[Cancelled] Sarah Connor Chronicles (Terminator Series)

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Glad it wasn't just me then :) Oh I can't wait to see how annoying Cromartie is gonna get :p

I am loving his new attitude, playing with bionics :p

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I thought she was gonna come out the urinal again thinking she has a fetish :p

I think the writers meant for us to think that with all those shots of the urinal, I kept telling myself "here comes the urinal-killer-bot!" :p

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Amen to that, she didn't even have a sentence of dialog until 21 minutes in. I didn't like that episode very much. The guy who plays Kyle Reese is awful. I didn't mind it in the little flashback when Derek was introduced but a whole episode, no thank you. Why is it that Kyle appears younger whereas Sarah is older. Why would she hallucinate a younger Kyle when she's only ever seen the older one? bull**** thats how. Should have hired an older actor. Plus it has nothing to do with John or Cameron, 3 scenes, are you ok? you have to live with it. No we don't need to find her. Weak sauce...

However I really did enjoy the scenes with John Henry though. Not sure what it had to do with Weaver going on a killing rampage though, not to mention how did she find the warehouse..

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She wasted the people because they had used an unsecured communication. Therefore they are a risk. She didn't have to "find" the warehouse cos it was her companies anyway.

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Not sure of what to think of tonights episode. It answered a lot of questions, but was pretty dull. I'm craving for some more Terminator on Terminator action! Bring on the chase scenes like in the first series and at the beginning of the 2nd.

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damn, no wonder the ratings went down. I didn't get to watch it cuz i didn't even know it was back on. WTF! C'mon Fox, you gotta advertise this show during 24 and House and stuff like that to let people know it's moved! I'm downloading the last 2 episodes now, damnit!

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The first two episodes since it started back have been bland and slow, and I cringe at emo Sarah a lot more than usual of late, can they just take the show back to the action? Too much to ask.

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I've been watching this show since ep 1, but the show is going down hill, it's as if the production and writing team have been split up and working with different pieces of the show and just sloppingly (yes, not a word) joining them together.

I think the worst part and the most obvious is that Sarah didn't even have a limp, I mean come on, she was shot just 3 days ago, near death, was just operated on, was having hallucinations, bleeding all over the place and yet, 3 days later she is perfectly fine...how she managed to get into that window is beyond me.

The only part that interested me was the last 1minute of the show, and they still got that part wrong, the craft that was in the episode where Sarah was shot was a rust colored, early prototype looking craft, but this one looked like a futuristic metallic smooth looking craft.

I know that I'm picking pieces out, but these were too damn obvious.

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I gotta say I've been really disliking these last few episodes. Where's all this action they promised. As much as I like the show they seem to be really raping the Terminator story. A remote controlled drone? or AI controlled that likes chilling in trailers? Ah well, maybe I'm just bitter because they've been shafting Summer all season. Giving her a few lines/screen time each episode.

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Haha, the half-second scene where Cameron walks in front of John with not alot on served absolutely no purpose whatsoever in anything except male viewing pleasure. Animated gif time Rappy? This one deserves it.

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