[Cancelled] Sarah Connor Chronicles (Terminator Series)

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Haha, the half-second scene where Cameron walks in front of John with not alot on served absolutely no purpose whatsoever in anything except male viewing pleasure. Animated gif time Rappy? This one deserves it.

Yeah it saved the episode im:p:p

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This show is becoming really really bad. The plot of this weeks show was so pointless. I liked the fast pace of season 1 more and the move to a full length season has really ruined this show.

I fully expect this to be cancelled.

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Alright, I just finished watching the latest episode on Hulu and wtf happened? So the sleep clinic was a dream?

Yeah most of the dream we were led to believe that the bloke in the van was the dream.

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So Sara did not kill him in the warehouse?

That's what I assume...not sure really I really wasn't caring that much :(

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So Sara did not kill him in the warehouse?

She killed him, everything in the warehouse was the real deal.

The entire Sleeping Clinic part was drug-induced dreaming, similar to what Phenobarbital is (The Chemical that is/was used by intelligence services to extract information and the truth from people), he was injecting her to find out what she knew; who her organization is, anyone else who had a part in it, her son etc).

The sleep clinic was just of her already broken mind from the events of the past years being mashed up and relived; ever had a really stressful period in your life and your dreams keep getting twisted and jumping to one scene to another and etc?

You never got to find out whether he was dead or not in the other episode (Since Sarah was shot in the leg and didn't have a limp 3 days after, why would he have any damage to where he was shot?), it just slipped to her dragging her butt on the ground to outside and seeing the prototype ship...then yeah.

The episode was really twisted and pretty horribly bad.

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Someone asked for a Gif :p


Bonus Collage!


So question is whether this was in Sarah's dream or was it for real? I mean is she having a major concern that her son is hitting it with the bot or is he actually hitting the bot? :)

I'd hit it (Y)

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It was a dream :(

He was talking to Sarah while she was in the "Sleep Clinic".

That's what I meant about a twisted Episode...even this scene...maybe the next Episode explains a little more, hope to all that is holy it does.


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Weird episode or not. I was happy to see my summer in her bra and panties mmmm. Home alone with her, I could think of worse ways to spend the day ;)

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weird episode, too much mind games and few action, to mee it seems like the show was trying to be another battlestar galactica with all the drama, but the difference is that they really handle it well, when this show dont.

Anyway, at least Cameron in undies was worth it :p Cant wait to see the BBT chapter with Summer :)

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If it weren't for the under wear peek, that episode would not be worth watching. IMO. I say more bra and panties every episode!!!

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Someone asked for a Gif :p

Bonus Collage!

You Sir, are my personal hero! :D

My 2 cents: The last episode was pretty lame.

In fact, many episodes from season 2 where.

I really hope the story gets better soon, otherwise I see no future for this show.

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Well people may not be watching it on TV, but I know a lot of people watching it online after it is aired.

Thats a real problem with shows these days. I'm no better, I watch most shows online. I record it so they get my ratings at least, but that doesn't help since I'm canadian, apparently we don't count to the networks. I believe more people watch these shows online then they do on tv, legal or not. Thats why its important to get them in stores like iTunes and/or services like Hulu so they can make something off it. I don't mind paying a couple bucks for an episode if it means they won't cancel it because of poor ratings. Hopefully they will take the internet a little more seriously before they start scrapping good shows. Although Terminator isn't the best example. I'd like a 3rd season if they reduced the number of episodes. Another this long will just be terrible.

Releasing seasons on disc sooner also helps, look at Firefly, they cancelled it, then released the dvds which sold tons. Season 2 would have surely gotten much higher ratings. They really need to start releasing the finished season on dvd/bluray while they recoup for the next season. I getting pretty off topic but I guess the point is the method of calculating ratings is so crappy these days. Especially when you need a certain box to be counted.

And for those who don't want to read all that, just stare at this ;)


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