[Cancelled] Sarah Connor Chronicles (Terminator Series)

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^^ his ass is mine too. I might as well take out brian austin too and free up megan fox. Who wouldn't make a bad terminator either

Go for it, I'd be with you on it, might as well free two hotties while your out killing bf's. :p

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Wowzers. :omg:

She looks amazing in that.

I am ashamed that you didn't post that in the secret boobies thread going on. :shiftyninja:

Well there is one picture I could post there theres some bikini action going on.

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Well there is one picture I could post there theres some bikini action going on.

Its hurts me more than you would say something like that to tease us and not have posted it already. :p

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Do you remember the episode when Cameron told Derek that sometimes the reprogrammed Terminators go bad and that they didn't know why? LOL! WTF would you allow nearly indestructible killing machines to roam freely in your bases with a "glitch" like that? Who in their right mind would be ok with that!? :p

Funny you should say that. Last year, they started deploying "robots" in Iraq. Obviously they don't look like terminators (they look more like Johnny 5 ffs), but they were delayed by about a year because of a problem they had that caused them to go out of control and fire wildly around them.

It gets better - a year later and you know how they've "fixed" them? They added a remote self destruct switch. I **** you not.

So pity the poor little coalition solider walking around beside his mechanical friend, only for it to suddenly go out of control and start firing rounds all over the place. That's not the worst of his problem, because if he doesn't get the **** out of the way soon, it's going to explode!

You couldn't make this stuff up.

Anyway, I gave in and watched the entire season and I have to say, it did indeed get better from the pilot and I quite enjoyed it. Couldn't help but feel annoyed every time something was done on the cheap, but I definitely loved the whole Johnny Cash ending part (that song came into my head the second that guy quoted the text from the bible).

Can't wait for season 2!

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Those who are saying Terminator is nothing without Arnold, think about the actual storyline.

Constantly using Arnold's template for the Series 8xx Terminator's is a big mistake, they would be recognised right away, hence why each Terminator should look different when covered in the living tissue.

Using it a handful of times because of John's emotional attachment as a weakness helps, though.

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It's so-so, mediocre at best, but that's just me. It's not like you have to buy it or invest that much in it. It's only 9 episodes in length.

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Is this show good, I've been reluctant to start watching it because its counterpart; The Bionic women was quiet lacklustre.

Well for a start different network but yeah SCC is much more superior to Bionic Woman.

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Acting = OK-Good sometimes, Not great

Plot = OK, Not great

Action/Suspense = BAD!!! <--- Main problem!!!

Coming from the person who thinks the acting and plot and Smallville are great?

Come on. Both are far superior on SCC when comparing to Smallville. For example. What is the current plot of Smallville?

As far as the 'action/suspense = bad'. This isn't really that type of a show. The action is purposely subdued, I think due to the 'age' of John. You can't really have a teen going around killing people or getting shot at all the time. Its not supposed to be a suspense based show though. Thats why you think its bad. The show is supposed to be different from 24 and Prison Break, something unique.

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It's not the best show, but defiantly worth watching if your in to Terminator, or just to watch something entertaining. Thats what it's all about.

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Take this for what you will he isn't usually wrong tho Dark UFO is reporting this...

My sources at Fox are telling me that The Sarah Connor Chronicles are being renewed for a 2nd season.

Source: SpoilerTV

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  • 1 month later...

Sarah Connor Renewed

We interrupt your regularly-scheduled weekend activities to bring you this urgent public service announcement: She'll be back!

Allthough Fox declined comment, multiple sources confirm to me exclusively that Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles has been renewed for a second season.

You may now resume your regularly-scheduled weekend activities.

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It's definately not the best show, but it does beat Bionic Woman. I do ever so much like Superman, but smallville needs to be re-titled to "sh8tVille" as the plots and scripting amount to a pile of crap.

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It's definately not the best show, but it does beat Bionic Woman. I do ever so much like Superman, but smallville needs to be re-titled to "sh8tVille" as the plots and scripting amount to a pile of crap.

you take that back :p smallville keeps getting better and better!

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I dunno I feel it maybe same time as this year, mid season.

I had a feeling it was going to be mid season again, I want it back asap lol. They better at least give us 20 episodes this season. Last season was a major tease.

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