[Cancelled] Sarah Connor Chronicles (Terminator Series)

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That was an interesting episode only brightened up by that chick in the dress with her boobs slightly showing :p

Seriously tho I feel this show might be dwindling a bit.

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Riley is hot. I don't think the show is dwindling at all. Remember this season is 22 episodes instead of the previous 9, so they've probably got a lot of 'padding' in there and side-episodes like the previous. Sure, the filler shows - but hey its good filler.

Remember the X-Files? There were about 22-24 episodes to a season and only about 8 of them were part of the whole story arc.

Also, did anyone notice Agent Ellison in Catherine Weavers office...when he sat down he crossed his legs then when the camera went to a different angle they were uncrossed.

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Ignored Much?

I still haven't seen last week's episode yet, but whatever I am watching this new episode, then watch Last week's later.

Interesting thing about Cameron.

What you mean ignored? it seems alot of people have given up on the show which is a shame but it happens, this week should be interesting tho all about Cameron I think.

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I dont know... I just like the episodes where there are no 'technology' or something directly related with terminators. They should point the series to this instead of playing with the terminator thing. A new terminator trying to destroy the humanity or john is too much.

Somehow cameron (I think alison is a better name) reminds me data.

Probably this is the reason why do I keep watching this series.

And this will still till the winner came back, bsg :D

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Sarah Connor Being Axed?

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles has reportedly been blamed by Fox for adversely affecting Prison Break's dwindling US ratings.

"Audiences just aren't responding to the show," a Fox source told website SyFy Portal about Sarah Connor, which is screened at 8pm on Monday nights as a lead-in to the jailbreak drama. "Our biggest surprise is the 18-to-49s [demographic] - those numbers are in the toilet."

The insider added that Fox is likely to axe the Terminator spinoff during its current second season and attempt to salvage Prison Break in another timeslot.

"All I can say is that production will likely stop, and I would think that Fox might try to air some of the episodes already in the can," the source stated. "But I don't know. They don't want to lose Prison Break, so there could be some schedule shuffling in the future."

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Hope so, im enjoying S4 of Prison Break a lot more than TSCC, TSCC had loads of promise and it has a great premise but its a load of tosh.

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are they insane ? Prison Break got s*ittier with each season(after great season1) should've ended in 2nd season but they just wanna milk the cow dry...

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Hope so, im enjoying S4 of Prison Break a lot more than TSCC, TSCC had loads of promise and it has a great premise but its a load of tosh.

Prison Break is its worlds worst enemy with its crappy stories now but sadly alot of people have jumped ship from SCC as well so both shows have bad points.

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If I had to choose between the two, I would definitely pick PB. The Terminator universe works in movies, not in TV shows. It would be no different than taking your favorite comic book character and making a TV show out of it... it just wouldn't be to its benefit. Well, maybe X-Men since that has such a huge variety of characters compared to the rest of the comic universe, but multiple seasons of, say, Batman? I don't think it could pull off the same quality production that the last two have produced. Instead you would probably see Joel Schumacher crap week in and out, but probably even worse. Still, this show is scraping for ideas to keep it going. A terminator losing its memory and staying at a halfway house? <insert fail pic>

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If I had to choose between the two, I would definitely pick PB. The Terminator universe works in movies, not in TV shows. It would be no different than taking your favorite comic book character and making a TV show out of it... it just wouldn't be to its benefit. Well, maybe X-Men since that has such a huge variety of characters compared to the rest of the comic universe, but multiple seasons of, say, Batman? I don't think it could pull off the same quality production that the last two have produced. Instead you would probably see Joel Schumacher crap week in and out, but probably even worse. Still, this show is scraping for ideas to keep it going. A terminator losing its memory and staying at a halfway house? <insert fail pic>

Thought you stopped watching ;)

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are they insane ? Prison Break got s*ittier with each season(after great season1) should've ended in 2nd season but they just wanna milk the cow dry...

Season 2 and 3 were pretty bad but nothing compared to TSCC badness,

Have you tried watching Season 4 of PB, imho is as good as S1.

You cant blame TV Stations for wanting to milk the story dry, just look at Stargate SG-1 10 seasons or X-Files 9 Seasons, just because you dont like the show doesnt mean they should stop making it.

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This show would work if there were terminator battles and more of the post judgment day war, I'm sick of the soft brunette Sarah Conner reincarnation and desire more of the cinema, hardcore bitch blonde Sarah. This show needs to be less character driven and more action and sci-fi.

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They are both garbage shows.

Was I the only one that noticed on the last Terminator episode that aired, when he picked up the cellphone when his mom called, NEITHER of them said the date or time? That contradicts everything they've done in previous episodes this season...

I tried watching an episode of Jail Break, it seemed like a very bad version of 24 or The Shield something along those lines...

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Was I the only one that noticed on the last Terminator episode that aired, when he picked up the cellphone when his mom called, NEITHER of them said the date or time? That contradicts everything they've done in previous episodes this season...

I guess they dropped that code sequence since Cromartie figured out in the episode before last.

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I guess they dropped that code sequence since Cromartie figured out in the episode before last.

Would of been nice if they explained that, because I don't recall getting the memo for that. Lol.

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Would of been nice if they explained that, because I don't recall getting the memo for that. Lol.

He taps a cell phone tower in a remote location, lures Sarah Conner to that location, she makes a call to John and he monitored it. He called John back using Sarah's voice and their code to tell John to meet him at the pier. Ring any bells? :)

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