personally probly never plays games, he just made this his baby the jerk.

Yeah. Games are his scapegoat. Without them, he'd resort to accusing people of being lesbians or being a conservative Christian and saying Islam teaches murder. :rolleyes:

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