|OFFICIAL| Halo 3 Beta Blowout

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The water is gorgeous, the lighting is excellent and the audio is superb. :)

My only real complaint is that it needs a little more AA, but I guess because its a beta and/or it's MP I don't mind as much, I'm sure the SP will look a lot better.

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sucks that u have to buy a special edition crackdown (dont like the game anyway) to play halo3 beta... ffs...

so it has to be a special edition or can i just go to walmart or such and pick up any copy. . if i do need a special edition, how/where do i find one?

(sorry for my innocence)

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so it has to be a special edition or can i just go to walmart or such and pick up any copy. . if i do need a special edition, how/where do i find one?

it should say on the box that there's an invite to the halo 3 beta included with the game.

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Dont be too shocked if I add anyone to my friends later.

Or anyone can add me for Halo 3, if 8 players is the max, then I think we might have enough for a couple of neowin groups.

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I love when the person I'm in a party with quits the game half way through.

I've already seen a few people leaving because they're losing. This baby nonsense should stop.

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The ironic part is that Halo is the game that standardized those controls. Ever since Halo 1 did X as reload, Y as change weapon, etc and the popularity of the game, other games started mapping similar controls. So now it has become the 'norm', but it seems Halo 3 needs the change because of two major factors:

1) It is sometimes necessary to be able to reload each weapon independent of the other.

2) There needs to be an easily accessible button for the Use Equipment function.

With that being said, however, I think the following:

1) I think it's a safe bet to say that 9 times out of 10 everyone reloads both weapons together anyway (so the X button would be fine as reloading both weapons)

2) Equipment isn't very easy to come by and doesn't get used as instinctively as reloading does.

But I think the controls will grow on us over time, however, I think they should provide a Classic control layout to mimic Halo 2 controls; ie:

LB - Switch Grenade

RB - Use Equipment

Y - Switch Weapon, Dual-Wield on Hold

X - Pickup Weapon, Enter Vehicles, Reload (maybe one tap for reload one weapon, double-tap for reload both; or maybe just regular reload)

Everything else the same

Now, I'm not sure if Bungie has that control scheme in there, as I know they have a couple alternatives, but I haven't checked. If they don't, I think I'll post this on the Bungie.net forums and see what people think.

What do you guys think?

You know I think it is a good idea.

So Halo is the game that made me like the classic controller setup for FPS's and I just never realized it huh?

I love when the person I'm in a party with quits the game half way through.

I've already seen a few people leaving because they're losing. This baby nonsense should stop.

That is very beat.

I can say that although I doubt they would quit because they are losing because of me, if anyone I am playing with does quit because of that, they will simply get removed from my friends list and never invited to play again.

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Well i will be playing again tonight so if anyone wants to attempt to invite me again, i would mind trying to play again. You don't have to worry about me running off in a huff if i'm losing, i play the game for fun and know i suck so i just play to have a laugh. You can all laugh at my camp British accent :p

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larry is ur xbl DirtyLarry? because if it is ive added you
NJ DirtyLarry ;)

So there is another DirtyLarry... just not from NJ.. .lol...

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help me people halo 3 has vanished off my crackdown dl list

edit: its back after 15 mins waiting

Edited by Guyro
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I should be on later tonight if you guys wanna party up. Feel free to send me an invite and/or Friend invite if I'm not already on your list. tizmagik

So Halo is the game that made me like the classic controller setup for FPS's and I just never realized it huh?

Haha, yeap, I guess so. :D

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I <3 bungie =)

Haven't played since they opened the floodgates to ya'll, but you can bet I'll be on this weekend!

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Man this is why I love VIP on Snowbound.

Not bad, but in all fairness, his team is to thank, I think. His team seemed to really know how to back him up and give support. People really underrate the value of a good team, that's why I try not to play Team Slayer by myself, I usually like to go in with a party that I know so that we can coordinate a lot better. Usually ends up with a better result.

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