|OFFICIAL| Halo 3 Beta Blowout

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with a beta this freaking BIG you would think MS and bungie would have tested and retested

it's microsoft. they have no quality assurance ;)

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Right, but don't be so closed minded. Some people went out and bought (or rented) Crackdown just to play this beta. Some people woke up at really early hours in the morning just to play the beta. It's one thing for them to say that the beta will be released on a certain day (or week) and then just update everyone when it actually is out, but it's a completely different thing to have a to-the-second countdown on the front page for weeks.

Now hopefully you can see why people are upset. :)

:rofl: That's great! :laugh:

of course people will be happy when it comes out, and it's true that they didn't have to give a beta. but the fact of the matter is, they did give us a beta and they did advertise it to be ready this morning. they even had a countdown on bungie.com. then you have major nelson saying stuff like


they said it would be ready, and it's not. the complaining won't do anything, but people have a right to voice their gripes about the situation.

They aren't doing this "for the fans". They are doing this to see how to enhance their netcode and get more feedback to make a better game. If anything WE are helping them, most of us for a nominal fee of purchasing Crackdown. I'm one of the people who actually saw the Beta as an enhancement, not as a feature to purchase the game. Having said that though, they have hyped the **** out of this thing and it's stupid that it is not out. Majornelson said it was out, Bungie.net said it was out and people have been playing it since Friday. It IS out, just not for the people that actually paid money, which is why people are mad.

You make it seem like no one is playing the beta, when there are already thousands playing it. If it doesn't come out until tomorrow, I would expect them to keep the Beta up an extra day. And the main question on my mind is, WHY didn't they expect this? Why is it everytime something comes out now, there are major problems?

And don't come out with the 'we're helping them' bit. You know full well that you and probably 99.99% of everyone who downloads this and plays it aren't doing so to explicitly help bungie. Most probably don't even know that they are helping bungie at all. They just want their hands on Halo 3.

::::this made me laugh


I understand why you're upset, though I don't think I'd share the feelings even if I were in the beta, because quite simply, you're bending your entire life around a beta for a videogame, and that's just ridiculous. You change your schedule, skip out on stuff, lose a lot of sleep, all for what? Something you have three weeks to play anyways, and something that has little impact on reality. Granted it is going to be a ton of fun, but it's just ridiculous that you get so worked up over it. And that's the reason you get upset. I'm as big a Halo fan as the next guy, but I'm perfectly fine waiting until the game ships (not that I wouldn't mind playing the beta) to get my hands on it.

Don't give me that 'we're helping them' bit. You know full well that you and probably 99.99% of the other players are just downloading it to play the game, not to help bungie in any way explicitly. Most people probably don't know that they're helping bungie implicitly. They just want their hands on Halo 3.


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hahhaha.. what a joke

and the funny thing is, you'll only get the days your told too, they wont make up any days; i really don't see them adding extra days being a public beta. but yeah, i hope they get it fixed soon for all you guys to play.

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We're aware that some users are having difficulty downloading the Halo 3 multiplayer beta via Crackdown.

Uhhh, more like ALL users. No one with Crackdown has been able to download the Beta.

I tried at 7am central time (when the countdown ended) and it didn't work, so I came back 5 hours later (now) and it STILL doesn't work.

WTH is going on with the Xbox Live Team?

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Well, if it's not available until tomorrow, then that sucks. Hopefully they'll get it out.

I feel for all those that called in sick for nothing. Most jobs aren't too tolerant on 2 days away, without a note at least. Still, it sucks for those.

Hehe, i can also imagine how many people will lose their jobs because of this also. :lol:

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I'm really mad... so are thousands of people on bungie.net and xbox.com forums.

Theres riots going on, the mods cant contain all the new threads. Its out of control.

But 6 hours... that's plenty of time to get this fixed.

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Right.....there should be a big BSOD at the end of that movie and a snicker by Peter Moore while saying out loud "clean up this crap Spartan-X".

It's funny how when everything goes sour, you try to relieve people and it never works.

I'm even beginning to read that Microsoft has temporarily shut down 1-800-4MY-XBOX due to the volume of complaints. Nuts.

Haha. This looks to be the biggest ****up MS has done in a long time.

Edited by Meshuggah
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I'm really mad... so are thousands of people on bungie.net and xbox.com forums.

Theres riots going on, the mods cant contain all the new threads. Its out of control.

But 6 hours... that's plenty of time to get this fixed.

You'd think so but we don't know what the problem is or how serious it is. If it's taking them this long it might be more complicated than just 'flicking the switch'.

However I still think they should have maybe ... tested this before today?

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UNCONFIRMED Update - 4.30pm: According to the Bungie forums,the Xbox Live helpdesk is now quoting 24 hours before we can play Halo 3

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I find it amusing how hostile this forum has become :laugh:

lol, thus is the power of halo.

wow! doesn't seem to be a good day to be around this board... :cry: :no:

microsoft deserves a :boo:

i still love you, s_x. you might want to hide out until this thing gets fixed though :p

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I'm actually starting to take enjoyment out of this. There used to be a quote on a board outside my dorm room earlier this semester that went along the lines, "It's easy to get angry. What's hard to get angry at the right time, for the right reasons."

I just thought it was appropriate :p.


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