[Cancelled] Sarah Connor Chronicles (Terminator Series)

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I understand Ratings, BUT as I just said, when both are in the SAME Genre, I'd say it kinda DO say how good it is compared to each other.

Genre being different, like a Sci-Fi Vs Comedy, you can't measure fairly, but our Heroes and Terminator BOTH are in the Sci-Fi/Action genre.

And, oh, just so you really DO NOT know me, but you always pretend that you know me, Smallville is NOT my favorite show! :rolleyes:

Oh trust me, I don't want to 'know' you.

But I do know how you look on these forums.

And thats how you are judged on these forums, but the way you present yourself here. You don't seem to understand that. You might think you are something else, but on here, you look like a complete dope who only watches shows for the T&A and flips out when someone doesn't agree with you.

I know your response is going to be 'don't judge me, you don't know me' - so save it. You've said it 32483285 times before. Change your posting style and maybe people won't think you are such an idiot.

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you look like a complete dope who only watches shows for the T&A and flips out when someone doesn't agree with you.

So Ironic, since most people are Like "Cameron is HOT!!!!" in THIS thread too! In fact, that's pretty much ALL I hear that people say this show is great about now!

And, DON'T you say I flip out everytime someone don't agree with me, cuz you Certainly do that too! Everytime I post a damn opinion, you HAVE to Disagree, too!

Kettle calling the pot black...

and maybe people won't think you are such an idiot.

How Civil! :/

But Argh, I am NOT going to argue with you or Flame you! That's NOT my style!

I AM MORE mature than that!!!

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the fact that you feel it necessary to come into this thread and flame bait TWICE so that this thread goes the same way as the heroes thread just shows that you're insecure about something. i feel bad for you.

people simply have higher expectations of heroes. it's supposed to be a big show, with a big budget like lost. the first season was imo of cinematic quality just has much of lost. however, it lost it's way and as such is no longer what people expect.

terminator:scc on the other hand is a relatively cheaply produced almost tongue in cheek show. it's just a bit of fun far from the serious nature of heroes or lost.

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So Ironic, since most people are Like "Cameron is HOT!!!!" in THIS thread too! In fact, that's pretty much ALL I hear that people say this show is great about now!

she is not a reason i watch it. if i would watch it for woman it would be leana headey :p

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Maybe I should start typing like JediX

THEN maybe HE will SEE how RIDICULOUS it is typing LIKE THIS with CAPITALS thinking that it makes his POINT STRONGER and MORE VALID than OTHERS


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Maybe I should start typing like JediX

THEN maybe HE will SEE how RIDICULOUS it is typing LIKE THIS with CAPITALS thinking that it makes his POINT STRONGER and MORE VALID than OTHERS


Don't say anything to him. Don't you know he is automatically right with anything he says, and anyone with a differing opinion shouldn't complain unless they write their own shows?

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Don't say anything to him. Don't you know he is automatically right with anything he says, and anyone with a differing opinion shouldn't complain unless they write their own shows?


Comon, I have NEVER claimed to be always right. I am never that arrogant, WTF?

You should know that "they write their own shows" thing is a response to the "I (or anyone) can write better" NOT just a differing opinion! But, an arrogant/unproven statement like just gets to me, that's all. Wasn't about differing opinion!!! It's about an arrogant statement that just have no proof! It's about proof not opinion. I don't know why that was hard to understand?

Again, I would never say I can write better, unless I can prove to it! I disagree about the Quality of this show right now, BUT I have NOT said anything like that!

Edited by JediXAngel
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Comon, I have NEVER claimed to be always right. I am never that arrogant, WTF?

You should know that "they write their own shows" thing is a response to the "I (or anyone) can write better" NOT just a differing opinion! But, an arrogant/unproven statement like just gets to me, that's all. Wasn't about differing opinion!!! It's about an arrogant statement that just have no proof! It's about proof not opinion. I don't know why that was hard to understand?

Again, I would never say I can write better, unless I can prove to it! I disagree about the Quality of this show right now, BUT I have NOT said anything like that!

No, but you are very quick to judge others.

Also..this thread has gotten very derailed..

Back on topic, I'm wondering if the 3 dots has any significance, or if she's just going loony?

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No, but you are very quick to judge others.

Also..this thread has gotten very derailed..

Back on topic, I'm wondering if the 3 dots has any significance, or if she's just going loony?

I think she is just a bit stressed and thought omg 3 dots its a sign, I always thought it was her hand print that made those marks and it probably was.

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Yeah..it'll probably go like this, it'll get to the point where everyone thinks she's lost it over the 3 dots, then just as that happens the answer will show up. We'll see eventually.

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Don't say anything to him. Don't you know he is automatically right with anything he says, and anyone with a differing opinion shouldn't complain unless they write their own shows?

Idiots like Jedixangel are a big reason why I stopped visiting and posting here at Neonwin, it's been almost a year since my last post.

I was hoping that Jedixangel had moved on to another site to annoy it's users, but sadly he's still here being the same dumbass he's always been.

Anyone remember the photoshop he did of himself as Anakin Skywalker? He must be 14 years old. Or at least I hope he is, if he's any older he needs to realize he types like a moron.

Oh well, see you next year.

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I think she is just a bit stressed and thought omg 3 dots its a sign, I always thought it was her hand print that made those marks and it probably was.

They're definitely going to think that Sarah has gone crazy because of all the stress that they go through daily. But it will most likely prove to be something in the end.

I'm interested to see where the new Ai in Cromarties body will go.

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^ I'd like to say it was the first "skynet terminator" but his model seems to advanced for that to be the case. The dots will be something significant, I think something to do with the Turk, or John Henry now.

Also one part that gets to me is when Derek says imagine John if he spends the next 20 years with Cameron. While I agree something like that would severely alter the timeline but whose to say thats not how it went down in the first place. Obviously Johns entire existence is based on a Terminator going back in time. Who's to say his leadership isn't because he had a Terminator on his side? Besides Christian Bale of course.

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I've not seen the most recent ep yet, but I liked seeing the computer wired into Cromartie. I like how whatever happens, be it in the films or this series - skynet is innevitable.

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I've not seen the most recent ep yet, but I liked seeing the computer wired into Cromartie. I like how whatever happens, be it in the films or this series - skynet is innevitable.

The premise they work off of by jumping back in time is the butterfly effect (BE), which is counter to technological advancement (TA). This diachotomy lends to the drama we see on the screen. Effectively there is no stopping TA only a mere slowing down of the progression due to BE. Although, skynet appears to be using this as well. The one possibility of using BE to affect TA to avoid skynet being constructed is awareness thru education. Then there is the human element affecting that. Just because we as humans know we shouldn't do something doesnt' stop us from doing. Take drinking and driving or smoking weed as an example. Education and law enforcement only deminish the potential, but does not stop it from occuring. I know that TA compared to ETOH (abuse) or THC use are not in the same catagory, but the human element was my point. If you choose to argue that there is nothing wrong with THC use, then you just provided evidence for my argument.

What kind of hardware is the turk running? Intel Core i7?
Pentium IV most likely. :)
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^It would be impossible for the Turk to learn or make independent choices if it's running on a Von Neumann architecture then?


Does this mean that Skynet isn't sentient, but human controlled then?

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I just saw it as I couldn't watch it yesterday and I though it was a GREAT episode that brought out Summer's acting! :D She was great and spectacular in the way she worked with the guy.

John needs to get his head in the game, he is fing up.

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