[Cancelled] Sarah Connor Chronicles (Terminator Series)

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Yeah Jack Bauer will cut a bitch before that happens! :p

Yea even though she's incredibly hot I don't think it can compete with 24. I quite like that show. Maybe they'll return it to Monday next season with Dollhouse. Not sure when 24 normally starts it's season. If Dollhouse gets renewed I see Terminator getting renewed again. Those 2 fit well together. I don't see any of their shows going well with it. Please not Prison Break :x

No, its a mole. Doesn't matter though. She's still a beauty.

Let's just settle with it being her beauty mark ;)

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And yea Tech Star, on her left eyebrow. You can kinda see it in that gif.

Yeah that's the one that I was talking about. :p

Actually I was talking about next season, if it returns, it can be on Monday nights at 9:00. Then when 24 comes back in January, it can be moved to Thursdays or Wednesdays.

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A couple of days late, but I have caught up now.

Like others I have assumed that the t-1000 on the sub is weaver in the future, well, weaver before she comes back.

And that John Henry isn't sky net, but I joked about that a good while ago, but with the way he has been created, along with the fact that someone is trying to destroy him, and the bad guys are talking to their phones which one would assume is some sort of AI, the only conclusion I can come to is that it is some sort of good Skynet thing going on that doesn't want any other contenders.

Though knowing how story lines go these days, team conner will undoubtedly believe that John henry and Weaver are creating Skynet, go to kill him, something will happen that end sup killing John henry or gets taken over by this other AI and then that becomes Skynet.

Though these are just theories and I have no doubt I will be wrong.

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^ Wouldn't surprise me that they end up taking out the only chance they had at a good future. Like they say in the movies Judgement Day is inevitable. Everything they do just delays or changes how it comes to be, but at the end of the day it's still going to happen one way or another.

Btw, thanks for that interview clip, never saw it before.

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I think I may have missed an episode or two but who wrote the 3 dot in Sarah's garage wall?

This guy from the future came and wrote it down.

I think that it might come true that they might take down Weaver.

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Question: There's a rumor that Warner Bros. tore down all the Sarah Connor Chronicles sets, which typically means a cancellation announcement is coming. What are you hearing? --Val

Ausiello: The SCC sets have not been struck, a Warner Bros. insider maintains. They've simply been "shuffled around." (Hopefully not from the soundstage to the landfill).

There's Hope!...Somewhere!

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Question: There's a rumor that Warner Bros. tore down all the Sarah Connor Chronicles sets, which typically means a cancellation announcement is coming. What are you hearing? --Val

Ausiello: The SCC sets have not been struck, a Warner Bros. insider maintains. They've simply been "shuffled around." (Hopefully not from the soundstage to the landfill).

There's Hope!...Somewhere!

w00t! :D They better bring back this show. :D

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Yeah even if its for a shorter season!

A shorter season would be an absolute must. They tried to drag it out for a long season this time, and it didn't go over so well.

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But whats wrong with it? Why do they hate it so much? It's a great show but i can't rate it 10.0 however, there are worst shows out there! Terminator needs to fart out these jerks :@

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Because these shows usually cost a lot of money to produce. If Fox isn't getting the massive ratings it wants it will just cut it's losses. I think DVD/BluRay sales are what really matters but that's just me. I hope it comes back but I'm not sure if Fox will agree to a shorter Season. They'd have to approve another show to fill the gap.

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But whats wrong with it? Why do they hate it so much? It's a great show but i can't rate it 10.0 however, there are worst shows out there! Terminator needs to fart out these jerks :@

Yeah I love it but sadly the first part of this second half season was emo sarah and that turned people off :(

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Yeah I love it but sadly the first part of this second half season was emo sarah and that turned people off :(

Well yeah it did happen but it's a part of how they could have done things i don't see any better way of doing that part i mean otherwise they'd be like guessing how to stop skynet and i think your talking about the wall and the bloody stuff.. Yeah well we can't expect Sarah to jump out of bed half naked "I SAW THE FUTURE! WE KILL THAT MAN" no.. xD

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haha no I wasn't on about that episode I was on about the mental home episode and the one where she was in the truck held hostage.

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