[Cancelled] Sarah Connor Chronicles (Terminator Series)

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Bionic Woman was also terrible, and didn't have 24's timeslot. And it doesn't have a pairing with Prison Break for four weeks.

Yeah I can see this failing after about 6 or 7 episodes but who knows it might be a big success see what happens tonight.

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Going to watch the 2nd episode tonight here pretty soon (thanks for reminding me). I think that it is cool that there is some new sci-fi coming to prime time network television. I guess you can kinda think of Lost and Heroes as being sci-fish.

So far it is kinda cheesy, but I'm entertained. The story line doesn't seem to fit well with Terminator 3, however... I'm glad that Arnold or that chick that played Sarah aren't in the show...that would have made it way more cheesy.

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2 things I noticed in tonigts episodes (part 2 of the pilot)

If i'm not mistaken the year is 1997, and windows vista PC's are shown lol and when John walks out of the computer lab the sign on the Door says 1337.

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2 things I noticed in tonigts episodes (part 2 of the pilot)

If i'm not mistaken the year is 1997, and windows vista PC's are shown lol and when John walks out of the computer lab the sign on the Door says 1337.

The pilot took place in 1999 and at the end they time-travelled to 2007. That's why John was in awe at all the "amazing" computers at the store.

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To much of the terminators. All this time travel, it is kind of cheesy. There Term chick is sexy. I did like the show but do not see where it is going.

Yes they are now in 2007 (why?). So does this mean there are now two john and sarah o' connors? When did part 3 take place?

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all of them together...

I wasn't blown away by Heroes at first, but certainly became a fan in a couple of episodes.

I will give this show a little hope & Chance before judging it bad.

At the same time, I hope I can complain to Fox to make the show better!

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To much of the terminators. All this time travel, it is kind of cheesy. There Term chick is sexy. I did like the show but do not see where it is going.

Yes they are now in 2007 (why?). So does this mean there are now two john and sarah o' connors? When did part 3 take place?

Sarah was told she died two years prior. Did you miss that conversation?

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sticking with the movie (t3) ... they are trying to stay true to the films (albeit badly) So they announced Sarah died in 2005 of Cancer. (just like John told in T3)

I am giving the show the benefit of the doubt, however I can see it being cancelled after the first season. It's not exactly flowing into a good show. So far they are introducing TOO many plot lines, like Terminators sent back to destroy the beginning of the resistance fighters in 2007.

Sad thing is tho' This series, DESTROYS and removes T3. the timeline fails. and if you remember, in T3 the nukes happened at the end. it makes no sense now, because they are in 2007... AFTER the events of T3???

Here is another take.

What year does T2 take place?


Some dates are made explicit:

- The Future War sequence takes place in 2029.

- Skynet becomes self-aware at 2:14am EDT August 29, 1997 (this is a Friday).

- John Connor's DOB is February 28, 1985, and he is 10 years old in the movie (these facts are stated in the T2 script).

- According to _The Terminator_ script, Sarah was 19. Sarah is 29 in T2.

Therefore, most of T2 must take place in the summer of 1995. There are some problems with this conclusion, however.

The Terminator says, "In three years Cyberdyne will become the largest supplier of military computer systems." Thus we conclude that in *three* years, Skynet starts the war. But if T2 takes place in 1995, 1995 + 3 = 1998, not 1997. One explanation is that mid-1995 to August, 1997 is more than two years, so the Terminator might have just rounded it to three years.

The Terminator also says, "Thirty years from now you reprogrammed me to be your protector here, in this time." 2029 - 30 = 1999. T2 takes place before 1997, so the Terminator may just be doing more rounding.

On the way to Dyson's house, John muses to the Terminator that he will send Kyle into the past "35 years from now." 2029 - 35 = 1994, which is plausible.

There are further errors with dates:

From Paul Duncanson <phd@bf.rmit.edu.au>:

In T1 Reese accosts a police officer and demands to know the date. "Twelve. May. Thursday." Wrong! It is established three times that T1

happens in 1984 (title after credits in T1; Sarah's timecard in T1 read "Pay period ending 5/19/84"; and John's date of birth (2/28/1985) confirm

he was conceived around May 1984). Problem is that May 12, 1984 was a Saturday. The problem probably occurred because the screenplay was written

in 1983 when May 12 did fall on a Thursday.

If the events depicted in T1 had indeed transpired in 1983, John would have been born in 1984, he would have been 10 in 1994, it would be 35 years until 2029, and it clearly would be three years until 1997--the dates would workout perfectly. The basic problem was in establishing that T1 took place in 1984 instead of 1983. That is, T2 is merely being consistent with T1, which unfortunately causes further mathematical errors.

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The series completely ignores T3. It takes place after T2 in an alternate timeline in which T3 never happened. You can't make sense of the timeline since with time-travel, changing things in the present will change the future, which can in turn change the past since people are travelling back in time.

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yeah, I hear ya, and agree... HOWEVER

in T3 John tells that Sarah dies of Cancer, and in the show, the "Summer" Terminator ("Tin-Man") tells Sarah she dies of Cancer in that timeline....

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It's going to make for an excellent addition/rewrite of the entire story. I mean, since they jumped timelines now, maybe Sarah will go on to lead the resistance, WITH John. ... Will they meet Kyle Reece? as a child? How exactly does the Skynet Storyline unfold now, if in fact they destroyed Dyson's work in the events of T2? So many questions, I think I'll be addicted to this show, regardless of how bad it could end up being.

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yeah, I hear ya, and agree... HOWEVER

in T3 John tells that Sarah dies of Cancer, and in the show, the "Summer" Terminator ("Tin-Man") tells Sarah she dies of Cancer in that timeline....

Cancer is going to get you regardless of timeline though.

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