[Cancelled] Sarah Connor Chronicles (Terminator Series)

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I loved the episode, but there is one thing that I did not get. What happened at the end? Who's writing in blood was that?

Also Camren is starting to become more human like! :D

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Thats bit exaggerated. You should also keep in mind half of S02E01 was filmed last season and the other half this season. It was noticeable but I think they did a good job of splicing the two. Terminator Salvation is shaping up to be quite good.

Yeah I did Exaggerate a bit but I was disappointed after watching the episode.

The Part where the Jeep Does a flip for instance The wheels change the underbelly of the car you can see the device that threw it over then in a closeup it's gone the wine on the windscreen then off the windscreen at random times. Blood changing positions and Much more.... makes it a bit difficult to watch like that.

Maybe I'm just paranoid :D

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seriously??? s9.gif

a car explosion barely damages Cameron's outside...yet her throwing that terminator into those things causes the skin to completely come off...

i mean i know this is just a tv show and all...but wtf?

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I loved the episode, but there is one thing that I did not get. What happened at the end? Who's writing in blood was that?

Also Camren is starting to become more human like! :D

It was the person that came through time I thought?

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Venomous, yea I can see why that would be annoying, I'm a little to fixated on Summer to pay attention to those details, but I hate it when I see that crap in movies.

She was hot last night wasn't she!

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^ Wouldn't be a problem for me, robot or not, if it looks like Summer Glau I'm sold. I'd find a way to put it in her..

I'm talking about data, lots and lots of ..data.

She was hot last night wasn't she!

Absolutely, then again you could cover her in chocolate and she'd still look good, deliciously good.

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ok... I have no idea what I just saw... This episode was like a very cheap episode of some series 2 decades ago.

Seems like they dont like the idea that john being in love with the terminator so they have to find him a girl. And this one likes to eat. A lot. I like that chick, tho. The thing I dont like was how fast she jumps into his very new bed. And how he argue with his mother like he was meeting that girl for like 5 years.

All the terminator related (thing/crap) Im going to try to avoid. At this stage is totally pointless. I has no continuity even with the series.

At the beginning that (evident) stage (that they somehow "take" the idea of Terminator 1) looks like the one that Pink used in the MTV music awards this year. All was so fake. Even the "atomic" plant (that evidently wasnt an atomic plant but a oil prosseing plant with some cgi on the background to make it looks like) and the argument they use about that plant (and in the end with the T1000 doing its trick) was all so laughable and sad. How the terminator chick was "thinking" while she was cleaning the floor, how sarah (a janitor this time) has axx to the main level of that plant (only in Homer Simpson imagination thats possible) and how she talk with the guy in charge and he responce to her.

Damn a lot of stuff that make me laff instead of cry.

Sorry if I sound a lil confusing... But after watching this episode Im confused more than ever.


I really expect a lot of this second ep... The way the ended the series and how beginning the first episode of this season make me hope that. But seems like the series is decided to make the things worse.

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I thought it was one of the best episodes so far. Yeah, so it has a few flaws - but it kept me glued to the screen.

And this one likes to eat. A lot.

Are you saying she's fat? :huh:

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i don't get the blood on the wall thing. where was it and what did it say?

One of the things it was saying was about the power plant the rest I couldn't work out.

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I think it was in the basement below their house. I think the future dude must have hid there waiting for John/Sarah Conner. I'm thinking the guy from the future wrote the messages on the wall of events that they needed to stop in order to prevent the machines from winning. He only had time and breath enough to tell them the most pressing one before he croaked. The rest of the messages will serve as a mission list for as long as they need it to.

If this were Lost; people would have screencaps up by now and be deciphering the messages.

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