[Cancelled] Sarah Connor Chronicles (Terminator Series)

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But I also think this episode is A very important one too.

IF it doesn't do well at all, all hope might be lost for the show's fate!

If Super Bowl doesn't pull viewers in, what will?

Thumbs UP for the first 15 minutes!!!

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I FOUND THIS - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pI-cxETjtwo


How about an HD version people, anyone have HD?

'Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles' gets it into gear

I know that it was a silly hope, but after last night's Super Bowl (I knew my Giants could do it!) I had my heart set on the Fox NFL robot doing a crossover onto Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Ridiculous I know, but I think they could have made it work, and, let's face it, while it wasn't quite a commercial, the Terminator appearing with the Fox NFL robot was the greatest advertisement last night. Tonight's episode was good, but without the crossover it just wasn't all that it could have been.

The episode started off with our only recently re-skinned Terminator, Cromartie presumably, cajoling a plastic surgeon, in the way that only a Terminator can, to do some reconstructive surgery. When the body of the plastic surgeon was found on Monday morning, the not-quite-normal blood found with him alerted Ellison to the goings-on.

As the Terminator was smart enough to ask the plastic surgeon for a face that was the same as one the surgeon had already done, the video surveillance led Ellison down the wrong path. He found George Lazlo, the man the Terminator was made to look like, and got a blood sample. Naturally, Lazlo's blood didn't match the blood that was found with the surgeon (not that a little thing like blood that didn't match would throw Ellison off the scent). Lazlo must have been watched by the Terminator though because as soon as he returned from the FBI building he was dispatched by his metal endoskeleton twin. Ellison was still scarily close to the truth by the end of the episode, but the odds that he can convince other members of law enforcement about his suspicions are slim.

On to the moderately less interesting plotline of the night, that of John, Sarah, and Cameron. Their tale got going when our friendly neighborhood Terminator informed her human companions that Cromartie had managed follow them through time and showed video to prove it. Sarah was all for running, but some smooth talking from John convinced her that they ought to stand fight, as Sarah previously said they would.

Cameron also managed to get a possible lead on Cromartie's whereabouts, as metal used in the construction of Terminators had recently been diverted to a nearby port. They were running with the assumption that Cromartie may have needed the metal to help rebuild his metal skeleton. It was a false assumption, but at least it got them into a fair amount of trouble.

Their plan to blow up Cromartie hit a small snag though when the replacement Terminator metal was packed onto a truck by a Terminator who wasn't Cromartie, and who didn't personally need the metal. The basic assumption turned from Cromartie needing it to this other Terminator planning on making a bunch of other Terminators with the metal (there was enough metal for 530 metallic monsters). Either way, there was still some evil that needed handling.

John, in a brave, yet idiotic, move decided to ignore his mother's advice and try to destroy the metal. He quickly found himself locked inside a moving vehicle with an armed guard for company. John managed to dispatch the guard and get off the truck when it reached its destination without being spotted, not that being locked in a different warehouse with the Terminator and more armed guards was a substantial improvement in his situation.

Cameron "cajoled" a worker at the original warehouse to tell her and Sarah where the metal was headed. As it turned out, it was going to a Terminator plant, and not just any Terminator plant, the Terminator plant where Cameron would be created at some point in the future (who said you can't go home again?).

Upon their arrival at the plant, Sarah and Cameron found themselves in front of a huge locked door with John on the other side. The Terminator that had orchestrated the metal swindle and transfer had finished his assignment and so had dropped into standby mode. According to Cameron, John would have 15 seconds from the time the door opened to run before the Terminator rebooted and went active once more. Rather than just running though, John decided that he had to drive the truck, which still had some Terminator metal in it, out of the warehouse. The catch ? John didn't know how to drive stick. By the time Sarah helped him get the car in gear, Cameron was down and the Terminator was on them. One shotgun blast later and they were driving over the Terminator who Cameron then locked behind the massive door.

Some random thoughts and a question:

So, I understand that the show doesn't follow Terminator 3's story, but surely it sort of, almost, follows the rest of the Terminator rules and stories. When Cameron showed Cromartie's head coming through the time rift the producers had yet another chance to explain how exactly the metal head of the Terminator (and the other body parts) were able to time travel despite the fact that non-living things can't time travel (we know the show still stands by that last bit as they head Sarah, John, and Cameron appear in 2007 naked). However, the producers chose not to answer the question yet again, distressing me once more.

I was initially worried about this whole Terminator metal thing tonight. I mean, if a single Terminator could make 530 (or more) Terminators in the present it would mean that they didn't really need to wait for Judgment Day to take over. Happily, that wasn't what the new bad Terminator was doing. It seems as though (at least for now) Terminators stuck in the past can't make other Terminators. They can however stockpile metal so that Skynet can make a lot of Terminators after Judgment Day. It's quite the plan.

My question for the night deals with the Gollum story with which Sarah bookended the episode. Every week there seems to be a different voiceover tale. It appears as though that's how this is The Sarah Connor Chronicles instead of the John Connor ones. Do these stories make the show better or are they drawing allusions and going for depth that just isn't there? I'm still up in the air on it, but would love to hear your thoughts.


Tonight's Terminator episode was about as much of a stand-alone episode as I think we're going to see from The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Everything involving Sarah, John and Cameron was self-contained and had very little to do with the overall mythilogy of the series. I don't think that's particularly a bad thing, and I enjoyed the episode nonetheless. I wouldn't say it was as good as episodes two or three, though. No Brian Austin Green tonight, which was a disappointment, but the great Garret Dillahunt made his first appearance. He spends some quality time with both Agent Ellison and one of our terminator friends.

The episode begins with Dr. David Lyman being visited by our favorite evil terminator, now with skin. The terminator is looking through faces on a computer ? he tells the doctor that he needs re-constructive surgery, like, now. John Connor is still upset about the girl who jumped off the building at school. Cameron tells Sarah and John that Cromartie, the terminator from the pilot episode, is back. Cameron shows them the amateur video of them showing up naked on the highway ? they can see the terminator's head tumbling in the background. Cameron also informs them that a special alloy has been routed to a port near them ? Cromartie will likely go there to help rebuild himself. Sarah wants to pick up and head south, run away. John convinces to stay and fight. They head to the port, heavily armed ? C4, shotguns.

At the port, a man shows up with a gun. Cameron throws him thirty yards against the wall. False alarm ? he was a human. They watch as the shipment is stolen. They decide to follow the truck. They follow the truck to another warehouse. Coltan is the name of the alloy ? it has a high melting point, I guess. They watch as another terminator, not Cromartie, easily transfers the alloys to a truck.

Agent Ellison examines the crime scene of Dr. Lyman. They see the terminator enter the office on Friday and leave on Sunday, with a new face. He looks like a former patient George Lazlo (Garret Dillahunt).

Sarah and Cameron want to leave, because it's not Cromartie. John wants to stay and fight and find out where the shipment is going. John disobeys his mother and sneaks back into the warehouse. He jumps up into the truck and puts his phone inside to use as a tracing device. However, he can't get out of the truck ? an armed man closes it up and the truck leaves with John in it. Saran and Cameron don't know where it's gone.

Sarah and Cameron track John's phone, but they lose the signal ? it's because John's phone slips and falls on the ground. The armed guard investigates, but John bangs him over the head and knocks him out. Cameron lets Sarah know that the world ends in four years. John tries to unlock the back of the truck to escape.

Ellison talks with Lazlo in an interrogation room. It's the real Lazlo, not the terminator. Ellison lays it down hard, but Lazlo is a little baffled. He gives a blood sample. He calls the FBI a bunch of fascists.

Sarah has tied up a worker who helped load the truck. After some intimidation, the dude drives them to some old arms depot way out of town. The terminator and the truck with John in in enter a guarded facility in the desert.

Lazlo, back at home answers the door and find the terminator who looks like him at the door. He picks him up ,strangles him and throws him against a mirror. It's unclear if Lazlo is dead or not.

John gets out of the truck after the drivers open it. He looks around. He's in another warehouse, this one with a fallout shelter. Meanwhile, Ellison keeps going over these murders. He can't put the pieces together.

Cameron and Sarah leave their driver in a live minefield as they head to the arms depot. John is alone in the warehouse. He watches this other terminator shoot his two drivers in the head. He closes up the armored entrance to the warehouse and everything goes dark, then turns a glowing green.

Sarah and Cameron pull into a warehouse. Cameron says that this will be the factory where she'll be made. Her and others. They come up to the bunker entrance.

Inside the bunker, the man who John knocked out wakes up and confronts John. John tells him about his boss, that he's killed the other guys. He doesn't believe John and goes and confronts the terminator. Carter (the terminator) breaks the dude's neck.

The terminator has powered down and faces the door. He's completed his mission. John realizes this and finds a phone in the back of the bunker. He calls his mom and she tells him where they are ? right outside. Cameron says the re-boot time is fifteen seconds. Sarah tells him that once they open the door, John needs to run. She and Cameron will take care of the rest.

The door opens and Cameron throws Carter by the way side. John tries to start the truck, but he can't pop the clutch. Meanwhile, Carter wakes up (reboots) and starts fighting Cameron. They manage to escape with the alloys while locking Carter in the bunker.

Ellison goes to visit Lazlo, but this time it's the terminator version. Ellison gives the terminator his card and leaves. Cameron drives the alloy-filled truck off a cliff and into the ocean.

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I FOUND THIS - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pI-cxETjtwo


How about an HD version people, anyone have HD?

'Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles' gets it into gear


Why the heck did you put that huge quote in here and not just a link?

Yes, it was the best episode yet. Still wasn't that great, but gives some hope to whats coming up.

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I just finished watching this weeks episode and I think it had more action then the others but its still lacking something.

Sure it's not as good as the other great shows, but it doesn't completely suck either, so there is Hope!

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8:00pm Dance War (9.77 million)

9:31pm 20/20 (12.63 million)


8:00pm How I Met Your Mother ® (7.81 million)

8:30pm Welcome to the Captain (8.14 million)

9:00pm Two and a Half Men ® (12.24 million)

9:30pm The New Adventures of Old Christine (9.33 million)

10:00pm CSI: Miami ® (8.77 million)


8:00pm American Gladiators (9.05 million)

9:30pm Deal or No Deal (13.02 million)


8:00pm Prison Break (7.45 million)

9:00pm Terminator (8.85 million)


8:00pm Gossip Girl ® (1.48 million)

9:00pm Girlfriends (1.97 million)

9:30pm The Game (2.11 million)

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8:00pm Dance War (9.77 million)

9:31pm 20/20 (12.63 million)


8:00pm How I Met Your Mother ? (7.81 million)

8:30pm Welcome to the Captain (8.14 million)

9:00pm Two and a Half Men ? (12.24 million)

9:30pm The New Adventures of Old Christine (9.33 million)

10:00pm CSI: Miami ? (8.77 million)


8:00pm American Gladiators (9.05 million)

9:30pm Deal or No Deal (13.02 million)


8:00pm Prison Break (7.45 millio9:00pm Terminator (8.85 million)/b>


8:00pm Gossip Girl ? (1.48 million)

9:00pm Girlfriends (1.97 million)

9:30pm The Game (2.11 million)

I CAN'T stand/Understand why so many people watch those Garbage shows on CBS... like Two and Half men, Old christine, etc. Those shows are CRAP!!CBS is my LEAST favorite station of all! If I am also Nielson participant, CBS is not gonna get much Mercy from me at all!

I am amazed people like CBS so much!

I guess that's what Boring people watches.

But Terminator is better than Prison Break! really Not bad, except defeated by your Boring shows I totally don't care for!

And THAT many people still watch "Deal Or No Deal"?

WOW JUST WOW!!:|; :| at the Average americansDumbest Game show ever!!!

Edited by JediXAngel
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better not bad mouth prison break or csi miami, or i'll...i'll do nothing.

seriously though those other shows are crap. I like this new terminator show though, hot women+explosions = good tv.

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I will never Bad mouth Prison Break or CSI Miami, I realize those shows along with Lost, 24 and others are Quality shows.

I ain't stupid!

BTW, Howie Mandell my favorite Number is 2. make me RICH!!!

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I CAN'T stand/Understand why so many people watch those Garbage shows on CBS... like Two and Half men, Old christine, etc. Those shows are CRAP!!!

CBS is my LEAST favorite station of all! If I am also Nielson participant, CBS is not gonna get much Mercy from me at all!

I am amazed people like CBS so much!

I guess that's what Boring people watches.

But Terminator is better than Prison Break! really Not bad, except defeated by your Boring shows I totally don't care for!

And THAT many people still watch "Deal Or No Deal"?

WOW JUST WOW!!! :| at the Average americans!

Dumbest Game show ever!!!

Free money to average people is something people will watch. And theres nothing wrong with that.

Sarah Connor Chronicles isn't better than Prison Break. The first season of Prison Break was far superior than what we have with SCC. Far, far superior. The first season of PB was a GREAT season. Since then, not so much. But, we haven't even gotten an above average episode of SCC yet, nevermind great.

If there had not been a strike, SCC would be canceled by now.

Oh, and I don't watch Two and a Half Men, but calling it crap is wrong. It is very funny whenever I do watch it, which is usually a syndicated episode. Anything that gets syndication cannot really be considered 'crap', because they had a large enough audience to syndicate it.

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I was very pleased with the Acting in the last one.

They just need to make the plot much clever, interesting and I think we are all set, this is a show that will last 1-2 years at least IMO!

How good can the Action be in later episodes? Obviously, as a TV show it's not going to be like Big, but if you add Suspense/Thrills you don't need so much action in every episode.

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Alright, yes it has been.

Which speaks volumes to how much PB has fallen.

Yeah I stopped watching it now, I stopped at the mid break this season...shame really but I didn't like the story this season.

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pb still rocks in my books, i always look forward to the next thrilling episode! but i agree that season 3 has been a bit slow and theres been the odd plot hole or two, and its not quite the same as breaking out of fox river which was awesome. still, as long as its on air i'll stay tuned....

just wish the stupid strike would end and let the shows return!!!!!!!!

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Thanks for the spam.

Bad episode. First 40 minutes were completely pointless. The last 20 did a lot to set up what was coming, so that was fine. Too much time was wasted on the chess game.

Oh, and obviously the counselor was screwing suicide chick. Now the counselor is going to try and do something to Cameron, and hes gonna get killed, so thats why they will have to leave.

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I've been downloading the eps, considering the first episode only aired in Australia a few days ago. But so far I am somewhat surprised by the quality of the show. And I'll keep watching it for the moment.. oh.. the HD versions are divine too.

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