Difference between 1st/ 2nd line support

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I've been looking at getting a different IT job and I've noticed a load of jobs that say 1st / 2nd / and 3rd line support.

What is the difference?

I can't seem to find this information anywhere!!!!

Right well:

1st Line Support: This is the lesser technicl of the "technical support" centres/departments. Usually trained monkies that read off pre-made scripted solutions to the most common computer problems

2nd Line Support: More of the same as first line, except they have more personal technical knowledge, and a better scope at solving problems with realism, rather than a "click whats wrong, click solution, read solution"

3rd Line Support: These tend to have proper trained I.T. knowledge in the relevent field they work in. They dont adhere to scripted solutions, and tend to have creative ways to fix common and rare problems. They also tend to be more inventive and will use methods not usually reccommended to fix hthe more complex issues (usually with almost 100% success) You need to know what you're doing for a 3rd line support job.

To put it all in other terms

Take your average "call centre"

The person who answers your call is first line (the trained monkey)

2nd line would be their "manager" (glorified worker with a bit better pay and more bull to deal with

3rd line wold be the actual department manager who has the power and knowledge to get things done

hope this helps.

^ What chrispinto said, although I would give a little more respect to 1st line support. They are able to get the vast majority of problems sorted, and only the most troublesome will go to second line.

3rd line can get away with being more inventive because a) the standard solutions have all been tried, probably twice and b) they haven't got a huge list of calls backing up while they deal with this one. More experience helps (on top of learning things from some book).

It appears to me that if you were getting into this sort of thing, you'd start at 1st line and move up as you gain experience. I know of at least two computer science graduates who started in 1st line support after graduating.

Different firms will also have different ways of doing this and will vary in the knowledge, qualifications and experience required at each level, depending on what they are offering support for, for example.

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