Take-Two Sues Jack Thompson

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Haha, I didn't know that about him. Thats pretty outrageous. :woot:

the guy acts like a grade school kid....the only problem is that he's not and he's a lawyer, hopefully the latter wont be true for too long

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About time! J.Thomson is nothing more than a right wing nutjob who`s managed to somehow lash together a career thru a hardcore following of.... you guessed it other right wing nutters.

Jack stop looking for a scape goat for societys problems. In a country where you can legaly buy firearms and fundamentalism is rife.Iis it any wonder that a minority of the population will act in a sociapathic way?

2% of the average population is socialy mal-adjusted. Cobble that together with a population of say (random figure) 100million. Which leaves you with 2million people likely to commit violent acts or other socialy inacceptable crimes.

Instead of waisting your time and career on something that you as a single man cant fix thru the scapegoating of an industry due your backwards and pre-historic views. Why dont you do something a little more constructive, such as un-biased reports and investigations on the factors which lead these people to become social deviants in the first place.

i.e poverty, drugs, abuse, and discrimintion.

Of course then you wouldnt be famouse for being a wackjob right wing freak and the pennys wouldnt roll in as fast as they do from your stay at home mothers and born again mormon cultists!

The worst thing about Jack is that he is preying and cultivating a backwards view purely to further his own career. Then twisting and further harming a very gullable and ignorant view of an industry that he and his followers have no 1st,2nd or even 3rd hand experience of.

Edited by Colicab
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here's his "reply"

"Dear Gamers and Gamer Publications on the Internet and Elsewhere:

I have been praying, literally, that Take-Two and its lawyers would do something so stupid, so arrogant, so dumb, even dumber than what they have to date done, that such a misstep would enable me to destroy Take-Two. With the filing of this SLAPP lawsuit last week, my prayers are finally answered.

This lawsuit, filed in US District Court for the Southern District of Florida, is, without a doubt, the single dumbest thing I have ever seen any lawyers do in my thirty years of practicing law--while in continuous good standing to do so with The Florida Bar, I might add, the shock radio and video game industry's efforts notwithstanding.

I encourage folks to read Psalm 35, a Psalm of David, which is brilliant in its entirety (since God Himself wrote it), but for those who don't own a Bible or who think their hands will catch on fire if they touch one, here is the salient portion that applies to this lawsuit:

7 For without cause have they hid for me their net in a pit,

which without cause they have digged for my soul.

8 Let destruction come upon him at unawares;

and let his net that he hath hid catch himself:

into that very destruction let him fall.

9 And my soul shall be joyful in the LORD:

it shall rejoice in his salvation.

The pit Take-Two has dug for itself will be patently clear next week when I strike back. Oh, and by the way, the entire Take-Two management and board will be gone on March 23, so this pit-digging comes at a very bad time indeed.

Amen, and Praise be to God Almighty, maker of Heaven, Earth, and yes, the maker even video games. Jack Thompson"


wow this guy is nuts....

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You forgot an "off" there - I've added it for you :whistle:

LMAO :rofl:

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