The black 360 is coming

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Xbox 360 Elite supports HDMI 1.2 profile. For audio, you can select DD, DTS (at 1.5 Mbps), and WMA-Pro (Microsoft high fidelity multi-channel codec supported in some AVRs such as Pioneer). Since it is not based on 1.3, it will not support output of DD+ or TrueHD (even if it did, mixing would have been turned off).

PCM output is available but only for 2-channels (not 5.1). Please, please, don?€™t say you don?€™t like this. There is nothing you are going to say which we:)on?€™t know :). Our goal was to provide a digital connection for video which people wanted for some of their TVs. And of course, single cable A/V connection. So if having analog video bothered you before, you can now use digital. If you lacked component/VGA on your TV, you are in businessKeep in mind that the spring software update for HD DVD substantially improves audio fidelity. Per above, you now have a choice of no less than three output formats.n three output formats.

If you are keen on having 5.1 PCM output, I recommend purchasing the Toshiba A2 player which after the price drop, will be much cheaper than Elite.

Answering other questions, both Xbox 360 units will have a spring (console) update which adds support for different video levels for VGA output (?€œ7.5 IRE vs 0?€?).€œ7.5 IRE vs 0?€?). And as someone mentioned, using this setting you should be able to use computer monitors in addition to TVs with resolno issuesay up to 1080p with high fidelity and no issues with HDCP handshaking. So for current users, I highly recommend trying this update with your VGA connection tconsole updatejob for you. Note that this is a console update anHD DVD software update is separate HD DVD. The HD DVD software update is separate from this (and will be available on both Xbox Live and

On output video format, Xbox 360 Elite will perform a handshake and select the appropriate RGB/YUV settings over HDMI. You cannot select it yourself.

The spring HD DVD software update will fix all the lip sync issues that have been reported/we know of.

There is no support for the WMV-HD disc format but of course, you can put WMV files on discs and Xbox 360 will play them.



Always get an iffy feeling posting black Xbox 360 stories ?????€š?š?????‚?š?? Especially ones that pop up in April. Yes, we know that the deInformer says that a black Xbox 360 with larger 120GB hard drive, HDMI output and an HDMI cable will retail for approximately US $479. It does not include HD-DVD playback.ll retail for approximately US $479. It does not include HD-DVD playback. A well-placed source at Microsoft tells GI that the reason is because the "format's not proven." Then again, neither is this rumor. And if this is in fact an April Fool's Joke, we've got two words: Not funny.

Ed's Note: Matt Helgeson, senior editor over at Game Informer, just dropped us a line to let us know that the story is in fact true. As a rule they don't post fake news stories in their April mag. So go celebrate.



^devkit picture

We've confirmed with trusted sources that the black Xbox 360 is indeed coming (the image above is of the original 360 dev kit, FYI), and will be dubbed the Xbox 360 Elite. Here's what you need to know about it:

* The Elite will be limited quantities only; that may be as much or as little as a couple hundred thousand.

* The case, controller, and Live headset will all be black. It will have all new packaging.

* Elite will cost $479, and will be a 3rd SKU; it will be sold alongside Premium and Core packs.

* Eventually Elite hardware (in white plastics) will take the role of the Xbox Premium. That is to say, after the Elite is launched and sold out, future Xbox Premiums will have 120GB / HDMI.

* We do not yet know exactly when 120GB / HDMI will become the standard for Premium, but it is loosely estimated to be late summer or fall.

* Elite models run cooler than normal 360s, but they are not yet confirmed to have 65nm chips.

* Prices may remain the same with the 120GB / HDMI hardware upgrade in the Premium Xbox, but we may still see a price cut on the line when 65nm chips start shipping.

* The HD DVD drive will not be internal or bundled -- Microsoft never did or nor does not currently have plans to put an HD DVD drive in the 360.

* There are no current plans to integrate WBIG BIG Update future Premiums (although that can always change).

BIG BIG Update I will keep updating as more information comes out.

We can't guarantee that any black Xboxen from here until the launch of the Xbox 360 Elite won't just be shots of the original 360 dev kit that was sent around, but we've already got our first batch of "confirmada" Elite pics that sprung up. Let's be honest here -- the only thing that's gonna be different is the black plastic (which we've been seeing for a while) and some new box art. The real and important differences, friends, will be under the hood, and it's those things we're stoked to find out more about.












Update 3/26/07 - Leaked photos from Chinese Manufacturing headquarters.





Edited by Meshuggah
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i still dont want to believe it!

i wont believe it till its officaill announced... i dont see what anyone has to gain over these rumours so i have a feeling it could be true but i still dont think that changing the console in such a way would do good for us already existing 360 owners

i still havn't got my 360 yet because

a] i'm waiting to see if this black one does emerge [or even one with the bigger HDD will be good enough]

b] the price drop happens [lets face it, its bound to happen sometime soon as the console is about to come up to being 18months old soon and a price drop shouldnt be far away]

when one or the other happens i'll release my cash to m$

*crosses fingers*

  skiver said:
i still dont want to believe it!

i wont believe it till its officaill announced... i dont see what anyone has to gain over these rumours so i have a feeling it could be true but i still dont think that changing the console in such a way would do good for us already existing 360 owners

You make it sounds like your all going to dumped in the deep end.

i'll be a bit miffed if this comes out and there is no way to exchange up for the better version. However i'm laughing at the fact that tentatively if this does come out and what they say in that article is true that the 360 will ship WITH the hdmi cable unlike the PS3 :p

  skiver said:
i still dont want to believe it!

i wont believe it till its officaill announced... i dont see what anyone has to gain over these rumours so i have a feeling it could be true but i still dont think that changing the console in such a way would do good for us already existing 360 owners

Look. No one is ever going to be able to do anything that's exclusive to the new XBox, since there's already 10million+ of the original out there. The picture is going to look the same in component or HDMI, it's just a cable. Dont' give me the analog vs. digital line, because I've looked at HD content in component and HDMI, and I sure as hell can't tell any difference. It's 95% psychological. You think HDMI is so much better than component, so you see what you want to believe.

Original XBox360 owners will not have their experience degraded by the release of an updated version....unless of course you're the guy that just HAS to have the best version of everything at all times, lest you be made fun of on the playground.

  Jack31081 said:
Look. No one is ever going to be able to do anything that's exclusive to the new XBox, since there's already 10million+ of the original out there. The picture is going to look the same in component or HDMI, it's just a cable. Dont' give me the analog vs. digital line, because I've looked at HD content in component and HDMI, and I sure as hell can't tell any difference. It's 95% psychological. You think HDMI is so much better than component, so you see what you want to believe.

Original XBox360 owners will not have their experience degraded by the release of an updated version....unless of course you're the guy that just HAS to have the best version of everything at all times, lest you be made fun of on the playground.


I'll skip this one and then get the one that adds the sharks with the friggin' laser beams on their heads. Moving the product forward is good for all in the long run.

Hmmm... I just got a 360 before X-mas, now I am wondering if the Unlucky Elephant that guards my life, gives my Xbox a fault (which I have been expecting) perhaps it will coincide with the release of this new one. Perhaps the Unlucky Elephant will be unlucky himself.

Sweet. To bad I already have a Xbox 360 Blanco, and i doubt they will exchange it for a Xbox360 Negro.

  Razorwing said:
no HD DVD? why not just wait till the battle is over then sell out the new 360.

Wouldn't HD DVD make it alot more expensive?? Not everyone has a HD TV let alone HD DVD yet.

  skiver said:
i still dont want to believe it!

i wont believe it till its officaill announced... i dont see what anyone has to gain over these rumours so i have a feeling it could be true but i still dont think that changing the console in such a way would do good for us already existing 360 owners

This is the kind of mentality i don't get. Here Microsoft are improving their product and releasing it and people somehow find fault with that. It's like complaining when a car manufacturer releases a souped up version of a popular car in a different color and perhops with some extras.

And some people (not you) even talk of Microsoft screwing them over. I really don't get it. It's not like it's impossible to sell your old box and upgrade to this one if people really want to.

The fact is, this new XBox applies to a very certain niche market, those that have HDMI capabilities and really need the bigger HDD and those are in the minority (think outside the USA). There's a reason it hasn't been released earlier (not enough demand to justify the undoubdetly higher cost).

Although it does kinda burn your balls that you missed out on the latest and greatest, it is good that they are coming out with one, which further stomps on the joke of a PS3. Also, I am sure that you can buy the new hard drive and upgrade that portion of your xbox :) Honestly though I have never used up my 20GB :p HDMI would be kewl but right now my Cable Box is taking up my hdmi port, so yea..

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