[Cancelled] Sarah Connor Chronicles (Terminator Series)

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Also, another thing struck me.

When Sarah asked Cameron why she thought John sent her back from the future, and seeing how the sub crewmen were calling her "that little metal bitch who follows Connor around" I thought...

What if John Connor had sent her to the past not just to protect younger John, but to protect Cameron from the increasingly hostile humans who wanted to put her out of commission for getting too involved in the resistance?

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What if John Connor had sent her to the past not just to protect younger John, but to protect Cameron from the increasingly hostile humans who wanted to put her out of commission for getting too involved in the resistance?

I'm thinking the same, everybody else probably is too.

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I'm thinking the same, everybody else probably is too.

It could even be as extreme as Connor dying at the hands of his men, who mutiny since he "trusts metal" and Cameron sends herself back to ensure that he lives with her in his past than die with her in the future.

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I like the idea that Connor may actually be dead. But his idea lives on - he is a rallying cry for the resistance to fall behind. And a future Cameron (as his trusted aide) continues the idea that he is alive.

I mean, he supposedly is a recluse, nobody sees him, orders are relayed via Cameron, talking to Cameron is the "same as" talking to Connor...

Ends up, a Terminator is actually leading the resistance... "Who's running this war"?

Heck that T1000 in cold storage could have been a replacement for John.

Meh - just a daft idea.

Also, as soon as I saw that crate, I knew it would be a T1000. It was clearly sealed and cold, and so deep for a reason. As soon as they were opening it, I was like "Oh this will work well..."

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Those are some nice ideas Anarcho. Problem with him being dead is the other guys say, that little metal bitch following him around, which would mean that he's been seen with her, and not in seclusion. Also they wouldn't be saying it in the first place had he not sent her back to live with him. That no doubt caused the chain reaction that led to her following him around constantly in the future.

I do like the idea of good Terminators based off the morality of John Henry, but I'm not convinced Weaver is good. For starters she killed that guy for disagreeing with her. If you remember Season 1, the another Terminator was sent back to obtain coltan and keep in safe because after judgement day it was extremely hard to come by. She's doing what he couldn't do. She seems to have no morals herself, saying "humans will disappoint you" indicating that their lives are expendable. While at the same time, when John was talking to Jesse, he was saying how machines are expendable. Besides if we remember where it all came from, John Henry is the birth of Skynet. All other leads have led back to him. So she's not so much creating a new good Terminator, she's creating the model of them all. That being said, I believe he's the model the others are based off of. We know they all contain a "learning" mode, maybe this is how it came to be. It's quite obvious he's very eager to learn while caring for human life and not at the same time.

My only concerns with John being dead is how it came to be. I don't believe Cameron would kill him, nor would a mutiny on such a target be able to say secret. But on the same note, it'd be impossible for him to send orders directly to other Terminators without it coming from one in the first place. Whether it's from him to her or from her to them, it's pretty easy to go both ways.

Regardless, it's nice that the writers have able to generate a nice discussion out of what might be. Let's hope they follow through with something good.

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Those are some nice ideas Anarcho. Problem with him being dead is the other guys say, that little metal bitch following him around, which would mean that he's been seen with her, and not in seclusion. Also they wouldn't be saying it in the first place had he not sent her back to live with him. That no doubt caused the chain reaction that led to her following him around constantly in the future.

I do like the idea of good Terminators based off the morality of John Henry, but I'm not convinced Weaver is good. For starters she killed that guy for disagreeing with her. If you remember Season 1, the another Terminator was sent back to obtain coltan and keep in safe because after judgement day it was extremely hard to come by. She's doing what he couldn't do. She seems to have no morals herself, saying "humans will disappoint you" indicating that their lives are expendable. While at the same time, when John was talking to Jesse, he was saying how machines are expendable. Besides if we remember where it all came from, John Henry is the birth of Skynet. All other leads have led back to him. So she's not so much creating a new good Terminator, she's creating the model of them all. That being said, I believe he's the model the others are based off of. We know they all contain a "learning" mode, maybe this is how it came to be. It's quite obvious he's very eager to learn while caring for human life and not at the same time.

My only concerns with John being dead is how it came to be. I don't believe Cameron would kill him, nor would a mutiny on such a target be able to say secret. But on the same note, it'd be impossible for him to send orders directly to other Terminators without it coming from one in the first place. Whether it's from him to her or from her to them, it's pretty easy to go both ways.

Regardless, it's nice that the writers have able to generate a nice discussion out of what might be. Let's hope they follow through with something good.

Yeah they are doing something right at least! :)

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Those are some nice ideas Anarcho. Problem with him being dead is the other guys say, that little metal bitch following him around, which would mean that he's been seen with her, and not in seclusion. Also they wouldn't be saying it in the first place had he not sent her back to live with him. That no doubt caused the chain reaction that led to her following him around constantly in the future.

I do like the idea of good Terminators based off the morality of John Henry, but I'm not convinced Weaver is good. For starters she killed that guy for disagreeing with her. If you remember Season 1, the another Terminator was sent back to obtain coltan and keep in safe because after judgement day it was extremely hard to come by. She's doing what he couldn't do. She seems to have no morals herself, saying "humans will disappoint you" indicating that their lives are expendable. While at the same time, when John was talking to Jesse, he was saying how machines are expendable. Besides if we remember where it all came from, John Henry is the birth of Skynet. All other leads have led back to him. So she's not so much creating a new good Terminator, she's creating the model of them all. That being said, I believe he's the model the others are based off of. We know they all contain a "learning" mode, maybe this is how it came to be. It's quite obvious he's very eager to learn while caring for human life and not at the same time.

My only concerns with John being dead is how it came to be. I don't believe Cameron would kill him, nor would a mutiny on such a target be able to say secret. But on the same note, it'd be impossible for him to send orders directly to other Terminators without it coming from one in the first place. Whether it's from him to her or from her to them, it's pretty easy to go both ways.

Regardless, it's nice that the writers have able to generate a nice discussion out of what might be. Let's hope they follow through with something good.

With John's death, if they go by the movies at all--in T3 The Terminator says that he kills him in the future, and his model was chosen due to the attachment he had to it when he was a boy and eased his infiltration. He also said later that John's children would become important.

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With John's death, if they go by the movies at all--in T3 The Terminator says that he kills him in the future, and his model was chosen due to the attachment he had to it when he was a boy and eased his infiltration. He also said later that John's children would become important.

in this timeline T3 didnt happen at all, it follows Cameron's movies :)

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in this timeline T3 didnt happen at all, it follows Cameron's movies :)

Ah I remember that when the show launched they said they were going to explain the years in between T2 and T3 with this show. Which is why Sarah is still alive and they're talking about how John has to be isolated to remain free from threat, which would explain how he was all alone in the beginning of T3. It's kind of weird if they ignore the correlation.

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Yea I forgot that T3 technically hasn't happened yet or won't at all now that they've changed things so much. But they do take bits and pieces from it, Sarah dying from cancer is the first that comes to mind. I'd be a little annoyed if they went the route of him being dead. Most likely would mean they'd have to kill off Cameron which is unacceptable!

noooo cameron :(

Tho she could own Derek!

Yea I know lol, he best not hurt my summer. Might have to take him out and snag that Megan Fox while I'm at it :D

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The John Henry bits were awesome! As was the guys in vans. How did that bloke have a 3D pic of the terminator on his phone thing? Also, can Camerons Terminator model possibly be identified though that?

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The John Henry bits were awesome! As was the guys in vans. How did that bloke have a 3D pic of the terminator on his phone thing? Also, can Camerons Terminator model possibly be identified though that?

Seems like the guy got the schematic from his boss on the phone, who identified his source as his "brother." This probably means they work for the other AI that infiltrated John Henry and downloaded his schematic.

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OMG! GREATEST episode ever! :D The Van was legendary and John Henry hacked! :D

I think that the brother might be Cromartie. Maybe he inserted himself into the web before he was killed, so if something happened he could do this.

Edited by Tech Star
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They really weren't lying when they said the last batch of episodes were amazing!

This better save the series!

I really hope that they do! If they can keep all of this excitement alive in 12-15 episodes next season, then why not bring then back?

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That animation one, where is that from?

The episode where Sarah gets taken to a sleeping disorder clinic. It's also the same episode where this happened...


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